Next Level Life
Next Level Life
Preston Pugmire
via Podcasts
Preston, thank you for all of your input! I love it, it’s informative and exciting. I also really love your sponsor announcements, pure gold!
Awesome podcast!
Preston, host of the Next Level Life podcast, highlights all aspects of health, wellness and more in this can’t miss podcast! The host and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
Best. Podcast. Ever.
Preston! Love the podcast! I was seriously concerned when a new episode didn’t drop for over a year. In that time, I’ve taken a few steps toward a project I’d like to create, and then you come back from nowhere with this anxiety podcast that was spot on! Thanks for coming back and continuing to throw out doses of current courage. Seriously good stuff! Can’t get enough!
Adam Hassell
Next Level Breakthroughs
Preston has a way of delivering steps to teach you tangible things that lead to more money in your bank & more peace in your heart. His teachings have helped me level up & transform into the person that I was created to be. Keep up the good work, PP!
Awesome inspiring podcast
I am loving this podcast! Host Preston Pugmire packs every episode with tons of amazing content, guests, and interviews that will motivate, uplift and inspire you. I highly recommend!
Stacey Shapiro
Amazing podcast!
Such a great podcast!! I enjoy listening to Preston on my hour commute home from work. He has such great perspectives that have helped open my eyes!!
Window cleaner
Preston is my window cleaner for my brain. Washing away all junk that I let consume me and help me see from a clearer perspective!
Life Reboot
This early summer (2019) I literally changed every single thing about my life, ALL AT ONCE. I moved to a different state, got a new job, became a full time single mother, and my long time partner moved in with us. It was exciting at first but suddenly I felt ungrounded, unsettled and mentally unstable. A friend turned me onto this Podcast and Preston has ultimately guided me to taking action, turning this mess into a goldmine. I now wake up and feel gratitude for all the little things that I once overlooked. I am not an entrepreneur. With that said, Preston's principles can be applied in almost all life situations. I couldn't be more thankful for the reboot. I feel empowered to really look at what I want in life and take control and manifest it into reality. THANK YOU PRESTON!!!
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Where do I start? Preston, his positivety, passion, & knowledge has changed my life in ways he will probably never know! So thank you for that! I caught myself this week doing something that was actually becoming a pattern & was really affecting my metal state! Because I run my business mainly on my phone, it is constantly on low power mode or the dies!!!! So the second I get into the car I plug it in! That shuts off the radio, & starts playing the first song on my phone, which happens to be the most annoying one! Within seconds of being in the car, each time, I am grouchy & irritated! So instead, I play his podcast & then plug it in! You can’t be a grump listening to Preston! He is so positive, yet REAL! Thank you for always sharing your knowledge! I love hearing your breakthroughs & learning from your experiences on this journey! Thanks for inviting me! Xoxo
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Preston’s Prism
I just finished up Preston’s episode on building momentum that he recorded from FL. He always frames intense, thought-provoking content in a non-threatening way that makes you feel like you can relate and he exudes confidence that is contagious. Today he was vulnerable in stating a fear that resonated with me about being afraid of big goals, something that I seriously struggle with. Thank you for holding your prism up to the sun and allowing me to see my situation in a different light. Thank you for a mini breakthrough.
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The Angela Joy
Life Changing Mindset!!
Preston has unique way to get you moving and working on what you need to be doing to move you to the next level through his coaching, podcasts and live events.
Life Changing
Thank you Preston, I look forward each week to learn and take notes as I listen to each episode. One thing I will say is how true it is to actually join your groups of training you have through out the year and take THAT ACTION step in the direction of growth. You are so giving with so much free information, but like you say people that PAY, PAY ATTENTION!!! 🔥🔥this couldn’t be more true. Thank thank!! Also I would LOVE a 10 minute clip after you first episode to give me that extra push.
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Ruthann Nielson
INCREDIBLE - keeps me thinkin
I love this Podcast. Preston is the real deal, authentic & insightful. He's got great interviews too!
Inspiring and Motivates me to Action!
Any time I need an instant boost of motivation, I turn to Next Level Life and listen or re-listen to an episode. Preston and his guests help me get my mindset right and encourage me to step up my game to the next level in all areas of my life! This is one of my go to podcasts so if you haven’t listened you are missing out! I’ve also done group coaching and one of Preston’s courses and it will change you in all areas of your life! Don’t miss out!
