My Favorite Album with Jeremy Dylan
My Favorite Album with Jeremy Dylan
Jeremy Dylan
221. Aaron Lee Tasjan on The Beatles 'Revolver' (1966)
22 minutes Posted Sep 6, 2017 at 6:36 am.
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Aaron Lee Tasjan followed the classic well worn path to Americana stardom - starting 150 bands, playing guitar with the New York Dolls, sticking sequins onto his own suits and micro dosing for songwriting inspiration.

He joins me to talk about the album that taught him to play guitar - The Beatles uber-classic ‘Revolver’. We talk about the Beatles eternal mission to top their latest groundbreaking recordings, what it would’ve been like to hear these songs new when they first were released, the diversity of influences on both Aaron and the Beatles (and the impact that has on their music) and more.

My Favorite Album is a podcast on the impact great music has on our lives. Each episode features a guest on their favorite album of all time - why they love it, their history with the album and how it’s influenced them. Jeremy Dylan is a filmmaker, journalist and photographer from Sydney, Australia who has worked in the music industry since 2007. He directed the the feature music documentary Jim Lauderdale: The King of Broken Hearts (out now!) and the feature film Benjamin Sniddlegrass and the Cauldron of Penguins, in addition to many commercials and music videos.

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