Mixed Mental Arts
Mixed Mental Arts
Bryan Callen, Hunter Maats
via Podcasts
Big nostalgia from these conversations that got me through man long bus and train commutes to and from work. Put me on to many great books and people I never heard of. Not the highest point in my life but I miss the comfort this show gave me. 🥺
Hands down my favorite podcast
Gets really good around episode 200 when Hunter and Bryan synthesizes bid ideas together. I wish they were still active, but the episodes are pure gold. The backlog is definitely worth it.
Changed my life
The episode with the astrophysics professor, 6 years ago, really helped me during a dark time in my life. I joined a gym, got a black belt in BJJ, and finally went back to college, after dropping out on the first day, 12 years ago when I tried to use my GI bill for the first time. It’s to bad they stopped doing it. But can’t say I blame them.
Bryan is the greatest
ShahiMara is a serial dumb dumb . Love the podcast though
Spooky M.
Bryan Callen is a serial rapist.
And everyone is about to know it. #timesup
Bryan Callen is well read and has a humble personality humorously masked by a combination of arrogance and pride.If you like laughing and feeling at ease while picking up useful knowledge whispered through a “confident perv tone” here and there then try this podcast
LOVE Bryan Callen
I’m so glad Bryan does a podcast by himself because he’s brilliant and funny. This is definitely worth listening to for anyone interested in self help.
Great convos
Top 3 podcasts. Maybe my favorite tbh. They basically talk to authors of intellectual books amd have great dialogue coming from different perspectives. :)
Finna Runner
Don’t rush in making to many shows!
At least once a week would be cool!
Thoughtful clothing
The show is lively and thought provoking, and that’s all you can expect from any media. One of the hosts plays Coach Miller on the Goldbergs, and I can’t get those little blue shorts out of my head during the show, but somehow that makes it better. I’m not sure what that says about me, but to be honest it’s a great show worth a listen.
Great concept, annoying co-host
Bryan, do yourself a favor and get a different co-host. Hunter is almost unbearable. Sorry dude.
Laughing while learning...
I love this podcast, I love the foul language and Hunters giggling is hilarious! I love the subject and your special guests, keep them coming!
Best Podcast
This is my favorite podcast, hands down. Bryan and Hunter are hilarious and fascinating to listen to and their guests are incredible. Do yourself a favor and subscribe.
it is only getting better
Listener since it was BCS and the quality of guests and the interesting, productive, and helpful conversations rock. Learned a lot and as a writer even got several story ideas from MMA, so thanks Bryan and Hunter!
Dr Hingle
It's like a freshly baked bran muffin for my mind.
Jelly aaa
Got me started reading a lot of books
This show turned me on to so many different books and thinkers. Awesome. Lately I can’t tell which episodes are new and which are repeats and the episode descriptions aren’t very helpful. If they could clean up the chronological order of episodes and make them easier to browse through and read, that would be great. I think part of the problem is that they switched podcast platforms a while back, but either way, please clean up the episode order and mark which are new and which are repeats.
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Terrific Podcast
Hunter and Bryan are terrific together. I enjoy the discussed topics, their perspective and the banter. The episode with Christopher Ryan was great!
Hifive Creative Design
Bryan with a Y
Bryan tends to go on the same rant often but still two lovable humans doing great work to slaughter our sacred cows in a genuine non gimmicky fashion
Bryan’s outlook
You have to enjoy someone like Bryan. With an immense perspective and broad aspects of things he’s learned and willingness to learn more.
Bobby Parham
Bryan Callen supporter
I firmly stand behind and support everything Bryan Callen does. He is extremely underrated and often under appreciated. He’s the star we NEED.
Joey Aaronson
pod with Thaddeus Russell
calm down Bryan I love you but you were trying way too hard in this one
School of mixed mental arts
These are fun and informative discussions that I get to listen in on. Podcasts like this introduces me to ideas and books that improve my thinking. I wish school would have been more like this.
Bryan! Promote this podcast better!
I didn’t even know he had his podcast till maybe a month ago...i feel cheated for not knowing...at the beginning or end of the fighter and the kid podcast, he needs to let the listeners know more often about it...
Well read and intelligent. A rarity these days.
Finally a show that isn't full of Communist Propaganda. From one history major to another..... Thank you!
Excellent content
These two bounce heavy topics and great guests amongst each other while helping the listener understand what they are pulling out of numerous books and why.
Keep'em Coming
Love the Podcast! Glad Bryan has been a bit more consistant about coming on his own show! he really adds to the entertainment part of these conversations. Keep dropping that knowledge guys! GADOOSSHH!!!
Michael Brooks 4 Star review on 3 Star podcast
MB did a good job making the case for 21st century socialism until he dropped the ball when he failed to make the distinction between creative redistribution of obscene and exploitative wealth to provide stable social support networks like universal childcare, free education K-16, Medicare for All, and a full employment guarantee, and (as the host erroneously believes) merely adding on a rebate to our paychecks at our usual job in a capitalist system.
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NorCal Hippie Zen Ben
This is a great podcast to free your mind.
HESSEL plisken
Good Stuff on Good Tipics
Adam does a great job to get down to the root of the matter..who opens doors and goes does roads where we typically don't discuss in our normal day to day lives. You will enjoy this series as Adam facilitates the mysteries of our brains and how cognitive biases influence in our perception of the world around us.
Bryan is not deep. I hope he falls a lot in his real life so it would explain his train of thought.
Tired of the BS?
If you're like me and quit the media and education long ago, this is for you. Learn, unlearn, relearn, start again.
Absolutely love this podcast!
This is by far one of the best podcasts I listen to on a regular basis. I love the guests they choose, how they navigate conversation, and how the present such interesting ideas. So many of the things they discuss are things I've realized on my own but struggled to articulate or couldn't find anyone else talking about. LOVE IT!
The Wokest podcast on the internet.
Are you sick and tired of all of the tribalism you see in the world today? Bryan and Hunter offer up solutions to best serve the human experience. Bryan is a charasmatic character who can get silly at times and Hunter is the stright man, full of encyclopedic knowlege. Listen to this podcast if you want to know how to upgrade your culture.
Woker than Woke
Official is where it's at!
MMA is the best. It's tremendous and it's official. Seriously, the smartest approach to being human can be found within these interviews. Eye-opening, challenging, smart, funny - choose your culture, change your culture for the better & get smarter faster. Learn, unlearn, relearn.
Great podcast and amazing community
This is a podcast that will challenge you and amuse you. Bryan Callen is an extremely well-read and talented comedian who teams up with his younger egghead friend Hunter Maats. They interview intellectual luminaries and authors, or just have a good time. There is also a thriving community surrounding Mixed Mental Arts where fans have all kinds of idea sex.
Eric Hunley
Back in action!!!!
So effing happy I finally have new episodes to annoy my girlfriend with in the car!!! This is a new and updated page. They have another with over 700 reviews but it's not up to date like this official one. iTunes needs to transfer the over 700 reviews from the old page here ASAP!!
Pachacuti Yupanqi
What Are You Doing?
Seriously? Why do you do it? How’d you like some fresh ways to think about it all? Get in here. Smart approaches to life from the best and brightest, with very helpful connections between the various perspectives. Detribalize yourself. Choose your culture.
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