My Sister Wisdom Podcast

My Sister Wisdom

Shannon Vasilakes
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Sup sweet seeds? Yeah you, looking sweet as a flower to a honeybee! You're tuning into My Sister Wisdom. On this sweet little podcast we discuss all topics woman, with women from all over the world, from all walks of life. Though I maintain a Biblical centered perspective, my guests show up exactly as they are and I love them all just the same! I find it important to have these difficult, controversial, and sometimes downright uncomfortable conversations. Sometimes in life we have to plant ourselves somewhere we've never been before in order to grow!Hmm... I'm willing to guess that you have been stung before haven't you? Most of us sweet flowers have been. Well, here is a safe space for you to listen and learn, to breathe and to grow into fresh fertile soil that is your future! Join my guests and I as we reach into each other's lives with laughter, joy, tears, virtual hugs and plenty of smiles! Just don't blame me if you feel like a billion bucks or the Holy Spirit move through you! Shine on sweet seeds... Love, Shan.
Envision Your Liberated Future!
Connie Holman is an LMHC, NCC, heart-centered coach and psychotherapist. She has been working with individuals, married couples and families for over 13 years helping clients heal from unconscious wounding, improve their relationships, release conditioned limiting beliefs, create more empowering beliefs and apply habits that contribute to them living as better versions of themselves. She wholeheartedly believes in the power of transformation especially when someone is ready to take responsibility for their life, make aligned choices and take aligned action!Connie herself has walked the path from bitter to better and pressured to peaceful. She has first hand knowledge of the journey that being a better version of yourself and living a liberated, courageous life of abundance can be and the work it entails. Today, Connie is here to join us to share her story to liberation and fill us in on some of her successful secrets! Support this podcast at —
Mar 1, 2021
1 hr 27 min
The Keys to Unlocking Success *Hint: De-Stress!*
After the 2020 we all had... If you started a new business because you were stuck at home bored, or if you decided to use the time to uplevel your business, or if you did nothing at all with your business, and are stressed out about it, THIS ONE IS FOR YOU! If you are ready to take your life to the next level, Lakisha is here to point you in the right direction, and give you tons of assistance on the way! She was kind enough to give me a first hand experience into her 1:1 business coaching session, and my level of organization went from 0 to 100 in just one session! She has a good eye for organization, stay tuned to find out how that is the key to unlocking the next level of your success.This conversation reminds me of the Proverbs 31 woman, whom I know many of us remember to try to resemble.Proverbs 31:31 Honor her for all that her hands have done,    and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.We may not feel like we are doing enough, or that we are doing too much, but this verse reminds us that all the work we do in God's will is honorable.Let us learn how to enhance our work lives, so we can show up in the rest of our lives with less stress and more Elohim!If you would like to connect more or work with Lakisha or Shannon, please visit the links below:Lakisha Ashford: FacebookShannon Vasilakes: EverythingSupport this podcast at —
Feb 14, 2021
1 hr 26 min
Finding Your Identity When All Seems Lost
Life happens... Most of the time it happens without us really know when, why, how, or what to do next! Many times, as women and caregivers, we can lose our identity is someone who turns out to just be temporary. When this person or situation leaves our life, we have a choice to make. Either get bitter or get better. In the case of my next guest, she chose to get better. She chose to rise up to the challenge and prioritize herself so that she could show up as a truly impactful parent. Her journey has sparked her organization The Impactful Parent. Kristina Campos has four school age children. She has been an educator for over 20 years, working with all grade levels - pre-school through 12th grade. She graduated from the University of Colorado Boulder in 1999 and received her master's degree from the University of Denver in 2019. After many years of teaching, Kristina saw a need to help children from the source- THE HOME! Perfect for distance learning! With great enthusiasm, Kristina quit her teaching job and founded The Impactful Parent. Now, she helps parents of school-aged children by providing parenting tips, resources, and community to those that follow her. When she is not with her kids, she volunteers as a Board of Trustee for two local Colorado schools. She truly has a passion for children and a strong devotion to serving their parents!Today, Kristina shares with us her experience going through an unexpected divorce, and how she found her identity in the midst of chaos. She vulnerability shares the difficulties of moving on from a committed relationship. This conversation truly opens to door to new possibilities, a reset button to start all over, to find our identity. Whether you are experiencing a break-up, a divorce, a growth spurt, a big move, trauma, or tragic loss, Kristina shares some amazing tips on how to find yourself when you have been lost in something that no longer fits you.I am reminded of the following verse:John 15:5 I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.We can remember our identity is in the one who purchased us at the greatest cost. We are truly children of promise who are worthy of knowing ourselves fully.Support this podcast at —
Feb 13, 2021
1 hr 25 min
What Do Multipotentialites, HSP's and Aliens Have In Common?
