Today on my 100th episode and just a week and a few days following my 30th birthday, I am talking about some unexpected twists, turns, and decisions that have surfaced over the last few months.
Sometimes the unexpected is exactly what we need… it just takes us honoring our gut and following through (even when it brings up fear).
So today, I’m sharing what’s been on my heart over the last few months as well as what that means moving forward… thank you for your patience as I’ve sorted all of this out - as always I have so much love for you.
Let me know if you have any questions - onward and upward <3
Jan 26, 2021
36 min
Today (on episode 99!!!!!!!) I break down the difference between your intuition (the part of you that KNOWS what you want/desire) and your fear voice.
I’ve received so many questions on how to tell the difference between what you “should” do vs what you actually want to do …. And so today I’m breaking it down.
Because you deserve to pursue the life YOU desire, without having to completely throw your analytical self out of the window ;)
I hope you enjoy this episode!!
(I’m also sharing an exclusive sneak peek of what to expect with my new GROUP program that’s being released sooooo soon… get ready, it’s going to be EPIC)
Nov 13, 2020
41 min
EPISODE 98: This has been something I’ve been wanting to talk about for a while.
We see gossiping about other women or putting other women down portrayed so heavily in entertainment/media today. And it is normalized to a point where we bring it into our own lives.
So today I wanted to break down gossip: why we do it, where it typically comes from, and how to start shifting it…
And why receiving and learning how to truly receive/celebrate ourselves and one another go hand in hand.
Because I want to move into a world where we lead with love… where we can truly and genuinely celebrate, empower, and uplift one another. I get goose bumps thinking about what kind of impact we can create from that place.
(I’m also sharing an exclusive sneak peek of what to expect with my new GROUP program that’s being released sooooo soon… get ready, it’s going to be EPIC)
Nov 6, 2020
43 min
Did you cringe a little bit when you read those words?
I hear you.
Those two words were FULL of guilt and shame for many years. And they still hold so much negativity for many people today.
BUT when we can get curious about them and look at these words as they arise in a different light, we can learn so much about ourselves… not only that but we actually create the opportunity for MORE love (within ourselves and the world)
So today, I’m breaking down a different way to understand and see jealousy + judgment and how you can get curious rather than pile on the guilt when they arise.
(I’m also sharing an exclusive sneak peek of what to expect with my new GROUP program that’s being released sooooo soon… get ready, it’s going to be EPIC)
Oct 23, 2020
34 min
Things have power when you give them power
^ this concept has been life changing for me.
So many of us move through our day holding onto stories, definitions, + beliefs that DO NOT serve us simply because we’ve been holding onto them for most of our lives… they were picked up along the way of life and we didn’t realize that we had the power to release/change them. And so they became truth.
BUT we have the power to shift + release what doesn’t serve us so that we can step into our truth and live out the life we desire.
So today, I’m sharing 4 steps I use to help recognize + shift those stories so that you can stop holding yourself back and be YOU.
(I’m also sharing an exclusive sneak peek of what to expect with my new GROUP program that’s being released sooooo soon… get ready, it’s going to be EPIC)
Oct 16, 2020
40 min
Information O V E R L O A D.
^ I’ve been feeling this deeply lately.
And in almost every conversation I’ve had with other people around this I’ve been met with a sigh of relief and “ME TOO.”
I’ve been talking so much about questioning everything, about taking a hard look at my own life and asking “is this necessary, is this what *I* want, or am I feeling pressured by an external standard or some outside social media influence?”
Crazy morning routines, good vibes only, external measures of success, exercise regimens, food regimens, lifestyles… you name it… are thrown around like crazy each one being labeled as the personal development “must dos in order to feel like this….”
It has gotten to a point where it’s hard to make a decision for ourselves without guilt, a “should” taking over, or paralyzing comparison hijacking the experience. Where in order to take the next step, we find it so easy to turn to our outside world for confirmation that it’s the “right” decision for us.
So today, I’m talking about what it means to come back home to yourself, how to question whether or not these tools on our handheld devices are actually serving us and understanding that at the end of it all, you are the expert of your own needs (not someone on social media)
Some big changes are coming: so get excited.
Oct 12, 2020
30 min
Oh man… this week is a topic I am SO passionate about.
This year I’ve been called to explore more of myself. To dive into things I’ve denied or pushed off in the past, things like learning how to lean into my feminine energy, exploring womb + sexual shame healing, understanding my menstrual cycle and creating a new relationship with my cyclical nature.
SO MUCH of leaning to what it means for me to be a fully expressed woman in this world.
And with all of that, I see SO clearly how all of this ties together with learning how to let go of shoulds, navigating people pleasing, understanding your desires and needs in this world, and why it’s so easy to turn to comparison.
Today, I’m talking about how all of this goes hand in hand with comparison and how we can start changing our relationship to ourselves and to the stories society has created around being women.
Because love, you are fucking powerful… exactly as you are.
Please let me know what questions you have and just know I’m sending you so much love <3
Sep 18, 2020
37 min
My high touch 6 month 1:1 program is now OPEN for enrollment. This program is my baby and was developed based on what I needed during my own journey of people pleasing + feeling pressured by “shoulds.”
This round I am only taking 5 women .Send me a message on instagram (@stephaniedankelson) or shoot me an email ([email protected]) to get more info <3 I can’t wait to support you on this journey.
I was recently invited to be a guest for an online summit all focused on empowerment + living more authentically.
The Power Label Summit hosted by Nicki Hu begins on September 21, 2020.
Inside of this FREE series, you will not only hear me dive into self love (and what that really means) but also what 20 other experts have to say around:
How to find clarity and overcome blocks that are holding you back,
How to manage your mindset to live a happier life,
How to start putting your needs first,
Best practices to build self love, confidence, and courage,
How to move forward with trauma, grief, and anxiety,
How be a leader through authenticity,
And so much more!
Register here to save your free seat :
Now, as for this weeks episode… I bring up a topic I hear all of the time (and have talked about myself) enjoying the journey.
I know first hand how difficult this concept can be so today I am sharing 2 reasons as to why that feels difficult and how you can start removing those road blocks to find more fulfilment NOW on the way to your goals.
Please let me know what questions you have and just know I’m sending you so much love <3
Sep 11, 2020
33 min
My high touch 6 month 1:1 program is now OPEN for enrollment. This program is my baby and was developed based on what I needed during my own journey of people pleasing + feeling pressured by “shoulds.”
This round I am only taking 5 women. Send me a message on instagram (@stephaniedankelson) or shoot me an email ([email protected]) to get more info <3 I can’t wait to support you on this journey.
Last week you may have noticed an episode was not released… and theres a reason for it (which I am soooo excited to share with you)
So on today's episode I talk about something I’ve been learning that has given me so much PERMISSION to be exactly where I am in my life and how you can start doing the same.
Please let me know what questions you have and just know I’m sending you so much love <3
Sep 4, 2020
25 min
What’s your best advice for someone on this journey to self love?”
^ I was recently asked this question. And after sharing my answer I thought how important it was that I talk about this and share the lessons I’ve learned over the course of the last 5 years.
So on today's episode I’m breaking down my top 3 tips for getting the most out of your personal development journey (both things that I have found helpful and things that have taken me astray) in hopes that it will help you lean in more and stand stronger in your truth.
Please let me know what questions you have and just know I’m sending you so much love <3
Aug 21, 2020
34 min
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