Mostly Minutia Podcast

Mostly Minutia

Colleen Lindl
Colleen Lindl speaks with people about a seemingly trivial detail in their life.
Ep47 Lockdown: An Italian Perspective
Carmen Mazzola got married exactly one day before Italy's severe lockdown. Thus far, Carmen and her husband Giuseppe have spent every day of their marriage inside their house. Only one at a time being allowed to leave for groceries with a signed permission slip.   With the relaxing of restrictions this week, all Italian citizens are anxiously awaiting the exhale. Especially, Carmen. Carmen is owner and head chef of cooking school and restaurant La Cucina Del Gusto in Sorrento. She works with world-wide clientele seeking to learn authentic Neapolitan recipes for pizzas and pastas. Sorrento is a coastal town that is dependent on tourists for its survival. For Carmen, the question is when will people begin to travel again? Sign up for a class with Carmen Send Carmen a note [email protected] Music by Chris Zabriskie Check out Creative Mornings and take a virtual field trip. Listen to Routines & Ruts Podcast Follow Host @colleenlindl Listen to Mostly Minutia Podcast Listen on Apple Listen on Spotify Cover Art by Evah Fan  
May 5, 2020
31 min
Ep46 Essential
Ben Dederich is a grocery clerk at a co-op in Madison, Wisconsin. Since becoming an overnight essential frontline worker, Ben has dealt with everything from panicked customers to his own anxieties about his daily multi-exposure to a potentially lethal contagion.  Music by Chris Zabriskie - album "I Made This While You Were Asleep" Track "I'm About To Do The Second Hardest Thing I've Ever Done" Follow Host @colleenlindl Follow @mostlyminutiapodcast Listen to Mostly Minutia Podcast Listen on Apple Listen on Spotify Cover Art by Evah Fan
Apr 11, 2020
27 min
Ep45 Yoga's Yamas and Niyamas
Courtney Seiberling, is a Yoga Instructor and Author. In this episode, Courtney and I talk about her book "Yoga's Yamas and Niyamas - 10 Principles for Peace & Purpose".  Courtney shares a bit about her background, how she got into yoga, and what is yoga. She explains the yamas (how to treat others) and the niyamas (how to care for yourself). Then we break down two chapters from her book. At the very end, Courtney shares two detailed personal accounts of how the practice of these principles have physically manifested in her life. Practice the yamas and niyamas with Courtney on youtube @Courtney Seiberling Buy "Yoga's Yamas and Niyamas - 10 Principles for Peace & Purpose" on Amazon or This episode of Mostly Minutia was recorded and mixed at Fairfax-Village Studios by the talented Matt Sav. Book a recording session with Matt Music by Chris Zabriskie off the album "I Made This While You Were Asleep" Check out Go Help Yourself Podcast Follow @mostlyminutiapodcast Listen to Mostly Minutia Podcast Listen on Apple Listen on Spotify Cover Art by Evah Fan          
Apr 1, 2020
1 hr 29 min
Ep44 Scott Marvel
Scott Marvel is the president of Daily Planet, a commercial production company based in Chicago with a focus on humanitarian projects. He is also the founder of Give A Shirt, a non-profit organization helping the homeless get back on their feet. In this episode, Scott shares with us the story of his Grandpa Rudy’s death and how this one event has shaped his life. Watch Scott's films here Follow Scott @teetsy Donate to Streetwise by getting a shirt Donate to Streetwise straightaway Scott's Funeral Playlist "I'm Not Here" on Spotify Follow @mostlyminutiapodcast Listen to Mostly Minutia Podcast Listen on Apple Listen on Spotify Cover Art by Evah Fan
Dec 6, 2018
1 hr 2 min
Ep43 Flight Attendant to Steamfitter
Emily Lindl is part of the Steamfitter’s union Local 601 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. For almost a decade prior, Emily worked as a Flight Attendant for Midwest Airlines. In this episode, Emily shares how at the age of 30 she began a whole new career in the male dominated field of steamfitting. *Note: A steamfitter works on and installs heating, cooling, gas, and process piping. In layman's terms, a steamfitter's main goal is to make sure whatever's flowing through the pipes keeps on flowing. Emily works with pipe made of stainless steel, carbon steel, copper, brass, pvc, cpvc, and poly propylene to name a few. She knows how to cut and bond all these materials and her favorite material to work with is copper. Emily's favorite offset to design is a 45 degree offset which helps with what’s known as the pressure drop. Music by Chris Zabriskie Wonder Cycle off the album Divider  This episode was recorded at Epiphany Space. A coworking space in Hollywood equipped with quaint working nooks, creative souls, and plenty of espresso. Follow Host @colleenlindl Follow @mostlyminutiapodcast Listen to Mostly Minutia Podcast Listen on Apple Listen on Spotify Cover Art by Evah Fan
