My World with Jeff Jarrett
My World with Jeff Jarrett
Podcast Heat | Cumulus Podcast Network
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Great wrestling podcast
Gotta love double J …and what else can you say about Conrad , every wrestling podcast that guy does is a hit. The guys from the business that he works with are great , but he really makes the shows great. This has become one of my new favs
Pleasantly surprised
I’ve been listening from the very beginning and I’m surprised and greatful how open and candid Jeff is about his life. I’m like Conrad, I wasn’t the biggest fan of Double J but this podcast has changed my perspective on Double J and I look forward each week to see what road the guys are going to take us on. Great show !!!!…….2/6/24 I have a greater appreciation for this show than in my previous review. I really like how Jeff can break a story down (peel the onion as they say)so you can understand what he’s talking about or looking at. This is hands down the best podcast going right now. I would highly recommend this podcast to anyone.You need to listen from the beginning and you will have a greater understanding about, the wrestling business as a whole and just life in general.
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Brew Crew 8
Always enjoyable
Love listening every week! Conrad and Double J make a great team
Long winded, lower quality
Enjoy Jeff’s stories for the most part, and his chemistry with Conrad is great. Used to really enjoy his insight into things but in the past few months he has grown into even longer winded answers, filled with Business 101 buzzwords (What’s the ROI?? Let me see the Prospectus! Synergy! Etc etc) and it’s really taken away. Not to mention his credibility and track record leaves something to be desired - case in point, he was brought into run AEW live events and well… you can see the attendance. Listen occasionally but he really lost me quickly and I can’t imagine im the only one here
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Weekly 1 star review for football talk.
I’m going to leave this podcast a weekly 1 star review at least through football season due to how annoying their slander of Joe burrow. I know it’s probably just a bit but they have been beating this dead horse for over a year….see ya next week
Jay "poopin" graydon
Jarrett is a Carny
Jarrett really knows how to work the universe! That wasn’t a shoot on Max Caster it was a work to get ratings and people interested in Dynamite. I do enjoy the business of wrestling and Impact deep dives. What a great tribute to Don West!
Asylum years
I’m watching the old NWA-TNA in the asylum years and im trying to figure they storyline behind Jeff Jarrett and Brain Lawler.
Ads, poor quality, and some wrestling talk
As per usual, it’s an hour of talking and an hour of ads just like all the other Conrad podcasts. They really are trying to annoy you into paying for ad free shows. Even worse, the audio lately has gotten so bad it’s like watching old Skype calls prior to Covid.
Brian Vett
Classic Memphis wrestling
A great show, but I particularly love the episodes featuring Memphis wrestling and the territory days!
Ads With A Little Wrestling Talk
Basically a very long commercial with small bits of wrestling here and there.
Love J-A-Double R-E-Double T
Always loved Jarrett, weather it’s Memphis, the great double J Run, his WCW stuff, I really loved his dont piss me off run in 98-99, and of course TNA legend. The pod took me a while to get into, with the ads and chemistry building, but it built. Jeff is a great storyteller and always excited. So that makes it a fun interesting listen you can always take away something from.
The best wrestling podcast...Period
I hated Jeff Jarrett in the 90's. I hated him in TNA. But his perspective is totally unique. Performer and Promoter. Whereas Something to Wrestle with was from the promoter angle. Jeff has it all. Always entertaining. Conad has a lot of podcasts but this is the one I listen to.
Best show in milan and coloraedo
Can we get a real pic of the foot? How boutget big jarretton or more talk of new stuff. Not better than skiavonnes coffee hourWHW but a good second. Ipdate edit theyre great just talking no huge build. Best just talking no script. Flair last match awesome( i missed it)
Ain’t he great!
As much as I likeConrad… I love Paul and Jeff together. Great podcast every week
No more formats like Episode 66
I like the format of the show. Jeff is a great storyteller. However, I extremely disliked Episode 66 as it was a round table of people I’m not aware of nor care about. I hope the show never does a garbage episode like this in the future. 30 minutes of silence would have been better.
Always interesting and illuminating
I like this podcast more and more each week. Jeff is sort of the Forrest Gump of wrestling but whipsmart in his insights and isn’t afraid to look at himself.
