Josiah Ravish is the Director of Missions for Ride Nature. Ride Nature is a 501(c)3 non-profit action sports mission organization that was founded in 2009, headquartered out of Fort Myers, Florida with their first international headquarters opening in San Juan Del Sur, Nicaragua in 2020. They are focused on equipping leaders worldwide with tools and resources to utilize action sports as a tool for OUTREACH, EVANGELISM, and DISCIPLESHIP.
All of the staff and interns of Ride Nature are self-supported by their own fundraising and gracious giving of people who support their mission. If you feel so incline to give directly to Josiah, follow this link: https://www.myegiving.com/App/Form/0c3bb5f0-c7a4-4d06-a5dd-1367b6d00655
One of the many ways Ride Nature helps to raise funds for their team and mission work is through their coffee and skate shop. If you want to check out their merch online, follow this link: https://www.thehouseofridenature.com. If you're interested in visiting the shop in person, their address is 2464 2nd Street Fort Myers, FL.
If you're interested in joining Ride Nature on one of their international missions trips, check out their trip schedule at https://www.ridenature.org/trips or email Josiah at [email protected]. If you're located in the Fort Myers area and are interested in getting involved with helping Josiah start the new mountain bike outreach, be sure to get in touch with him ASAP!
As Jesus said, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few." Please pray for all the staff, interns, and partners at Ride Nature as they travel all over the world bringing the love of Jesus and the Gospel to children. Pray that their reach may grow and their staff will as well.
Thank you to The House of Ride Nature for allowing us into their building, using their recording setup, and being such gracious hosts.
I pray that this episode helps grow the church and helps you grow stronger in this modern day faith that we have.
May 18, 2022
43 min

Welcome to the Modern Day Faith Podcast! I hope you enjoy this quick little teaser of what we are trying to do with this podcast and gets you as excited as I am about the journey it will take us on. I pray that this podcast will inspire you to grow the church, grow your faith, and grow your relationship with Christ.
"He said to them, 'Because of your little faith. For truly I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move, and nothing will be impossible.'" - Matthew 17:20
May 18, 2022
2 min