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Melissa CB (GA)
Awesome Podcast!!
Preston, host of the Next Level Life podcast, aims to motivate & inspire high achievers in this can’t miss podcast! The host and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
Brooke Craven
So so good!
Preston’s podcast never fails to brighten my day and leave me feeling motivated and empowered. I can’t even describe how much I love this podcast! The topics that Preston tackles are so relatable, and the wisdom he puts forth leaves me amazed that I can access this for free. I always recommend this podcast to everyone I know whenever I get the chance. Thank you; thank you, Preston!
Real Dr. Taco
I found this podcast this week after Preston came and spoke to a training class I attended in Arizona. Literally the most life-changing training I’ve ever been to. Way more than good for my business, the things I took away will help my personal relationships as well. Now I’m sharing the podcast with everyone I know. Really good stuff! Erin Akey
Erin Akey
How to design an easy life
I found out about Preston through Bob Heilig’s Your Virtual Upline podcast. As soon as I started listening I knew immediately I had found a hidden treasure vault of value. His easy going voice leads you into understanding his material with great ease. So much so, he’s now on my bucket list for private coaching. Thanks for reminding me that I have everything necessary in this moment to achieve a life filled with Peace and Abundance. Now all I have to do is just go for it.
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Marion Beyl ❤️
Thank you Preston 💚
I’ve been listening to you for almost a year now but something about this episode just got me. Thank you for being you💚
I just listened to episode 55, and my biggest take away - and what I think is the coolest part about casually checking out what Preston has been up to lately - is that even if we aren’t to our goal yet...if our health/weight/relationships/career/business/etc aren’t where we want or dream they will be...we don’t have to wait until we achieve that goal to feel peace and happiness. These feelings are actually *choices* we can choose to tap in to NOW while we are working toward those goals!!!! 😮🤯😍 I needed that message, and I’m so thankful I listened today!! I’ll defiantly be catching up on previous podcasts I’ve missed...and looking forward to the 10 episodes that have yet to be released!! 😉
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Have a bad day? Listen to this podcast!
Preston has an energy that gives ME energy. I like listening to him on Mondays when I can feel a bit overwhelmed. He has such a zest for life. It’s contagious! I’m not over exaggerating when I say this podcast is changing my life for the better.
Preston’s is THE MAN!
I saw Preston at a business building conference and he really spoke to me. I have had little success in my business and I was hoping to get some insight into how to start making it work for me. What Preston said was WAY beyond anything I expected. He talked to me about my LIFE. Preston is a subtle, funny and adorable kick in the butt. His podcasts are helpful, informative and a reminder that I can do better, that I can be better. I’m a Subscriber for life! Thanks Preston. You be THE MAN!
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Lynda Jane
Business, Mindset, & Humanity, Oh My!
Preston and his incredible guests shine the brightest of lights on what it means to be the best human you can be while staying true to who you are and where you're going! Engaging, inspiring, and informative are just a few of the words I’d use to describe the time you’ll spend with them. Thanks so much for putting out such a spectacular show Preston - keep up the great work!
Katie Joy B.
Deployed life
Just wanted to say that I have been deployed for 10 months now to the Middle East and have two more months to go. Any alone time I have I spend listening to your podcast. You have helped me stay present and shift my mind set in staying in the moment while focusing on positive thoughts and goals while I am here to make me a better person, wife, puppy mom and athlete NOW and for when I return home. Altering my own self perceived limitations and working on my mindset and not thinking about my obstacles but thinking of solutions has been very life impacting. I love listening to your podcast right before leaving to the gym at 0400 in the morning and sometime on repeat. Thank you. -Katie
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Preston is amazing!
He’s insightful and full of energy and will inspire you to have a great day!
Wisdom from the warm fur of a Teddy Bear....
Preston brings a refreshing warmth to the "personal development" conversation. He has an authentic and inate ability to de-mistify the lexicon of this subculture, while simultaneously being able to speak through it. He just feels real to me with no hidden agendas, as he is just wanting to teach and learn together in the process. His episode 5 was a game chager to me to simply begin to look at circumstanses with the word "unless....", allowing me to re-frame the potentiality of possible outcomes.
