Lindsay Ellis and Kaveh Taherian
via Podcasts
Sad šŸ„¹ and whole lotta love
Anytime this podcast shows up my day is brighter. I wish it would continue but if itā€™s not bringing you guys happiness I understand the need to move on. Please know I have enjoyed every episodeā€¦even if you love/hate on one of my favorites. I will miss you guys.
donny gersonde
I really want to like this podcast but the cursing is grating
I curse a lot, I do, but the cursing in this podcast is just too grating. Itā€™s starting to become an oratorical tick that you start to cringe to after the 10th time the same way you pick up on your least fave teacher saying ā€œmmmā€™kayā€ ā€” not good. Otherwise I love their takes on whats happening in musicals right now. Itā€™s fresh, lively, and funny! But if you have a choice to not hear the cursing, that would be great.
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Forgot that they were still doing this, tuned back in andā€¦
I found Lindsay and Kavehā€™s discussions somewhat interesting, even if the conceit of the show is two people crapping on every show youā€™ve ever enjoyed. I somehow lost track of this show in mid 2022, and totally forgot about it. I came back in this afternoon and was quickly reminded why I stopped listening. Kaveh is still apathetic and bored. Angelina is more energetic but kind of hateful and mean-spirited. I donā€™t get why this is a podcast. I donā€™t know whoā€™s listening since Lindsay abandoned the podcast. This is certainly not for people who love musicals. I donā€™t find much enjoyment in cynical, bitter better-than-you a-holes tearing apart everything you love, in a podcast that is supposed to be not just a dissection but a celebration of musicals. There isnā€™t even a lot of insight to be had here. Itā€™s a lot of tired banter and Iā€™m glad to unsubscribe from this podcast once more.
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Canā€™t stop listening
Love Lindsay, Angie and Kaveh! I have to consciously hold myself back from just binging every episode. Thanks for putting together this wonderful podcast, itā€™s been such a joy listening. Moulin Rouge is my favorite episode so far, and Iā€™m looking forward to checking out Xanadu based on your discussion about it. Lindsay, thank you especially for being you. Donā€™t let the haters drag you down, youā€™re one of a kind and deeply appreciated by many. Keep it up you three!!
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Utter trash.
Who is this podcast for? Certainly not people who like musicals. Both hosts hate every single one they discuss. But why would anyone who hates musicals listen to a podcast about them every week? They wouldnā€™t. In essenceā€” this podcast has no audience. People were only listening for Lindsay to begin with and, now that sheā€™s abandoned the pod, itā€™s clear that almost no one is still listening. And for good reason. Iā€™m sorry but this show is garbage. Kaveh in particular is unbearable to listen to and has yet to say anything of substance in the 100 or so episodes heā€™s recorded so far. Donā€™t start a podcast about musicals if you donā€™t enjoy watching them. Itā€™s really not that difficult.
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Come from away
I love your pod and this episode brought it to another level. Your sharp, incisive, and thoughtful commentary about 911 media was fantastic to listen to. Keep up the incredible work and donā€™t shy away from these tougher topics. Kaveh, never apologize for getting emotional- the personal lens you brought to this topic was an absolute gift to us listeners.
Please mark it as explicit
Iā€™m 11 and was looking for a good, CLEAN podcast for kids about broadway and I saw your podcast. It read, ā€œCleanā€ and I was like, oh! Yay! Yeah then I listened to it. Please mark it as explicit!
Guy who doesnā€™t like musicals
Love the podcast but how have you not covered The Guy Who Didnā€™t Like Musicals yet?!?!?! I know itā€™s a low budget show on YouTube but it is still a pretty popular stage musical and with the premise of this podcast seems like a natural fit.
It got worse
ā€¦Even before Lindsay literally abandoned her own podcast, Kaveh seemed apathetic at best. Why even have this kind of show if the person isnā€™t interested in even debating WHY they dislike something? Everyone enjoys a good critique, but he just sounds bored and uninterested. Then Lindsay just.. left the show and was replaced with Angela, who unfortunately is more interested in talking about herself and practicing her singing than analyzing the musical of the week. I gave it quite a few episodes, but Iā€™m pretty burnt out on it now.
