A podcast celebrating the women transforming teaching and learning through technology
Bonus Episode Live From BETT 2019
Whilst we are busy working on season 3 we wanted to share this conversation recorded live at BETT 2019. Titled 'If She Can See It, She Can Be It', host Anjali Ramachandran chats to Chiin-Rui Tan founder and CEO of Rho Zeta AI, and Elena Sinel Founder of Teens in AI, and asks what will it take to inspire the next Ada Lovelace or Rosalind Franklin? We'll be releasing more bonus episodes throughout March and April and season 3 will be landing this summer.
Mar 8, 2019
50 min
Student Takeover - "Our Lives And Tech"
For this episode we worked closely with students from schools in Johannesburg in South Africa, Virginia in the United States, and London in the UK. The student were given a simple brief to produce a story about how technology has impacted their lives.  In the first story Hannah and Csarina abandon social media and get their news from a more 'traditional' method. They did something they've never done before. They bought a newspaper. Find out what surprised them and what they learned by flicking through the pages of a British daily newspaper. The second story is a piece of fiction, written, acted and produced by Sophie, Justin and Ethan. Growing up under the shadow of a nuclear power plant, the students wanted a story that helped the listener get a sense of the fears they've lived with all their lives.  The final story comes from Tebogo, Amo, Tariq, Zewande, Lethabo and Zanele who speak to a teacher and students from their school about how technology has improved the way they learn and the way they communicate. They also discuss some of the ways technology has had a negative impact on their lives. For full show notes go to
Dec 20, 2018
32 min
Diversity Is What You Say, Inclusion Is What You Do
In this episode of Nevertheless Tracy Chou, Jyoti Chopra, and Anjali Ramachandran discuss frameworks, metrics and intersectionality, and ask the hard questions about diversity and inclusion. The podcast was recorded at a live event held in London in November 2018, and was a collaboration between Ada's List and Nevertheless.  The event was hosted by Anjali Ramachandran, co-founder of Ada's List, a global community of those who identify as women in tech.  Anjali is joined by Tracy Chou and Jyoti Chopra. Tracy is a Software Engineer who has worked at Quora and Pinterest and is well known for her work pushing for diversity in tech. Tracy is now a founding member of Project Include, and is focused on driving solutions in the space.   Jyoti is Senior Vice President and Global Leader of Diversity & Inclusion at Pearson. She is a member of the Board of Advisors at Toyota Motor Company, and previously held prominent positions at Deloitte, Merrill Lynch and BNY Mellon. ---
Dec 12, 2018
34 min
Half The Story
In this episode we ask whether being a YouTuber or influencer is a viable career, and hear the stories of three people who were forced to make big life changes when the pressure of feeding a social algorithm became too much. We hear from a fashion influencer who grew tired of only telling half the story. We talk to a mother whose young daughter felt pressured to maintain a YouTube channel by her record label. And we speak to a videogames YouTuber who struggled to cope with the constant flow of comments.
Nov 29, 2018
22 min
The Human Factor
As technology plays a greater role in the workplace how can we ensure the future of work values humanity? The world of work is changing. Technology is undoubtedly driving a lot of that change. But technology is nothing without people. While conversations are had about the development of automation and AI into the workplace, it's essential we don't forget the human factor.  If the pace of change continues the idea of 'a job for life' may become a rarity as people will have to develop new skills throughout their working lives. In this episode we talk to students thinking about their futures, educators helping women develop new skills later in life, and workers whose day is controlled by an algorithm via an app.
Nov 10, 2018
28 min
Straight Roads Don't Make Skillful Drivers
In this episode we hear one story from one person, Kate Edwards. Kate tells the story of a day when her life changed forever. On a train heading to London, at just 23 weeks and 5 days pregnant, Kate went into labour. What follows is her story of that day. It's a story about efficacy in medicine and what can be learned and applied in the field of education and beyond. It's about the importance of having diverse teams and the power of focusing on outcomes. And it's about what can be achieved when using evidence to deliver those outcomes.  It also tells another tale. It's the story of someone who at the time felt they had personally and physically failed - and what they went on to do next. We just want to give listeners a little heads up. There are moments in this story that some people might find upsetting.
Oct 24, 2018
25 min
Imagination - Where Science Meets Art
For many young people who are making decisions about their future, science and art have always been seen as opposites. It's a choice between one or the other. Rarely both. But as Albert Einstein once said "The greatest scientists are artists as well." Innovators are able to imagine the unimaginable thanks to the marriage of science and art.  In this episode we examine the role of science and art in imagination and education, and talk to seven remarkable women who are bridging the divide. From a neuroscience professor using stand-up comedy to help people understand the brain, to a Hollywood actress and scientist who combines both disciplines in all of her work.
Oct 11, 2018
30 min
Heather, Megan and Leonor
In this episode we’re looking at resilience, school shootings and activism. We speak to survivors, teachers, neurologists and trauma experts to understand the role tech, institutions and support groups play in building resilience in the aftermath of tragedies like Columbine and Parkland. We’ll be talking about some tough topics this week — school shootings, gun violence, and the experience that lives on via the Internet — and some listener discretion may be advised.
Sep 27, 2018
37 min
Finding Genius
When it comes to invention and innovation it's important that ideas from a diverse set of people get made. Ideas can come from anyone. But bringing ideas to life rarely happens by lone inventors. They are the result of teams and networks. What happens if you have no access to networks? No entrepreneurs to fund your startup, or alumni to lend a hand? Think of the great innovations that never happen. How many amazing innovations have been lost simply because no-one listened? In this episode, we discuss lost potential, and how we identify and nurture talent in young people when the odds are stacked against them.
Sep 13, 2018
26 min
The First Click
In this episode, we discuss trust and the Internet. When it comes to technology being used at home and in the classroom, who — or what — are we entrusting our children to, and what is the role of parents and teachers in guiding children through this new age of technological complexity?
Aug 30, 2018
29 min
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