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R E Bricker
Genuinely wants to help people
Preston was a guest speaker for a business group I’m part of. His talk was so inspiring that I messaged him to thank him. He took the time to record a personal video with helpful advice. His podcast is an extension of the person he is - someone who wants to help see people step into the identity they know they can be. Highly recommended podcast.
Tony Schober
Don’t fear digging deep
So I’ve been listening to Preston for several months. I finally realized today - I had to tell all of you! Its hard to explain in a short review how important this podcast is to me, but if I had to put my finger on the one thing... it’s the fact that his coaching style creates a space that is safe. It allows me to open up in a way where judgement is absent. This is important to me because I’ve been judged and I’ve judged myself for far too long - the influence of that judgement has been debilitating. So thank you Preston. I’m well on my way to releasing the beliefs that hold me back and hold me down. I’m ready to move on from these beliefs that hold no value for my future!
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From one parent to another
Hey Preston, I’ve been listening for a few months now and have completely shifted my mindset by applying the principles you teach in your podcasts. I especially love hearing you talk about your experiences with applying these principles as a parent with your kids. You are so relatable and down to earth-keep doing what you’re doing!
Cassie's Sponsored Review
This review is brought to you by…the feeling you get when you are parking your car as you have reached your destination, and you hear the uplifting, motivating closing music of the Next Level Life podcast. It makes you want to wiggle in your seat and are ready to attack the day... especially after just hearing an amazing message filled with wisdom, practical actions steps, and motivation. Mmm - SO GOOD! :) Thank you Preston, I love learning from you & enjoy leveling up my life with you!
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Painful things teach us the most and create the greatest value
This postcast has so many golden nuggets of goodness. I have listended to #23 three times and took four pages of notes. Depression has been a part of my identity for so long that I expect it to be there, I wait for it to come up. Preston and Dr Paul helped me evaluate my thinking and gave me tools to focus on a different way of creating. We have a choice in how we decide to see things. I am so grateful for these two gurus and the new perspective they have given me. As for the rest of Preston's podcasts they just keep getting better and better. He is changing the way I look at my life, my business and my potential.
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Great podcast :)
Thanks for this podcast! It’s keeping me positive and moving forward day to day :)
New listener
I just started listening to this podcast (3 so far) and am really enjoying the content and the message!!!
Union Allstar
Refreshing and Real
Love this podcast! Preston nails it every time. The content is applicable to ANYONE! So inspiring and so positive. Keep it up 👌🏼
This Podcast is Life
"Inspiration is inspiration no matter where it comes from." This quote is from the man himself, Preston Pugmire. This podcast will do exactly that, meaning inspire you. I literally ponder the things he talks about late into the night and write about it in my journal. Start listening now. You won't be disappointed.
Consistently solid
Fantastic show. Preston knows his stuff. His approach helps you change your mindset and dig until you find the root that is holding you back from achieving something truly great. Listen to it!
Inspired and Real
I met Preston through my job at the TedxRexburg event. His talk resonated with me and made me want to apply what he was talking about. This podcast is realistic and more about what I can go do right now rather than the theory behind what I should go do. It feels personal and applicable to everyone. Keep listening, it pours fuel on your fire!
Changing My Life
I love this podcast so much that I created an Apple ID just so I could review it. :-) In all seriousness, Preston's podcast has brought so much light to my life. I decided in 2018 that I needed to put depression behind me and began taking baby steps toward doing that, even though I didn't know how. Next Level Life has been a huge part of that journey and my thoughts changed and continue to change because of this podcast. Preston is so genuine and non-abraisive to listen to. He inspires me and wakes me up with all the eggs of knowledge he cracks on my head. My life is changing, my identity is shifting, and it's insanely exciting. I recommend this to anyone and everyone who want to bring more light and awesomeness into their lives.
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I run an interior design firm and found Prestons podcast by chance after listening to The Chris loves Julia show. From the first episode I was totally hooked. I have listened to most of the shows repeatedly and have applied them to my life and business. Podcast #28 Imposter Syndrome, really leveled up my life. I had previously held the belief that if I was feeling doubt it was because I wasn’t good enough. I learned that doubt is part of the process and I now I push forward. The results have been amazing. As an example, I had been wanting to work with a very desired contractor as his in-house designer, and although I knew I had the skill set, I had fears that I wasn’t good enough. Applying what I learned about feeling doubt and taking action, I called him up and explained why he should work with me. He hired me on the spot. My previous mindset would have prevented me from even thinking I was worthy of that job, let alone acting on it. I am grateful for all the nuggets of wisdom I receive from this podcast. There’s something for everyone who wants to level up their lives.
