More Than A Paycheck Podcast
More Than A Paycheck
Lindsay Lyman
How to love your job again - episode of More Than A Paycheck podcast

How to love your job again

14 minutes Posted Jul 12, 2024 at 7:00 am.
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Hey everyone, I'm Lindsay Lyman. After almost 12 years at Amazon, I've seen countless brilliant and successful overachievers burn out and leave their jobs because of stress and anxiety. But here's the good news: having a successful career doesn’t have to come at the expense of your mental sanity and personal time. There’s an easier way, and I can show you how. Let's dive in!


Celebrating 200 Episodes!

We’re celebrating our 200th episode today! Thank you for being here and for all your support. Over the years, I’ve coached thousands of people and noticed recurring themes that we all struggle with, both in our careers and personal lives. Today, I want to talk about one of the most common issues: figuring out what to do when you’re not motivated and fulfilled by your job anymore.


It’s important to understand that it’s not your job’s job to make you feel motivated and fulfilled. That responsibility falls on us. We need challenges, a sense of purpose, and the feeling that what we do matters. But how do we achieve that?


Think of your job as if it were a person you’re in a relationship with. How would you describe your relationship? Are you in the honeymoon phase, a healthy routine, or do you need couples counseling? How do you talk about your job when it’s not around? Are you investing in this relationship?


Your job responds to how you treat it. If you’re bored or stressed, it will reflect that. Decide what kind of relationship you want with your job and take steps to make it happen. If you need help, I’m here for you. Go to  and sign up for a coffee chat.


Thank you for listening and supporting 200 episodes of this podcast!