Nature vs Narcissism
Nature vs Narcissism
Heather Wright
(S1) Jack the Ripper & Jack the Stripper
1 hour 4 minutes Posted Jan 4, 2018 at 9:00 pm.
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*This is a listener FAVORITE from Season 1. We are using a new format and recording style for Season 3 and beyond. We have kept this episode on the main feed as it was one that the listeners loved.

Episode 10 focuses on two serial killers whom have never been caught let alone convicted.  Jack the Ripper and Jack the Stripper both terrorized the streets of London.  They targeted working girls and although there have been many theories as to who committed the gruesome murders and why; the world may never know.  Jack the Ripper executed his murders in the late 1800’s while Jack the Stripper rendered his murders between 1964 and 1965. Find us on all the things and join our Facebook Discussion Group!   Want to be a guest?  Email us your stories and! Follow us on Twitter @NvsNpodcast Follow us on Instagram @naturevsnarcissism Like us on Facebook  Nature vs Narcissism