Mitch Unfiltered
Mitch Unfiltered
Mitch Levy
via Podcasts
5 star Review
You 2 are hilarious, ‘The’ Alderwood Mall? Scott, I thought you were born here? It’s not ‘The’ Alderwood Mall, it’s just Alderwood Mall smh :) Always an entertaining listen, keep up the good work.
$5 Bucks!!!!!
Easily the best use of $5 monthly. It only took me a few years to figure out how to leave a 5 star review. Best show covering the Seattle sports scene, and always love the human interest guests. Now about Scott…….
Mitch is good, but co-host is a jackass. I’m out…
Mitch is very good at his podcast. He’s a great interviewer (one of the best around) and asks good and thought provoking questions. He’s great with sports, and also talks about other interesting topics from time to time. His co-host on the other hand, is a complete jackass who seems to put down others from time to time on the podcast, and doesn’t seem to understand anything outside his bubble in Seattle… Recent case in point is Mitch brought up a nice story about the University of Idaho band playing for the Yale basketball team in the NCAA tournament. It was a nice feel good story about one university helping out another university, one band helping out another band; It was a feel good story and all around positive (something we need more of these days) The co-host just puts the students down by saying “Well, this is the closest thing these Idaho students will ever get to Yale” implying that the Univ. of Idaho students are not bright, etc. These are the kind of put-down comments that happen quite frequently from the co-host on the show. Also, his infantile humor and scatological ‘jokes’ he attempts at the end of EVERY show, just shows where his mind is at. Mitch, please get a better co-host. I’m out.
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Burger Reviews ? What??
Was not expecting that! If your gonna talk burgers - talk burgers. List them all in order of taste-value-quality etc Great show - can’t wait until you talk Pizza - “Fresh or Frozen?”
horrible production values
The sound quality is amateurish at best
1) Love Scott. 2) Please give the Groz his own slot (like Danny & Slick)
They are both worth the time!
Scott takes my words and totally missed characterizes those words to fit his terrible narrative about all things related to my review. When I said he had the knowledge of a six grade girl I was not insulting the girl my six grade daughters all five of them by the way who were all athletes never could care less about Seattle Seahawks Seattle Mariners or any other sports franchise. So Scott saying he knows the kind of guy that I am, is totally representative of why he is so terrible at what he does on your show. As far as the bachelor goes I don’t watch the show but when he started trashing the man who left the bachelor he was totally unable to speak of the fax only wanting to trash the man’s character that was my point. So it’s very clear that facts are not important to Scott and that’s why I dislike him so much on your show I could care less about his personal life as he could care less about mine. My integrity is the most important thing that I possess in this world and I would never give it up for anybody especially a guy like scott who could care less about the facts of any scandalous situation he jumps to judgment, his comments about people and their situations are what drove me to write the original review and just so you know Mitch I gave him at three stars on this review I will give you five stars for you match to make up for my three stars because the three stars is not against your show he is terrible you should replace him immediately. And Scott knowing what kind of guy that I am I coach girls teams for many years softball and basketball and baseball and boys teams also and the one thing I taught them was sportsmanship character and Hardwork that’s what I focused on with my kids. So next time you read my my review online I would appreciate it if you don’t cherry pick the things that make Scott look good and really read what I said that’s only fair because you have the microphone and I only have the review. Mitch I hope you have the common sense to replace that guy and I’ve been listening to you since Seattle in 1994 five whenever you started I listen to the podcast from the beginning I don’t believe in cancel culture so I won’t quit listening to you but whenever he starts about his nonsense and onion researched information I roll my eyes and just consider the source have a great day. Mitch in Cali
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There are podcasts and then there’s Mitch Unfiltered
This show is the highlight of my podcasting week. I’m a proud patron (I dragged my feet in signing up), and eagerly await each show (to the chagrin of my teenage son). We enjoy the shows and appreciate the time Mitch, Scott, and his co-hosts put into each show. It’s spectacular!
Peter Schrappen
5 worthy stars
I’m sitting on a plane coming home from my sons baseball tournament in Texas having a sneezing attack. So I thought I’d give a 5 star review.
Mike Oliphant
Love it!!!
Mitch and Scott are the best. Love all the interviews, and Scott’s knowledge of movies, music, pop culture, and comedy is great.
Happy Dance!
So great to have Mitch and crew on a regular basis. So much better than the radio show, and I loved the radio show. Thanks Mitch for giving us another chance to enjoy great interviews stories and the best co-hosts on all your shows!
Must Listen
Been listening to this podcast since episode one. Mitch has the greatest interviews and amazing stories. Love his cohosts and the flow of the show. I listen every Monday, religiously. If I can’t listen at work. I listen while mowing the lawn. Mitch has become the fun uncle that everybody needs in their life, you feel like family after the first week. I’ve sent this podcast to all my friends. They don’t all feel the same as I do. But some of them are morons, they root for the Cougars or That Team Up North. I’ve always had a soft spot for those in need. Sniff. Keep up the great work Mitch and Company! Easiest five stars I’ve ever given.