Nov 20, 2018
1 hr 3 min
Ep42 Debt Becomes Us
*For anyone who has ever felt swamped, imprisoned, paralyzed or had panic attacks over their student loan debt this story is for you. In 2012, Hillary Carroll graduated with an MFA from UCLA. Between her loans, interest accrued, and capitalized interest she owed 130K. This story is about how she paid it off. Follow Hillary @debt_free_hillary Hillary’s Equation for Monthly Interest Accrual: Principal Balance x Interest Percentage Rate (8.25% = .0825) Divided by 365 = Daily Interest Accrual Daily Interest Accrual x 30 = Monthly Interest Accrual Music by Chris Zabriskie off the album Divider Follow Host @colleenlindl Follow @mostlyminutiapodcast Listen to Mostly Minutia Podcast Listen on Apple Listen on Spotify Cover Art by Evah Fan  
Jul 9, 2018
1 hr 29 min
Ep41 A Man and His Boy
Cruz Flores and his wife Dawn were expecting the birth of their son Henry on Valentine’s Day. So, it came as a surprise when they found out 2 1/2 mos prior to his due date that Henry needed to be born right away. This is his story told by his Father Cruz Flores.  Music by Home off the album Resting State Follow Host @colleenlindl Follow @mostlyminutiapodcast Listen to Mostly Minutia Podcast Listen on Apple Listen on Spotify Cover Art by Evah Fan  
Jun 20, 2018
1 hr 30 min
Ep40 Sneakerheads Pt3 with Mario Pendilla
Mario Pendilla is a Camera Operator on hit Fox show MasterChef. He also happens to look fresh fresh fresh in his Jordans. The third in this series on Sneakerheads, Mario Pendilla takes us on a trip through his closet. A self-proclaimed NON-Sneakerhead, Mario owns 35 plus pairs of Jordans. Each pair of shoes in their original box, some duplicates, but each boasting a photo on the exterior of the box of exact contents inside. I ask you, is this man not a Sneakerhead or is he just really really organized? You be the judge.  Music by Home off the album "Resting State" Follow Host @colleenlindl Follow @mostlyminutiapodcast Listen to Mostly Minutia Podcast Listen on Apple Listen on Spotify Cover art by Evah Fan      
May 29, 2018
55 min
Ep39 Sneakerheads Pt2 with Ben Kronick
If you love Airmax and cooking then you'll love Ben Kronick. Ben is the in-house Chef on hit Fox show MasterChef and Ben LOVES sneakers. Ben began collecting sneakers in college and boasts knowledge when it comes to boutique sneaker shops around the world. Winning the chase on highly sought after shoes is Ben's game. Especially, exotic pairs of Airmax like the duck hunter camos, the animal pack, and customs by dank&co featuring actual swatches from Kobe Bryant's jersey. This is an indulgy episode. Sort of like eating bone marrow. Bon appetit! Dank&Co Custom Footwear Design @jwdanklefs French Culinary Institute Sneaker Freaker Magazine Nike Doernbecher Hospital Freestyle Project Boutique Stores Kith LA+Brooklyn Ubiq Philly Size? UK Concepts Boston, NY, UAE Atmos NY Rif LA Undefeated US+Japan Flight Club Clot Music by Home off the album "Resting State" Follow Host @colleenlindl Follow @mostlyminutiapodcast Listen to Mostly Minutia Podcast Listen on Apple Listen on Spotify Cover art by Evah Fan          
May 8, 2018
1 hr 30 min
Ep38 Sneakerheads Pt1 with Forrest Tagliamonte
According to an article in Forbes "A Sneakerhead is a person who collects trades and/or admires sneakers as a form of hobby." and according to Urban Dictionary, "One who is in love with but not limited to Jordans, Forces, Dunks, Maxes, etc." And I would say Forrest Tagliamonte lives up to this expectation. Pushing upward of 200 shoes, mostly Jordans and Airmax Forrest enlightens the soul when talking about style. Especially when it comes to what you put on your feet.  *Note: During this interview, Forrest kept it real classy. Gold chain, black form fitted jeans, pair of Tiffany Dunks and a white T-shirt with The Notorious BIG quote "And if you don't know now you know". Masters of Air Vol 1 Documentary by Nike Fresh Dressed Documentary Sneakernomics: Are Sneakerheads Important? Forbes Article Music by Home off the album "Resting State" Follow Host @colleenlindl Follow @mostlyminutiapodcast Listen to Mostly Minutia Podcast Listen on Apple     Listen on Spotify Cover Art by Evah Fan  
Apr 17, 2018
1 hr 1 min
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