They are all uncommon! And much of the time can be ignored by the mainstream, leading to identity confusion within oneself. Not sure what these even are? Tune in to unlock the secrets of these not-so-uncommon personality types.This week we are hosting Barbera Schouten. She is an intuitive ambitious alien who identifies as both a HSP and a Multipotentialite! Tuning in from rural Netherlands, Barbera is a transformation coach, a speaker and an author. She specializes in helping people who feel different than others to be deeply connected with their authentic (spiritual) self, have a crystal clear vision of the life they truly want to live and reignite their passion & purpose, so they can have a soulful, profitable business, achieve their dreams and live a fullfilled life. She has written 4 books & 3 Online Programs and she regularly writes blogs on LinkedIn that have helped even more people to "come out of the closet'. She has her own TV Show called HSP TV on Youtube in which she talks about all things HSP, Energy and Entrepreneurship related. She is the host of a Podcast called 100% Yourself With Barbera on which she discusses everything you need to know to be able to be 100% YourselfOn this episode learn who these people are in your life, and even diagnose if you yourself meet the criteria! This may change your life, so buckle up and get ready to forget everything you have ever been told! Just for a minute...Today's podcast episode reminds me of two Bible verses... Psalm 139:14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.John 15:19 If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. Now.. many of us may have heard the phrase "hate is a strong word" and so we may flinch just by reading it! This doesn't mean you are destined to be hated by everyone, but if you have ever struggled to fit in, you just may want to tune in!If you would like to connect more with Barbera or Shannon please use the following links!Barbera:FacebookMedia SheetShannonEverything!Support this podcast at —
Feb 12, 2021
1 hr 12 min
The Balancing Act of Motivation with Erin Stabile
***Disclaimer: This episode was recorded back in early October 2020. I was not saved until a month later, so please forgive me for any disconnection between this episode and the current advocations of the podcast.***When faced with many trials in life, we are also faced with a choice. Give it our all or give it our nothing. Growing up, I was the latter. I was entirely unmotivated due to fear of failure, lack of inspiration, and performance anxiety. Though I had no real reason to fret, my mind took me on a whole other journey. Unlike me, many others have experience trial after trial after trial, and in their strength, they have endured and overcome what seems impossible. This brings me to my guest Erin Stabile! She is a great example of James 1:1-4 which reads James, a servant of God and of the LORD Jesus Christ, To the twelve tribes scattered among the nations: Greetings. Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.Now.. to say that any of us would constantly be in pure joy when faced with some real trials in life, is wishful thinking! However, our strength and our perfection comes in our perseverance. In our endurance. Listen in to hear Erin's story about her life and how she has overcome some incredibly difficult situations, and used this as fuel to drive herself forward. Fast forward to today and Erin is a soul realignment and intuitive development coach who helps people breakthrough blockages to embrace their development!If you would like to know more about Erin Stabile, or Shannon Vasilakes please visit the links below!Erin: Website: http://www.vintagemoons.comFacebook: Shannon:Everything! : this podcast at —
Feb 11, 2021
1 hr 13 min
Surviving a Narcissistic Abusive Relationship
This episode may trigger unwanted memories, if you are a survivor of an abusive relationship, and do not feel ready to listen to the real experience of two other survivors, please do NOT listen to this episode. Please only listen to this episode if you know you will be able to handle it. Thank you for taking care of yourself. Whether you have been in an abusive relationship, known a narcissistic person or only have heard about this from friends, family or the media, this issue is one that is only growing larger by the day. It is extremely unfortunate, but narcissism is a pathological mental disorder that is not only growing especially in the United States, but is actually growing more evenly across both genders. More and more women are being diagnosed as pathological narcissists and its not wonder. When you look at our media, the mainstream music, film and television, what is being broadcast is extremely self-empowering and self-worshipping. The cult of self-affirmation is nothing less than another appearance from, you guessed it, satan himself. Having studied satanism, new age spirituality, conversations with women like Heather, and studying the Bible, it has become very clear that this issue is not only a mental disorder, but a spiritual war. This episode may have a segment called the Laugh Bath like any other, but this topic is extremely serious and I pray that the message reaches the right person. If you are in an abusive relationship, think you might be in a partnership with a narcissist, or are just wanting to learn more about this demonic experience, I encourage you to listen and share with anyone you think needs to hear this. In this episode I meet with holistic coach Heather Cate. She has developed many resources to help people get out of and heal from narcissistic abusive relationships. She has been generous enough to share her story with us, as well as listen to my story and give insight as to what exactly was going on. To top it off, she shares some practical tips and advice for anyone who may be in or know someone in an abusive relationship with a narcissist. Heather has been involved with holistic health and spirituality for about 30 years, and has pursued unconventional paths in order to heal herself when conventional medicine and therapies did not work for her, and she is passionate about helping others find solutions that work for them. Both Heather and myself have survived abusive relationships involving narcissists. In this episode we share those experiences, and for the first time I am publicly sharing my experience. Please stay tuned in with me for the book release Shadow of a Sunflower which will go in depth about my abuse, my thoughts and experiences and my story afterwards. Complete with real journal entries and censored names, you will be sure to fully grasp the reality of how dangerous it is to think like I was. When talking with Heather, I am reminded of the scripture Matthew 5:44: "But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you." Just make sure to keep a safe distance. Support this podcast at —
Jan 17, 2021
1 hr 29 min
Mindful Connection Through Wholesome Activities with Patricia Berrier!
