Nonsensibles Podcast


Chirag, Aditya Bhat, Aditya Shetty
Three friends from Mumbai, now residing in different parts of the world, decide to re-live their stories and experiences, because living through them once was not embarrassing enough! Bhat (Aditya) is cautiously open to bringing it all out in the open. Shetty (Aditya) reluctantly agrees, knowing there is too much hidden in that closet. Chirag thinks he finally has found that chance to change the endings of these stories in his favor. Our goal is simple - rekindle some stories that would resonate with anyone who has ever had friends. We don't have any agenda or hopes of fame. We will be as candid as possible without hopefully getting defamed. We truly hope you enjoy listening to our conversations as much as we have enjoyed each other's company. Some disclaimers cause it's the norm of the world we live in - If your name comes up knowingly or unknowingly, please keep in mind we don't intend to hurt or demean anyone through this platform. We cherish and respect the relationship/rapport we have had with everyone. We have opinions just like you, but have no political and non-political affiliations. We will gladly accept any money or sponsorship you may want to give us - cause we believe money buys things that bring happiness. Feedback welcome. If you have read through all of this, we have one question for you - Why? Happy Listening!
This podcast is no longer available.