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Warning: this might make you believe in yourself
I love how Preston gets to the point, but not in an aggressive, bossy way. He is in your face with truth, without you realizing it. His calm demeanor is a mere mask for the awesomeness underneath. You won’t be the same if you consistently listen. It’s inevitable to start believing in yourself when you listen and apply Preston’s lessons.
Stay leveled up 💯
I’m 26yo and feel like I’m pretty successful at my age, but man let me tell you ever since I started listening to Next Level Life my mindset and everyday life has leveled up! Preston Pugmire is the goat! I started listening to his podcast last August give or take and his advice has leveled up my mindset in so many ways. Preston keeps it 100, there are a lot of podcast and motivational guys/ girls out there but Preston is very authentic and every episode I listen to I walk away leveled up at the end. #NextLevelForLife
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B star 05
Dream Catcher!
Thank you for your practicality of explaining how to make my dreams come true! I'm on my dream journey and will be listening to your podcasts along the way.
Next Level Life is Exactly What I Need
Next Level Life is awesome. As Preston and others quote, you're the sum total of the five people you spend your time with. I definitely want NLL to be one of mine. It's filled with gems and tools and motivation to change your mindset and live a more positive, forward-thinking life. I'm still surprised he has funny little sponsors because it's that good! Whenever I catch myself having self-defeating thoughts, I think, where's my podcast? Great work! Keep it up.
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Love this podcast
If you are looking for a little bit of inspiration to add to your day, this is the podcast for you. I often listen to Next Level Life in the car so it’s hard to write down the inspirations when they come across, so I often have to make note of what time they were said and re-listen later. With so much negativity in the world today, Preston’s positivity is a breath of fresh air. My only suggestion would be to have two episodes per week, one standard 45 min to an hour and one 10 minute quick hit thought of the day released mid-week so I can carry that inspiration and finish out the week strong, just a suggestions. Keep up the great work!
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Fresh voice
Preston Pugmire is a fresh voice in personal development. His podcast Next Level Life is for me quickly rising to the top of my podcast choices because he is totally real and gives practical lessons on conscious creation. He also encourages listeners to take responsibility for using the information and not just using the podcast for entertainment. I think he's a good teacher and I recommend him for people who like personal development podcasts.
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This podcast causes me to ponder and apply
I’ve only listen to a few episodes so far but have been highly impressed by the content and the motivation that is contained in each episode. So glad my brother referred me to this podcast. I have been amazed how many times I hear something intriguing and pause the podcast and ponder how that can be applied to my life.
Must have!
I never thought I’d be the person to listen to self development podcasts. But I gave it a try recently and out of all the ones I downloaded, this is the only one I would go back on constantly and so I ended up listening to all the episodes. I’m not even an entrepreneur but I find this podcast so helpful! It’s funny, insightful and extremely motivating. It helps me look at life in the bigger picture & better understand myself. Preston gives amazing real advice and makes it so simple to understand and apply to any situation. Since listening it’s definitely altered my mindset for the better.
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Pure amazingness!
Once I found Preston and his podcast, I fell in love with it. He speaks truth, wisdom, inspiration, and so much more. I never would have thought that I’d enjoy his words and soothing voice as much as I do. If you’re considering checking it out, stop waiting and just press play already!
FordThunderErickson(PrestonsBestFriendSorryJake Ballentine)
Boy howdy I'll be danged if I ever find another podcast that consistently motivates and inspires me to get out of my own way and do great things I never knew I was capable of. I have known Preston for many moons and have always been impressed by his innate ability to bring out the best in people. I am on a new, strange and scary career journey right now that leaves me feeling disheartened at times, but this podcast has been my main source of inspiration for the last 3 months. Every new episode seems to be exactly what I need to hear and afterwards I am left to utter the words "Boom shaka laka."
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Totally Awesome!
I have listened to all of Preston’s 31 Podcasts and I can say, “I Totally Love”! My sister, Michelle, told me about Preston. If I am needing some positive, upbeat advice, or if I’m wanting to change my attitude, I listen to Preston.
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