Moms on the Mic with Mariah Podcast

Moms on the Mic with Mariah

Mariah Moretti
Welcome to Moms on the Mic, a place where we get REAL about pregnancy, motherhood, and all things baby. I'm talking to moms about their unique experiences - everything from infertility and IVF to traumatic births and brain tumors. We're covering everything that people don't tell you about being a mother in candid, open, and honest discussions.
Cholestasis, Giving Birth to a Daughter with Encephalocele, and Being Your Own Health Advocate with Karen
On this episode, I'm talking to my friend Karen about her struggles with cholestasis during her pregnancy and giving birth to her daughter with a skull complication called encephalocele. We hope that this episode sheds more light on these conditions and teaches you how to be your own advocate and get the support you need during tough times. REMINDER: We aren't medical professionals! We are purely talking about Karen's experience. Please consult your doctor for your specific situation.
May 30, 2022
38 min
Pregnancy with Twins, C-Section Recovery, and Medical Discrimination with Denise
Denise has given birth twice, and both experiences were VERY different! Today, we're talking about her experience as a single mom vs. with a partner, vaginal birth vs. c-section, and what it's like to carry one baby vs. twins. We also get into some of the discrimination that Black women face in healthcare and what Denise recommends for c-section recovery. There's a lot to unpack in this episode, and Denise is extremely open and honest. Reminder: we are not medical professionals! Please consult your doctor for your specific situation and do not treat this podcast as any sort of medical advice. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
May 23, 2022
50 min
Insulin Shots, Diet Tracking, and Gestational Diabetes with Nicole
This is part two of my interview with Nicole! This week, she's telling us all about her experience with gestational diabetes. Around 10% of women struggle with this pregnancy complication, and it's not talked about enough. Listen to learn how she found out she had it, how she manages it, and what it feels like to deal with this issue. As a reminder, we aren't medical professionals! This is just Nicole's personal experience. Please consult with your doctor to learn more. Make sure to rate and review this episode and follow me on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube: @momsonthemicwithmariah. DM me if you'd me to cover a certain topic or if you'd like to be on the show. Thank you for listening! --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
May 16, 2022
25 min
Sperm Collection, Egg Retrievals, and IVF with Nicole
For my first episode, I talked with my friend Nicole about her experience with in vitro fertilization AKA IVF. We talk about why she chose IVF and all about the process. This is also part 1 of 2 episodes with Nicole! Stay tuned for next week as we talk about her pregnancy and struggles with gestational diabetes. Special note: we are not medical professionals, and this episode should not be used in place of advice from your doctor. Everyone is different. We're just talking about HER experience. Follow me on @momsonthemicwithmariah on TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube and make sure you rate/review this episode! --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
May 9, 2022
34 min
Welcome to Moms on the Mic with Mariah - Trailer
I'm so excited to finally launch Moms on the Mic with Mariah, a podcast about parenting, pregnancy, and all of the things that people don't talk about. I'm talking to parents about their infertility journeys, birth experiences, and so much more. I'll even talk about the reason I started this podcast in the first place - my pregnancy-induced brain tumor. Make sure you're subscribed and follow me on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube @momsonthemicwithmariah so you don't miss a thing. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
May 5, 2022
1 min