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Not sure who this is for
As someone that likes musicals, this isnā€™t for me. The level of conversation is just reactionary with very little analysis or substance. The rest of the banter is just tired back and forth friendly chat. We all think we can have a podcast with our friends; we canā€™t.
I hope theyā€™re still doing this podcast, I listen to every episode on my commutes!
I love this , definitely one of my faves. I loved your Hamilton discussion and I think you guys should do Matilda, The Lightning theif, Be more Chill, 13, and I canā€™t believe you guys havenā€™t done Dear Evan Hansen. But anyway back to the point. You guys are amazing! Keep it up!
emoji 775
Not for everyone
The hosts are great and have wonderful chemistry, but itā€™s a strange concept. If there were a pitch I can only imagine it. ā€œWhat if we took a women whose knowledge of musicals was a mile wide and an inch deep and paired her with a man who hates musicals, and made them watch shows and talk about them?ā€ Listen for a new perspective but donā€™t expect deep analysis.
Too Scatogical
I was excited to listen to the Sunday in the Park episode as itā€™s an important work and we just lost Sondheim but Iā€™m two minutes in and all theyā€™ve spoken about in regards to this renowned work isā€¦ bathroom activities. Gross. Rude. Not at all something worthy of Sondheim.
Jessa Sparkles
Great podcast!
I love this podcast! Iā€™ve been here since the start and I continue to enjoy each one. It has reminded me to rewatch some movies I love and has introduced me to new musicals Iā€™ve never seen previously. All the the hosts, current and past, have a wonderful way of covering each piece that is both enjoyable and enriching. Thanks!
This podcast made me watch Phantom
Iā€™m not the biggest fan of musicals but after listening to the Phantom discussion I felt compelled to watch the production. I loved it. Watching with the commentary in my head made for a lot more fun than just watching it cold. Oklahoma! Is next. I recommend this podcast.
Canā€™t get enough - binging
I canā€™t get enough of this podcast. I generally loathe musicals but love Lindsay. Stumbling upon a library of Lindsay Ellis ā€¦ā€contentā€ has filled my workday with laughter.
we're here because we're here
Musical Lover Unite!
As a follower of all things related to musicals and culture, I love to listen to this podcast for the joy of the hosts sharing the moments and aspects of musicals they love, commiserating about the artistic swings that didnā€™t land, analyzing how musicals fit into the culture of their time and ours, and of course, bringing the humor every time. Kaveh and Angelina, you rock!
Wonderful, one of my favorite podcasts. I look forward to each new episode and have listened to multiple episodes more than once
I love the show, butā€¦
I canā€™t believe you havenā€™t done ā€œCabaretā€ or ā€œGypsyā€ yet.
Love this find!
So delighted to find this - it soothes my inner musical-obsessed middle schooler heart!
Addictive and moving
This podcast is an absolute treat, and I always look forward to their viewpoints. The Sunday in the Park With George episode was particularly thoughtful and heartwrenching. As fun as mocking bad musicals is, there is so much joy in talking about when things go right, and what the art form means to its fans.
Who is this for?
As a musical lover I found this very hard to listen to as the main host seems to actually hate most musicalsā€¦.? Could only get through a few episodes since this is clearly not for the musical loving audience.
Great show!
I found this podcast through Lindsay but Iā€™ve grown to love it on its own. Angelina is great and I love the insight that the guests provide!
Every episode brings with great information about the songs, writers, etc. and witty banter that's always funny. Keep up the good work.
Stilliam Haynes
Love musicals
I love musicals but am aware of their failings, and this podcast is so fun. Itā€™s still a great listen, but I deeply miss Lindsayā€™s snark, her fresh and hyper-informed insights made me laugh so hard and helped me place the works in context. I enjoy the other hosts, too, but I need Lindsayā€™s history lessons to get me through the day.
Meg's Cardigan
Enjoying the show.
