Rock and Roll will never die... Except for when its in jukebox musical format.
We are back and this week we watched Rock of Ages, a star studded jukebox musical.
We chat about Tom Cruise's back, Russell Brands shockingly awful Brummy accent and our rock credentials.
Dec 11, 2018
41 min

Jazz Hands at the ready, its time for Episode 4 of Musical Chairs!
In this episode it is the 1920's razzmatazz musical 'Chicago'!
We chat about how surprised we were by how much we love this musical, our thoughts on the Friends Musical and we imagine a Serial Killer Themed Musical!
Oct 21, 2018
35 min

Here we bloody go again... a film with an Italian title, set in Greece with french themed songs.
This episode, we bravely wen't into the field to watch Mama Mia 2 at the cinema. Then we needed to go to the pub to process our feelings and CHER a beer.
Oct 3, 2018
41 min

Good Morning, Afternoon or Evening! It's Episode Two of Musical Chairs with Jen Ives and Jade Gebbie.
Episode Two is the hyper musical 'Little Shop of Horrors'.
We discover each other's worst jobs, chat about Steve Martin and the Mean Green Mother from Outer Space even makes a few appearances!
Sep 20, 2018
42 min