MrCreepyPasta's Storytime
MrCreepyPasta's Storytime
MrCreepyPasta's Storytime
The OFFICIAL MrCreepyPasta Storytime!Hey there kids! It's me, MrCreepyPasta! And I think I might have found a new way to bring Creepypasta stories from the deep dark stones of the crypt and right to the ear balls in your head. If you're as excited as I am to hear a good story of terror and fear as I am then give me a subscription, hide under your blanket, and prepare yourself for some sweet dreams. Creepypasta Storytime is a collection of some of the most horrifying (and occasionally funny) stories, or Creepypastas, that the internet has to offer and narrated to you by the Blue Man himself. The podcast is taken directly from the YouTube channel of the same name and is always open to suggestions for new stories and submissions from you. mrcreepypasta@gmail.comSupport the podcast here:
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
Every few days
Latest episode
5 days ago
April 30
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