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Faithful 39
Co Host/Guest Power Rankings 1. Neuheisel-The Standard is the Standard 2. Seahawks No Table-Joey Vegas and Brady are a must listen for Hawk Fans. 3. Hot Shot-There has to be a reward for showing up all the time. 4. Slick Hawk-Never forget your roots. 5. Steve Phillips- No substitute for knowledge. 6. Peter King-Good for a least 3 self serving dings every time. 7. Lacanfora-Snarky is fun. 8. The Hyphen-Running out of candidates. 9. The GM-Free time on Friday? Why not. 10. Jason Hamilton-OG
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One Two BBQ
Good morning Mitch and Scott, the segments about Sammamish little league and the state tournament are just another example of why I love this podcast. Many people go on about how well you two play off each other, the excellent interview skills of Mitch, the subjects of the interviews not just being about sports and include human interest stories, the incredible segments each week with Danny and Slick, and the awesome regular contributors you have. All of which are true. As a local Seattleite, who for many years listened to KJR to get my sports fill, this is by far the best podcast I have found to get so much of what was lost when you guys left the radio business. I appreciate everything you bring and provide to give me, a listener, such good content to take me away for a few hours a week from the daily stressors of life. To that end, the little league stories that touch your lives bring me back to when my kids played (and I coached for many years). The way that parents take so much away from the kids and often invest more into it and make it about them rather than the kids is so entertaining. Now, being a number of years removed and not living in that world anymore I can see how comical the politics are with those parents. For an outsider who can relate to experiencing similar situations it is very fun to sit back and listen to your stories. Keep them coming please. (By the way, not one of the up and coming “Randy Johnson’s” or “Ken Griffey Jrs” so many parents I ran into during my little league experience turned out to even play college ball). Aaron
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Thanks Mitch!
My dad and brother have been listening to the podcast for years, even back when you were on the radio. I’ve just started listening myself and love it! A great combo of local sports, and nation-wide stories, keep up the great work Mitch and Hot Shot!
So glad!
My entire working career was listening to Mitch in the morning (midday). I am so happy to have my Mornings back to normalcy. I am so glad you have been able to get back on the horse!
The best local sports coverage and interviews are always interesting and a good range of topics.
SportsMom 103
Come for the sports, stay for the sniffs and poop jokes!
Fun show! Love the laughter, interviews and insights. Excellent snackable content for commutes, workouts or for pretending I’m on a work call. Keep it up!
Great show!
Keep the sniff!
A must add to your subscriptions
Even if you are not from Seattle, or not really a sports fan, this is a great Monday morning podcast to start your week with.. his Patreon content is great as well.. worth the subscription and then some.. Keep it up Mitch!
Great Show!
Very good show that covers all Seattle Sports as well as other national sports stories and a few non-sports stories. I really enjoy the banter with the host/co-host as well as the interviews and random stories that Mitch latches on to.
seattle music man
The Groz was excellent! And entertaining
Please have the Groz on weekly He is the best and always informative Seattle sports radio legend! Thanks
Great Podcast!
Judge Smails: It's easy to grin / When your ship comes in / And you've got the stock market beat. / But the man worthwhile, / Is the man who can smile, / When his shorts are too tight in the seat. Okay, Pookie. Do the honors.
Sgt H
You guys rock!!
Love the show. Today just found out you used to be the producer for Tony kornheiser? That’s awesome I’ve been watching him and Wilbon forever. Would love to hear more stories from those days.
So glad to be able to hear Mitch again! Best interviews in the business and most interesting stat guy anywhere. I love the unfiltered episodes that Mitch does with slick Hawk and Danny O’Neil I’ve listened to every Monday episode and most of the Thursday episodes
Great podcast!
Mitch’s podcast is my #1 podcast hands down.
High Desert Jeff
Mitch and Scott get to the points
Mitch and Scott get to points needed. No wasted time. Can you bring back ‘the tale of the tape?
Better than most sports podcast
Mitch is a true passionate sports fan. Scott and Mitch have good chemistry. Mitch talks bit too much about golf. The regular guest on football and college football are excellent. Brian In Seattle Go Oregon Ducks!!!
A must listen show
Even with Scott on there, the show is must listen radio each week. Interesting guests, great interviews and a good blend of sports and non-sports topics. Plus occasionally some John Hamm analysis.
A must for PNW sports fans
The PNW sports content is superb - and there’s plenty of greatness for those with interests beyond the West Coast. A great mix of sports coverage and content - and the amazing interviews you’d expect from Mitch. The patron content is magic - go do that too! Settle in and enjoy!
Joe and Aimee
Love it!
Good shows. Just like having you on the radio again. Best thing that ever happened to you?
