Negronis with Nord Podcast
Negronis with Nord
Negronis with Nord
An audio footprint of Negronis with Nord, a weekly show about influencer marketing hosted by Fohr CEO James Nord. Influencers know what resonates with their followers. Brands know their product and how to sell it effectively. But we'll guess that neither party spends a lot of time trying to understand the business of influencer marketing. That's where this series comes in. Negronis with Nord, featuring Fohr’s CEO and Founder, James Nord, will offer influencer marketing strategy, tips, and advice for anyone involved in the influencer marketing space–whether you’re an entrepreneur, influencer, content creator, brand ambassador, or marketing professional on the brand side.Check us out at
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 47 days
Latest episode
6 days ago
September 4
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