Welcome sweet seeds back to the My Sister Wisdom podcast! I am so blessed to be able to welcome my newest guest Patricia Berrier to share the wisdom she has gained from her very real, very relatable journey through a troubled relationship with her daughter. Through faith and outreach Patricia discovered an amazing resource to share with us all today, this is wholesome activities! These activities can vary from person to person, just like our trials do. Patricia shares her activity of choice and how she was able to fuse her family tradition of sewing with her daughter to mend a broken relationship! If you are in the midst of troubled waters with any one special in your life, Patricia is your go-to gal for resources, and coaching to start a new activity with that person! Patricia Berrier is a certified life and leadership coach who is passionate in helping women unlock their Creator's power. She is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days Saints and believes that family, knowledge and relationships are our biggest treasures in this life. She is also a BYU-I student in the field of Marriage and Family studies. Brazilian by birth (and heart) and an American by marriage and love, she has faced many tribulations and hardships in life, such as heart break, serious illness, identity loss, post-partum depression, and more but has always believed that our experiences are opportunities to learn and grow if you have the right mindset. James 1:2-4 "Consider it all joy, my brothers and sisters, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing." Support this podcast at —
Jan 11, 2021
1 hr 46 min
The Real Secrets to Covid Prevention with Fernanda Castaneda MS, APRN, FNP-C
Just when we thought all this talk of Covid would be over, its not! We gotta start talking prevention.. and we don't just mean masks. After all, new year, new methods right? Join me and Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Fernanda Castaneda as we unpack our experiences and our personal journeys to health, as well as her professional knowledge on disease prevention and health maintenance! You haven't heard advice like this anywhere else, we get real, raw and down into it when it comes to the full scope of our health. Physically, mentally, and emotionally! They all tie in together. Deciding to become healthy is a wholesome experience and I encourage you to take the leap! After all, as scriptures states in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies." How better can we honor our bodies during a global pandemic, than by learning all natural, at home, preventative remedies to just about every disease known to man? The key is closer than you think. Visit to grab your key and unlock the rest of your future! Check out her Positive Blueprints Podcast at for even more inspiration on living a healthy and whole lifestyle! Thanks Fernanda for an amazing, information and joyful conversation! Find her on Instagram: @fernandatorres_castaneda Find me on Instagram: @shannonmariev Check out more My Sister Wisdom resources by visiting Support this podcast at —
Jan 3, 2021
1 hr 9 min
My Sister Wisdom Official Relaunch Trailer! Episode 0: Conversations to Sanctifications
Hello Sweet Seeds and welcome back to my podcast! I have relaunched as My Sister Wisdom and I am here today with you one on one to explain who I am, why I did this relaunch, what's happening on the podcast, and where it is going! Destination = sanctification! It is a journey, and one that I am not in control of. So, be patient with me while I tie up loose ends, share the wonderful and intelligent women who are knowledgable in their fields and grow closer to Most High! *Disclaimer* Many of the people and recorded podcast episodes were chosen/done before I was saved, so controversy is an inevitable part of this podcast. HOWEVER! I have chosen to move forward despite my own discomfort or the discomfort of others to show love, care and to be a voice to those who may not have heard the Good News! I am not here to force, convert, or shame anyone. Only to conversate, grow together, and deepen the faith of my listeners, and myself!* If you would like to have a personal conversation with me feel free to drop a comment or send me a personal email at [email protected]. I'd be happy to hear what's on your heart and in your mind. Convict me! Ask me questions! Let's grow together. Shine on, Shan. Support this podcast at —
Jan 3, 2021
13 min
Burn-out Who? Discover The Secret Weapon to Avoiding Mid-Life Crisis with Eva Vennari!
We might think a mid-life crisis, or even a quarter life crisis is inevitable! Or that we have to experience burn-out at some point in our lives if we want to be thriving in our lives and careers. Well, take it from Eva, you don't have to, and you definitely don't want to! Burn-out can result in serious health implications, unless we take action NOW! No matter how old you are, you can take action to prevent, heal and recover from crisis mode and watch your emotional, mental, spiritual and physical bodies rejoice! Listen until the end to get the secret weapon and FREE GIFT to get you out of survival mode, and into thriver mode! NEXT WEEK! Motivashan is GONEZO! We will relaunch the week of Monday 11/23 with 3 episodes under the new title My Sister Wisdom! will also be out of commission so stay tuned for the new website. In the meantime, check out our guests links below: Eva Vennari - The Elevate Institute Website: (CLICK FOR A FREE GIFT!) Instagram: @evaheals Facebook Group: Shannon Vasilakes - Host Website: Instagram: @sweetly_shannon --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. Support this podcast: Support this podcast at —
Nov 18, 2020
1 hr 20 min
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