Nerd MGMT Podcast


Warner Swopes
Nerd Management is Indiana’s finest award losing podcast. Join hosts Alec Ward, Warner Swopes and Rob Ropke for an hour of entertaining ranting about comics, wrestling, video games, and pop culture.
What'd I Miss?
The gang ranks their favorite fast food breakfasts, chat about some redactions from previous episodes, and some of their favorite new comics.  --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Oct 24, 2020
59 min
Reverse Scurvy
The boys talk about The Flash, The Future of Theaters, and the new X-box  --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Oct 17, 2020
1 hr 15 min
Dixie Cup Connection
The boys list their Chicken Sandwich ranking, Sam Jackson gets his own show, and Death Metal RULES!  --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Oct 1, 2020
1 hr 1 min
S14 E1 - A story of wins, loses, and nuggets
The boys are back and you know what that means? we go again!  --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Sep 25, 2020
1 hr 11 min
Let me tell you somethin', Mean Quarantine!
The boys try to lighten up the world with some fun and positivity. Stay safe and enjoy this conversation about two kitchens in one house. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Jun 4, 2020
1 hr 7 min
QuaranToldya So
The boys voice their concerns about the state of things and talk about the best Fast Food during these uncertain times. Number one will SHOCK you! --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
May 27, 2020
51 min
Quarantinepounder with Cheese
Cusred with technical difficulties, the boys overcome several issues to bring you a unique, emotional rollercoaster of an episode. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
May 18, 2020
57 min
Barbershop Quarentett
Serperated by distance but back together digitally, the boys discuss the differences they had last week in their top 5s and the latest in nerd news --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
May 12, 2020
1 hr 5 min
Seperated by social distancing and crazy work schedules, the boys send in individual ratings of the top five things they enjoyed in 2019. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
May 4, 2020
50 min
Tintin Quarintino
Once again...the boys defy the odds Once again...your source for stupid pop culture has a voice once again...we have chnaged the way we number our episodes In this fresh start episode of Nerd MGMT the boys talk about the what hobbies and shows they are filling their time with, the current state of wrestling, and which new console they are going to buy day one ish. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Apr 27, 2020
1 hr 13 min
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