Move Your DNA with Katy Bowman
Move Your DNA with Katy Bowman
Katy Bowman
Ep 25 - Headlines that Move
44 minutes Posted Jul 7, 2015 at 12:30 am.
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The news lately has been filled with exciting body nerd news: After 56 years perched in high heels, Barbie can now wear flats. That’s big news, right? And two days later, NPR featured a story on lost postures and a theory as to why indigenous people don’t suffer from back pain like First-world folks. Headlines ARE grabby, but it’s always wise to dig a little deeper. Tackling a deeper understanding of how our bodies really work is an important step, and this episode features a hearty discussion of headlines that deserve deeper exploration.

Go to to preorder your guidebook to a movement-rich life will help you analyze your current “movement diet” and make changes to how you move, how you think about movement, and how you fit more of it into your life.