Moving Forward with Hope - Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Podcast
Moving Forward with Hope - Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Podcast
Lynn Nichols
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Concise, Informative Episodes!
Thank you for being direct and providing insightful information on this topic that has been kept uncover for generations and now is finally being brought out into the open.
Thank you so much for this life changing information. The episodes have really changed my outlook and helped me understand all these years of dealing with the narcissistic abuse from family members. My mind is now into the healing mode . ❤️
Helpful, terrific podcast
Lynn provides insightful and thought- provoking episodes on the devastating effects that narcissist relationships can have. Each episode is about 10 minutes which is the perfect length of time to listen to reinforce one’s path towards recovery from narcissistic abuse. It is a difficult road recovering from this type of relationship, and listeners will sense Lynn’s empathy and understanding as they hear each episode. I generally listen to one or two episodes a day- some are more pertinent to my particular situation, but each has at least one (and often) more than one nugget of gold. An especially helpful and affirming podcast. Thank you for providing this content, Michelle
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Sally Farmer-Smith