Bitter brother
With out a doubt the best episode. I listened to it twice. If you weren’t pumped for flairs last match before what you and Conrad have done I AM ORDERING THE PPV ON THE RIC FLAIR EPISODE ALONE . JJ you are now one of my all time favorites before your podcast I didnt think as much of you as I do now. Your knowledge and love for wrestling is second to none As a wrestler a promoter an owner you have insights no other has. Thank you for everything you do. Tip of the cap to you good sir
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Unexpectedly Satisfying
Jeff offers views from every angle possible. Promoter, wrestler, the son of a promoter, businessman, etc. Jeff and Conrad banter back and forth and when the heat is real….the heat is REAL!!! Listen to the Stone Cold and Ric Flair episodes. That heat is unmistakably real. I highly recommend this podcast to any real fans.
Great podcast!
Somehow I just discovered this, or better yet gave it a chance. Wasn’t a huge JJ fan growing up watching wrestling, however this podcast is excellent. I love the old stories about his early days breaking into the business. The World Class stuff the Superclash episode was outstanding. I’ve been going through the archive and catching up and will be listening every week from now on. Great job once again Conrad for giving us more content to consume. Never thought I’d say this but JJ I’m a huge fan!!
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Paul B is channel changer jones
When Paul B fills in as host he is the human fast forward button. Remove download, mark as played, hope Conrad is back next week.
Great Show 100%
I love how many different hats Jeff has worn through his career and the perspective that it gives him. Totally a 4 Horsemen.
Unless you’re a fan of TNA, The show isn’t good
Jeff Jarrett was a midcarder at best. I guess if you’re a fan of his the podcast is good. But he has nothing of value to talk about and his podcast is boring
All the ads
Show is great, Jeff is great, conman’s ads are taking over this show like all his others. Makes it very difficult to listen to.
Steve franklin
only wanted to hear about the hold up and owen
Yawn... he is still a human fast forward button, I unsubscribed after the Owen Hart episode. Bash at the beach ruined jeff imo
Huge Fan
Jeff Jarrett was always one of my favorite wrestlers and now I’m an even bigger fan. Absolutely love this podcast. To hear the back stories on the matches and the people involved is a great trip down memory lane. I’ve gained even more respect for the wrestlers and the creative process involved in these stories. Thank you Jeff and Conrad for all you do. I look forward to every episode. PS Jeff was a Horseman. Yes I said it.
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Too many ads!
You're listening to Ad World with Jeff Jarrett! The stories are interesting. My complaint is not the show containing ads, but how they interrupt the flow of the podcast. These ads make me want to avoid the sponsor. Thank goodness I have a fast forward button.
Brian The Flying Squirrel
Superb Conrad and Jeff
I also wasn’t a huge fan of Jeff Jarrett. Nothing against him, but just that era of comic book wwf. That said, I have a newfound respect for Jeff. Conrad is perfect, as always, but he brings out the best in Jeff. Jeff’s stories about indy wrestling in late 80s early 90s are top notch. Jeff’s dad was always a favorite of mine, and this podcast unveils how much his family really gave to the business when it needed it most. The wrestling world needs more Jerry and Jeff Jarrett’s in the future to keep wrestling and competition alive. Career well spent Jeff. Thank you.
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Gman Myrte Beach
Always loved Double J!
Not a perfect podcast, but I love it. As a Tennessee native, I relate to a lot of where Jeff is coming from. He comes across as super jittery and eager to promote the show, which is mildly endearing mildly carny, but his recall is fantastic, he seems down-to-earth, and he’s just a funny dude. He gets easily flustered and has a habit of saying “again” too much, to the point where you ask yourself, “again? When did he say that initially?” Lol. I love it. Highly recommend. #TitanUp
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I love Double J, master of the malaprop and the mangled mixed-metaphor.
Mike Parker35
Stop with all the TNA
31 actual episodes and 14 of them on TNA. A brand that was never alive enough to be killed. The years before the WWF would be far more interesting but you never talk about it.
Love it
When I was a kid I couldn’t stand Jeff.. this show has made me love him. I got choked up listening to the Owen episode. This is a great look inside the business from an unreal Wrestling mind. Love it.
