The Right To Learn
27 minutes Posted Dec 13, 2017 at 10:19 pm.
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In this episode we look at how to most effectively bring education — a key human right — to the displaced and those in conflict zones around the world.
We speak to women who are trying to answer that question in innovative ways — from the software companies battling it out for Silicon Valley’s $15 million Global Learning XPRIZE, to the low-tech approach to teacher training in Lebanon by a nonprofit backed by Syrian expats.
We speak to Brookings’ Rebecca Winthrop — a senior fellow and director of the Center for Universal Education — about her latest report Can Education Innovation Help us Leapfrog Progress?
We then chat to Emily Musil Church from the X-Prize about their Global Learning Prize.
Fathima Dada tells us about some of the frugal innovation initiative Pearson Education are running at the moment.
And finally we meet Suha Tutunji director of the Jusoor Refugee Education program in Lebanon who talks about her low tech approach to teacher training.