I never comment on things, but this show just pulls on my musical heart strings. Keep them coming. Also I miss Ellis, but the new host brings in a fresh point of view.
Yep... mhmm... sure yeah.... and actually...
Amusing enough but the way Lindsay can't let anyone else speak without interjecting drives me nuts.
Love the new co-host
Iā€™m glad Lindsayā€™s out because now I can fully enjoy this podcast. Kaveh is always a delight, and Angelinaā€™s knowledge has made this show actually educational. I always felt my eyes rolling back at Lindsayā€™s pretentious hot-takes, especially after finding out what few musicals she approved of. Angelinaā€™s taste is more in line with mine, and I love hearing her nerd out! For new listeners, start with the recent episodes and work your way back.
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I guess Iā€™m, at my core, just not sure why you would start and do a podcast about musicals if you so clearly donā€™t like musicals. Sorry, but if you canā€™t disconnect from your personal experience living in NYC and stop ranting about a musical because they donā€™t obsess about a rent controlled apartment as a key point in the story, I donā€™t know what to tell you. Also, so much distaste for Rent, which, despite your personal opinions, is and was a defining musical in Broadway history. Just too much cynicism and snark for my taste.
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Great listen
Great musical podcast - started listening because I wanted to hear opinions on tick tick boom after I watched that, and Iā€™ve been digging around in the back catalogue and enjoying that too. Itā€™s got me back in the mood of liking musicals. I enjoy all the hosts. Sometimes itā€™s more meandering that I feel like listening to but itā€™s a good listen while cooking podcast.
Love never dies is better than Jekyll and Hyde
This podcast inspired me to watch Jekyll and Hyde again for the first time since high school. I Oy vey. Iā€™ll never get that time back. Thanks for validating my feelings. Without hesitation I can say Love Never Dies is a better musical. It just is. And love never dies is terrible. That is all.
Laura Finaldi
They donā€™t actually talk about the musical?
I wanted to like this podcast. As a fan of musicals, I felt it was way too heavy on personal opinions and random tangents rather than a breakdown of the musical itself.
lacking other perspectives
for the most part, i enjoy this show the west side story episode, however, rubbed the the wrong way a little bit. i feel like it was VERY lacking in hispanic/latino perspective. the racial element of west side story is a HUGE focus in these films, especially the spielberg version and the nuance actors like ariana debose bring to their performances in the film. but in this podcast episode, it only got a few passing mentions. i wish they would have had a latinx guest who would have contributed their perspective, or even read some other source or article that discussed it. there was so much missing from their conversation, with kaveh even admitting he had no idea if the lincoln center was real or fictional, and saying that west side story did not warrant a remaking because in the heights already exists. overall, just felt really dismissive of the racial nuances of the story and i feel like they should have done a lot more research as well as presented some of the puerto rican perspective. it is a central theme of west side story, and it shouldnā€™t have been an afterthought.
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Itā€™s okā€¦
This podcast would be better in my opinion if Lindsay could be a little les cynical about everything. A good example of this is the in the heights episode where she spends a good chunk of the podcast talking about her experience in Washington heights and how that made her dislike it. I feel that she doesnā€™t always know what sheā€™s talking about and sheā€™ll just say things without thinking about it. This podcast is not a good choice for people who are super fans of musicals or people who just want to have fun. If your someone who can listen to heavy criticism without getting upset this podcast is for you.
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40 and out.
I donā€™t hate this podcast by any means, although it sometimes has a hard time deciding whether or not it actually likes musicals. But listening to one of the hosts compare West Side Story (2021) to the cgi version of Lion King caused me to unsubscribe to protect my mental health. Self care is important, kids.
They play it cool
No matter the host combination, I really appreciate how they approach the shows they discuss. Everyone is charming. Everything is cool. The West Side Story episode gave me flashbacks to the most mortifying callback of my life as I was thrown in a room with a bunch of incredible dancers (I have never been a dancer-I was auditioning for Krupke) as we were shown the choreography from ā€œCoolā€ and told to do it in front of everyone else. I sucked at it really badly. Still played Krupke, though. So I guess I won? Anyway, this is a good podcast.