The woody at 5337
I’ve been listening to Mitch since 950am. I was very excited to see a podcast after he left. I have been a subscriber since episode 0, and a patron very soon after that. The Mariners no tables after the Ms sweep were perfection! I used to really look forward to the music episodes as a nice change from sports! Maybe someday we will get to hear Def Leppard part two!?!
I love you Mitchy
Haven’t listened to KJR since! Told Tom Moore to F off. Stupid decision! So glad you are back !!!! I feel like part of my DNA is Mitch ! Ever since college, I have been listening to you.
Great all around podcast
I lived in Seattle for many years in the 90’s and early 00’s and always loved the morning drive show. This podcast takes it to a whole new level in my view. I live in NJ now and while I try to stay up on Huskies and Hawks it’s hard and I find the radio shows to be superficial and “honk”-y. Good balanced discussion of Seattle sports, overall sports, and a very thoughtful approach to content. Mitch is very reflective on the content and appropriately analytical while also humorous (recent example is breaking down the “psychology” of these final four games of the MLB season and the Rays vs blue jays dilemna). The podcast is organized in such a way that you can tackle the “must listen to” sections first and then always go back to the other sections later in the week to accommodate your schedule. The storytelling of daily things that they run into is also well done and funny. The podcast is also not afraid to tackle serious tough subjects as well and I’ve learned a lot. I’m a patron for the bonus episodes as well which are great. Keep up the good work, gentlemen.
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Tipping Machines
I heard that tipping machines are going to start asking for 5 star reviews as well. I’m happy to do both if it’s for a good cup of coffee or a great podcast. Let The Kid Cook.
Excellent without being ridiculous
I started taking in Mitch's podcast because I was annoyed at the local sports radio tomfoolery; I needed intelligent and humorous coverage of the Seahawks that wasn't condescending or asinine and Mitch Unfiltered provides that in spades. Mitch and the boys have their moments because it IS a sports show, after all, and you've got to expect some fun stuff, but the coverage is excellent and I never go without the Monday show or the Patreon-level episodes, especially with Danny O'Neil. Thanks for the great work, Mitch!
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Keep doing what you do
Mitch, just wanted to throw some positivity your way - you have been the voice of sports for me since ‘95. With that said - just kidding…I love the show, format and interviews. I am grateful that technology allows me to feel connected to the PNW while living in Florida. Keep it up and know that at least for this guy, I have no complaints! R, Mike F - St. Augustine, FL.
Worth every penny.....
Must listen pod
I've been a subscriber since episode 0 and became a Patron a few months after that. Mitch's calling card used to be sports talk, but now he has shown himself to be an excellently well rounded observer and commentator. Whether it is local Seattle sports or issues of mental health or national issues Mitch Unfiltered is the highlight of my podcast feed multiple times throughout the week. I think he should be a part of your feed too.
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Top Flight Podcast
If you love sports, Mitch Unfiltered is must listen material. While the podcast is Seattle based, the appeal has no geographic bounds. If you love football, you’ve got Peter King, Rick Neuheisel, Randy Meuller, etc. Baseball — Steve Phillips. Golf — Ken Green. On and on. And Mitch digs deep to find fascinating guests and then interviews them with style & skill. Hotshot Scott plays the sidekick with great aplomb. Truly the podcast for all erudite sports fans.
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Great find!
I was so happy to find this. Mitch was always a favorite when he was on KJR. His intellect, research, interview style
Mitch is great
This dude is the best podcaster, hands down
Sam Stayner
What more to say? It’s all in the title. Love the takes from Mitch and “Hop Scotch” Scott (it’s actually HotShot). The mix of sports and everything else makes this a dynamic, entertaining listen every single week and I can’t wait to fire it up every Monday. Please keep it up, you two, and thank you for all of the entertainment.
Worth the listen podcast
Mitchy the Kid and Scott are a good combo. Not just sports on the show, great variety of guests and topics.
Brian Lake Stevens
The Other Stuff 😎
Love the podcast. The opening that never ends, 1st segment, and other stuff when Mitch and Scott banter back and forth is great. The Monday episode and Thursday patron episode are all I listen to during a week in my commute. No more radio.
I like the old guys too
I just wanted to say that I loved Beano and Ben Wright too. Keep the old guys coming!! Listener since ‘95. Love the podcast. Just signed up for Patreon. Not enough time to listen to more than the Monday show, but we need to support independent creators like you.
Keep up the great work!
I love the show! Starting listening to you guys after the Seahawks win vs the rams like 4 years ago (missed field goal) and you guys talked about the ballet 😂. Been a Patron since that day. Moved from Seattle to Philly and now living in Alaska.
I love the beat the boys contests!
7x3 21
Great pod
Mitch is excellent at interviews. Always finding great guest and interesting topics. Scott will make you laugh. Great combo.
Howdy from Texas!
This isn’t just a Seattle sports show. Lots of great content on a wide range of topics and the stories are ubiquitous. :)
Excellent content
Consistently excellent
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