More Perfect AF Podcast

More Perfect AF

Larj Media
A podcast that follows the leadership of Seattle-based civic action organization Common Purpose in our quest to support a MORE PERFECT (AF) Union. Get a little about how the news of the week affects our work, a lot about the minds that mobilize people in support of voting efforts around the country, and just enough to get you started on your own on-ramp to civic action.
Difficult Conversations
The holiday season can be stressful, especially in a volitale political climate.  This week AJ, Charles and David will help you get through it with their tips on talking politics.  
Dec 12, 2019
34 min
Know More: Do Better
In an episode (still relevant today) that was taped in mid-December - the MPAF crew take a quick glance at the impeachment and a deeper dive in the cultural and societal significance of Watchmen.  Also how Charles and David are looking at parenting in this current political and social climate.  
Dec 12, 2019
41 min
Impeachment Curious
This episode we give you the thing you didn't ask for but know you need: a deep dive into Impeachment and the politics around it. David's 3 Things shapes the conversation and we go heavy on political debates, theories and predictions. 
Nov 26, 2019
33 min
Bayard Rustin: An exploration
Everything we do is a civic action today, firmly rooted in historical context for the movements that came before us. Coming out of huge efforts in Virginia and Kentucky we shift our focus to more history this episode, with AJ bringing us the story of little-known civil rights leader Bayard Rustin. We explore his life and leadership, and our own ability to work with allies and through unique adversity.
Nov 20, 2019
34 min
So Much Winning
Yo. Virginia (former capital of the Confederacy) turned blue. Kentucky (home of Moscow Mitch) elected a Democratic Governor. We were there. We won. That's it. That's the episode special shoutout to @NewVAMajority for being a strong local partner in Virginia and for teaching everyone how to build long-term change. 2020, we're coming.    
Nov 12, 2019
30 min
Watchman, Kamala & Impeachment
David joins us from the road, on his way to meet Kamala Harris. Charles & AJ nerd out on the Watchman and it’s political and social implications for people of color.  Plus, an update on impeachment, spoiler alert: he’s goin’ down.     
Nov 4, 2019
34 min
Antitrust, Anti-Hope?
This week Elizabeth Warren brings our focus to Amazon's impact on local Seattle elections, and we digest a recent visit by Ta-Nehisi Coates as he challenges our perspectives on hope. We also have the pleasure of responding live to our first sternly-worded email about our civic work, and we take note of this week's Impeachment "sit-in".
Oct 28, 2019
36 min
LIVE! From Seattle Interactive Conference
Somebody messed up and let us tape our podcast live. So we on-ramp an audience to CP starting with impeachment (while cursing a lot), touching on our upcoming trips to Kentucky and Virginia (this month!), and highlighting Republican Senators who are at risk in 2020 (yes!). After that light stuff, we give them the a heavy dose of reality as we address the recent police shootings, and how we all can do our part. Also, there may have been some peach mints passed around...
Oct 19, 2019
51 min
Unlocking #BrassRoots Activism
This week we explore the intersection of art, civics, and... jury duty, with our special guest Riley of the @westerliesmusic. The westerlies have gained national attention and have even been featured on @npr's @tinydesk series. @Rileymulherkar breaks down the meaning behind #BrassRootsActivism and explains how he uses his platform to affect change in the civic space. AJ takes us to school with a history lesson from Wilmington NC and how it relates to our current political climate. Oh and we made sure to include your weekly dose of #impeachment updates + insights.    
Oct 11, 2019
41 min
F*cking Moving to Iowa with Kamala...?
Kamala Harris has our hearts, but does she have our votes? And is everyone here feeling her? We start with an impeachment update (because we GOTTA keep talking about it!) but turn quickly to funt Kamala and why the black community hasn't received her as Obama's heir apparent. We introduce Common Purpose team member Maria Abando to talk about Kamala's Seattle visit, and the personal meaningfulness of candidate Harris' election run. Then AJ takes us on another historical journey with her, this time through Chicago on POC representation. 
Oct 4, 2019
36 min
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