More Than A Paycheck Podcast
More Than A Paycheck
Lindsay Lyman
More Than A Paycheck
Lindsay Lyman
Learn how to navigate constant re-orgs, move your career forward through management changes, stop worrying about people judging you, and feel proud of the work you are doing so that you can confidently reach your career goals. Do you wake up stressed about everything you need to get done? Are you tired of that constant hum of anxiety about the next unknown escalation? This is the podcast for you. Lindsay Buchan, a 15+ year top performing eCommerce employee and certified life coach, teaches you all of her self-help tips so that you can learn how to be more confident. Discover how you can start feeling better todays so you can get what you want out of your job, but not have to sacrifice your personal life to get there. From her manager changing day one to getting promoted and leading teams, Lindsay has been sharing her wins and failures all along the way. Learn how to navigate constant re-orgs, move your career forward through management changes, stop worrying about people judging you, and feel proud of the work you are doing so you can make it to your stock vesting while having fun along the way. Hit subscribe, and get ready to raise the bar.
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Latest episode
7 months ago
July 19, 2024
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