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Showtime Eric
Love these hosts
Great podcast for musical nerds, haters, and neutrals alike, hosted by very knowledgeable and charismatic folks that are a joy to listen to! Lindsay and Kaveh start the show off really strong, and Angelina takes over as host seamlessly after Lindsay goes on break. All three have fantastic chemistry together and fascinating, hilarious conversations spanning a surprisingly broad subject matter. Iā€™m so glad Angelina was able to come on as host and that the show is still going, sheā€™s doing fantastic! <3
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Still great
Loved the podcast when Lindsay was co-host, and while I miss her, I love it just as much with Angelina. Always a treat to see new episodes.
Love it
Still great with the new host!
Yay more splainin!
Excited to see this continuing! Yay Angie and yay to more Sondheim!!! I love how even with my level of theater nerdiness I still learn a lot from this podcast!
Canā€™t Wait To See What Is To Come!
I have had a really good time with this podcast over the last couple years. I was sad to hear that (for absolutely valid reasons) it would be going on a hiatus. But I am excited that it is back and with Angie as cohost! Iā€™ve loved her guest work on this and Song vs. Song, and am glad that not only is the podcast continuing, but that we get more Angie. Best to all involved, and I am delighted to have a new episode.
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So glad they are back!
Angelina is a welcome addition to the show. She was always a great guest and Iā€™m glad Iā€™ll get to hear more of her insights going forward. Since she has such an obvious passion for musical theater, she is great at helping people like me and Kaveh get caught up on theater nerd stuff.
Love the new cover art!
Thank you guys for doing this podcast. As a high school student in Brazil, I donā€™t have anyone in my life who wants to discuss musicals. This might sound sad, but when I listen to this podcast, I feel less lonely! Much love, from Brazil! ā¤ļø
This podcast has refueled my love of musicals. 5 stars to Lindsay and Kaveh always and but I am eternally grateful for discovering Om Shanti Om because of this podcast. My god what a perfect spectacle
Just started listening
I just started listening to this and Iā€™m listening to the descendants episode and Iā€™m 30 minutes in out of the hour long episode and theyā€™ve talked about descendants for about 5 minutes in total so far. It just confuses me why you make an episode on something and then not even talk about it for half of the episode. Why talk about something when the co host is too old to even understand the franchise? It just seems like you guys are talking about something you have no knowledge of. I will be listening to more episodes, but I hope this isnā€™t an issue that is present in every episode.
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Favorite podcast!!
I only recently started listening to podcasts and decided to check out this one since I enjoy Lindsays videos & Iā€™m completely obsessed! I binged it really quickly and re-listen to episodes all the time. This podcast just feels like comfort food to me, the hosts have a really great rapport and listening to it makes me feel like Iā€™m hanging out with friends (even though sometimes they can be really harsh on shows I like and it hurts my souls a little šŸ˜”). Iā€™ve also discovered some of my new favorite musicals though this! Obsessed!!
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Very Entertaining Show
I quickly ran through the catalog of episodes within a week of beginning the show. Iā€™m a fan of musicals like Lindsay and my partner is ambivalent to them like Kaveh. We both find much to love about their discussions of these classic shows. Their guests bring a lot to add to the conversation as well. Looking forward to when they eventually cover Newsies, as they have been hinting for some time now!
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Tell Us More
Generally I enjoyed the review (though views were a bit harshšŸ˜„), but I would love to hear more about how the team would imagine fixes to some of their objections to the musicals they discuss. For example in Wicked, they talk about the boyfriend problem and queer-baitingā€¦Iā€™d love to hear more about what changes theyā€™d suggest to correct problematic storylines. I think this would add an extra fun edge to the discussion. Great show!
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Came for the Truth of the Divine content and stayed
I share Kavehā€™s feelings towards musicals so I didnā€™t expect to enjoy this as much as I did. I ended up listening to the whole catalog over the course of a few days. Lindsay and Kaveh are great hosts, theyā€™re both funny and have lots of interesting discussions. All of the guests have been great additions to the show as well.
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