Annoyed and bored
Drinking game
If you took a drink every time Mr Stroke said the word “again,” you’d die of cirrhosis of the liver in 35 minutes. Ugh.
Best podcast
Being from Tennessee I grew up with Memphis wrestling so have always been a fan of Jeff but listening to him and Conrad together especially the Austin 3:16 episode this is my favorite podcast! Look forward to each new episode
Change of heart
Big wrestling fan all my life, but can’t say I was a big Jeff Jarrett fan even though I respected his work. I’ve had a change of heart… this podcast is awesome! Refreshing my memory on what all Jeff has done in professional wrestling is simply remarkable. You guys should check this out! 5 stars 100%!!
Best Podcast in the World
I’ve been a Jeff Jarrett fan since his first run in WWE during the “New Generation.” I can’t get enough of Jeff’s knack for telling stories. I look forward to the My World Podcast every week. Thank you Jeff.
If you remove all the times Jarret says “and again” and “look”, each episode would be about 6 minutes long.
Chad is a bad nickname
Ain’t he great!
Only thing that would make this better is if Conrad took a Double J guitar shot!
Rocky monk jr
Skeptic turned Fan
Was skeptical at first to add another podcast to my rotation. Accidentally had an episode download and haven’t stopped listening since. Double Js take on the business and my time as a fan is different and keeps me wondering what will be said next.
My World
My favorite new podcast to listen too. Every Tuesday I look forward to listening to My World. Conrad & Jeff are great!
Love the show
I’ve had the privilege to meet and talk to Jeff multiple times through Tried-N-True Pro out of Clarksville, TN and random shows here and there. Love hearing stories about the business and his stories are no different. Keep up the great work, the both of you.
Love the show but…
Whoever is editing the show needs to do better. Back to back segments all the time lately. Still love the show and will continue to support it.
Conrad does it again
Top notch, really love Jeff Jarrett. Got to meet him a few times and he’s the same on the podcast as he was in person. Loads of stories and honesty from a legend. Loving how Conrad weaves the fan perspective in there and some of the gossip to get to the heart of the matters presented. This beats a lot of the shoot interviews done by other places and podcasts.
Hey, I admit it.
I can admit when I’m wrong, and I was wrong about Double J. I always thawt he was annoying and overrated. He’s actually a very interesting man with an interesting life. Can’t wait to hear more of his life stories and road stories.
Much better than I expected
I was never a fan of Jeff Jarrett in the 90s/00s and thought he was completely uninteresting. However listening to My World has given me a brand new appreciation of him. He has been everywhere and done literally everything in wrestling, both as a worker and as company leadership. He has given deep insight into the business from every side, and it turns out he is actually a funny guy. Check it out
The Door Is Wide Open
Good Ol Double J is wide open. Conrad ask the right questions and Jeff opens the door wide open. It is amazing to hear the stories involving TNA. I am super happy that this podcast was introduced to me! Jeff is so easy to listen to, 100%!
More Conrad ads
Love Jeff Jarrett I wish I could find wrestling podcasts without “ads with Conrad” idk how this dude got involved with all the great classic guys but he knows nothing about wrestling and basically reads from the wrestling observer and gets the wrestlers take on what he remembers.
Worst podcast
They moved Arn for this ? Jeff Is his father son his dad was know of screwing his wrestler over and putting the money in his pocket Jeff when Conrad asks him a question he Stutters trying to look for a answer to make him look good. I believe very little of what he says Conrad normally. Does a good job picking wrestler or a guy who knows all the answers You get the feeling there very little truth in his answers. Darn shame this guy makes money for stretching the truth. Don’t waste your time Jeff talks to hear himself talk.
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New Favorite Podcast
Jeff clearly cares about his fans! I haven’t watched wrestling since 2000, but I can’t turn Conrad’s podcasts off. This is my new favorite podcast. Thanks again Conrad. Great work Jeff!
New to podcasting
I just recently got into podcasting and have listened to some other wrestling ones and this is the best I have listened to. Didn’t really like or hate Jeff as a fan but his story telling so far has been great. The Owen episode got me right in the feelers. Conrad as the other host is fantastic. Conrad’s direct and sometimes hard hitting questions are great. Keep up the good work guys!
rick allen 25
Great Insight!
Awesome podcast.
Maiio J
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