Nature vs Narcissism
Nature vs Narcissism
Heather Wright
1 hour 2 minutes Posted Dec 24, 2017 at 9:00 pm.
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*This is a listener FAVORITE from Season 1. We are using a new format and recording style for Season 3 and beyond. We have kept this episode on the main feed as it was one that the listeners loved.

For our Christmas MURDERsode, Rachelle stopped by and we discussed three cases of murder that occurred on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.  Our first case is about the Dayton Killing Spree from 1992 where a group of young adults; calling themselves the “Downtown Posse”, decided that it would be fun to run around the city of Dayton, Ohio killing random individuals.  The second case we discuss is the Lawson Family Massacre which occurred on a North Carolina farm in 1929.  The father shot and killed his wife and 6 of his seven children on Christmas Day, before taking his own life.  The final murder case we discuss is the Covina Massacre which took place in Covina, California in 2008.  An ex-husband of one of the Ortega family members decided to dress as Santa Claus and shoot up the family Christmas party, before setting the house ablaze and taking his own life.Follow us on Twitter @NvsNpodcastFollow us on Instagram @naturevsnarcissism Like us on Facebook  Nature vs Narcissism