Momentum for the Entrepreneurial Personality Type (EPT)
Momentum for the Entrepreneurial Personality Type (EPT)
Alex Charfen - Entrepreneur, Biohacker
633 - Your Discomfort is Holding You Back
9 minutes Posted Jul 2, 2020 at 12:30 am.
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As entrepreneurs, we put up with a lot more than the average person. More stress, more ambiguity, and more discomfort. A lot of entrepreneurs even say things like if you want to grow your business you're going to have to make sacrifices. Any of us who has ever grown a business knows that it's one of the most difficult and stressful things you can do. The problem with successfully growing a business is that when you start out, you have to do everything. If you are successful, you may be conditioned to do everything. This causes us to create massive discomfort in our lives. If we don't have a system to offload where we are uncomfortable, we are probably tolerating too much. Resources Mentioned: