Miss Art World Podcast

Miss Art World

Miss Art World Podcast
What up Art World! Are you an artist? Do you like art? Are you new and interested in learning about art without any judgement? Do you have a friend or significant other that likes art and you just need help getting into it? Well then this is the podcast for you! Sit down and listen to Miss Art World and guests as they navigate this world. They discuss popular trends, interview artists, critique local and national pieces.
Ep. 87 Haunted Galleries & Ghost Art Halloween Special
Boo!! Welcome to our spooky Halloween special! First the Hope diamond, Claude Monte Ghost, and the Haunted Gallery at Hampton Court Palace. See the research articles below for a scary good time. 10 Supposedly Haunted Museums https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/70356/10-supposedly-haunted-museums The Haunted Gallery & Catherine Howard | Hampton Court: Behind Closed Doors | Channel 5 https://youtu.be/_Fu5xVdt5UQ 175 Years of the Smithsonian’s Most Untrue Stories https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smithsonian-institution/urban-legends-about-the-smithsonian-135407460/
Oct 30, 2021
22 min
Ep. 86 Art News 'Take The Money And Run'
Keep up with up is going on in the art world! The main news story is artist, Jens Haaning, says the blank canvases make up a new work of art — titled "Take the Money and Run"
Oct 15, 2021
33 min
EP. 85 Hammond's unique abstract art that tells a story.
https://www.hammondartstudio.com/ Hammond, represented by Rehs Contemporary Galleries in Midtown Manhattan, grew up in the historic Hudson Valley of New York. His earliest influences included Jim Davis and Charles Schultz, as well as characters created by DC and Marvel Comics. His interest in art was further fueled by the strong museum and arts background of his parents. In the late 90's, Hammond studied the business and presentation side of the fine art world while working for Vanier Galleries, Scottsdale, AZ. In doing so, he was exposed to world-renowned artists such as Dale Chihuly, Francoise Gillot, Fritz Scholder and Paul Jenkins. He had his first solo exhibition in 2000 and earned his B.A. in Art from Arizona State University in 2006. While trained in representational art, Hammond began working from the subconscious, and in 2011 he shifted to an abstract expressionistic style. The initial outcome was his first abstract series, UNTITLED. In 2012 he moved to Cincinnati, OH. He then partnered with Artworks Cincinnati on multiple projects, and in 2014 he founded the Cincinnati Abstract Art Group. Hammond’s work was selected for the Ohio Governor’s Office and Residence Loan Program in 2016 and he has received three purchase awards through the Ohio Percent for Art program. He has had solo exhibitions in AZ, NY, OH and WI and is in public and private collections nationally.
Sep 22, 2021
1 hr 1 min
Ep. 84 MX Art World New York
Introducing MX Art World New York @hc_huynh http://www.hcthuynh.com/ ... ✨out of the depths of the ocean your new esteemed being MX Art World New York emerges ✨ "I'm honored and excited to join @missartworld & @klairelockheart in expanding the Miss Art World family. 💫" @hc_huynh ---------- on the color blue: "The world is blue at its edges and in its depths. This blue is the light that got lost. Light at the blue end of the spectrum does not travel the whole distance from the sun to us. It disperses among the molecules of the air, it scatters in water. Water is colorless, shallow water appears to be the color of whatever lies underneath it, but deep water is full of this scattered light, the purer the water the deeper the blue. The sky is blue for the same reason, but the blue at the horizon, the blue of land that seems to be dissolving into the sky, is a deeper, dreamier, melancholy blue, the blue at the farthest reaches of the places where you see for miles, the blue of distance. This light that does not touch us, does not travel the whole distance, the light that gets lost, gives us the beauty of the world, so much of which is in the color blue." - Rebecca Solnit ---------- ✨pc + mua: @angelicaasaroo ✨
Sep 8, 2021
35 min
Ep. 83. Stealing a Monet & Cows
Looking for the latest art news?! We got you covered with a little extra on the side.
Aug 24, 2021
29 min
Ep. 82 JESUS 3.0, K Ryan Henisey
Artist K Ryan Henisey's work has shown throughout California and debuts internationally in China, 2020. Ryan won an Award of excellence in fine art at the 2015 California State Fair. He currently serves as president of TAG Gallery, an artist cooperative in Los Angeles. As a California-based artist, K Ryan Henisey's work is heavily influenced by the people, culture, and landscape of the Golden State. His personal narrative is often interwoven with mythological subjects, using patterning as a vehicle to make meaning from deconstruction. Their Holiness, Jesus 3.0 is a performance art resurrection from West Hollywood artist, K Ryan Henisey, inspired by the original presence of neighborhood performer Kevin Lee Light (details below). Jesus 3.0 is a secular, pop art reading of the Christ symbol, focusing on messages of contemporary advocacy through fun, kindness, and community. Inspired by the local, West Hollywood community, Jesus 3.0 shares Seven Pillars of Community during his neighborhood wanderings. These pillars mirror the Core Values of the City of West Hollywood. Jesus 3.0 is a semi-collaborative art project, working closely with LGBTQIA+ and WeHo resident costumers, photographers, and artisans. The views expressed by Jesus 3.0 are not reflective of the views of the City of West Hollywood, any of the participating collaborative artists, or other organizations used in advocacy messaging. Jesus 3.0 is a pop art performance. https://kryanhenisey.com/the-hollywood-coming
Aug 3, 2021
41 min
Ep. 81 Podcast with Cuddles and Rage
cuddlesandrage.com Liz and Jimmy Reed are the husband-and-wife team behind Cuddles and Rage, a world full of disturbingly cute stories with heart. What began as a webcomic featuring doodles and dioramas of anthropomorphic food has grown to include books, animation, and product design. Their work has been featured by Nerdist, The Washington Post, NPR, HelloGiggles, and SparkLife. Their first animated short debuted at the NYC Food Film Festival in 2016. In 2017, their second short took home the Best Super-Short award. Their first picture book, Sweet Competition, was released by HarperCollins in 2016 and followed-up by Sweet Success in 2018. Their latest graphic novel, Bites of Terror, is out now with Quirk Books. It includes 144 pages of twisted tales told through hand-sculpted dioramas. They live, work, and eat a lot of ice cream in the DC area. Email [email protected] to get in touch.
Jul 13, 2021
52 min
Ep. 80 LA Art Documents with Jason Jenn
laartdocuments.com with Jason Jenn www.jasonjenn.com L.A. Art Documents is a unique platform for documentation and internet-based video journal, focused on preserving, promoting, and curating contemporary art in Los Angeles and Beyond. In this vibrant and busy contemporary art world with multiple shows happening daily, it is of tremendous value to create proper documentation to archive the work for future prosperity. As professional artists with backgrounds in media and journalism, we understand firsthand the importance of having high-quality, reliable documentation of gallery shows, exhibitions, live performances, and studio visits. We aim to help artists share their authentic spirit in a stylish, clean, media-friendly manner that they feel proud of, representing who they are and what their work is all about. The videos are made available online via our website video journal and YouTube channel. Our second and third, but not less important missions, are promoting and curating the flourishing art scene of Los Angeles and Beyond. L.A. Art Documents is one window in a grand showroom for the world to experience the cultural renaissance and diverse artistic strength of Los Angeles’ creatives. Thank you for supporting us in our endeavor to help create better visibility of the contemporary LA Art scene LAAD is run and curated by multimedia artists Vojislav Radovanović and Jason Jenn.
Jun 22, 2021
54 min
Ep. 79 The Dream Team: MAW South Dakota Klaire Lockheart & Aaron C Packard
Join us for a lively conversation with Klaire Lockheart and Aaron C Packard! We get an update with Klaire on all things Miss Art World South Dakota and more! We also get to know Aaron's background and career within photography. Visit them here https://www.klairelockheart.com/ https://www.aaronpackard.com/
Jun 3, 2021
56 min
Ep.78 Ibuki kuramochi Japanese Media/ Performance /Butoh artist
ibuki-kuramochi.com Born in Japan, Artist IBUKI KURAMOCHI specializes in artworks for exhibition (paintings and media arts), and also specializes in live performances combining her live painting with her Japanese Butoh dance. From 2012, Ibuki started exhibiting works in major cities in Japan, U.S.A.,Taiwan, France, Italy and Australia.She studied Butoh dance at the world renown Kazuo Ohno Butoh Dance Studio in Yokohama in 2016. Through her work, she pursues the physicality of Butoh’s poetic choreography and the pursuit of the human body in anatomy. She visualizes her performance and body movements as two-dimensional works and video works.​ Ibuki explores concepts of the body, thought and physical resonance, metamorphosis, Femininity and fetishism.​ In 2019, Ibuki received a USA O-1 artist visa. She currently resides in Los Angeles. ​Artist Statement Physicality is the key point of my art’s theme. My work exists in various media such as video works, performances and painting works. The body is owned by every human being, but it is different for each person. As anatomist Takeshi Yoro says, "There is nothing more personal than your own body”. Each body is born to and owned by each individual, and is completely original. Also,I have few experiences of sleeping comfortably at night, and I often have nightmares which I remember well after waking up. Most of the nightmares are like a strange, violent and weird film. I believe that these dream experiences have directly influenced my work, and that the visual experiences that I see every night are inevitably the essence of my work. Also, in my dream experience, the "Id" in Sigmund Freud is exposed. (The Id is the primitive and instinctive component of personality. It consists of all the inherited, ((i.e. biological components of personality present at birth)), including the sex ((life)) instinct – Eros ((which contains the libido)), and the aggressive ((death)) instinct - Thanatos.) When I’m creating a video, I consciously discover my own "Id" and output it. In the case of creating my paintings, I subconsciously discover my own "Id" and output it. That process feels like swimming. These subconscious and conscious extracted "Id" have a consistent physicality. I can say that my video work represents the output of Id’s body sensation, and my painting work represents the output of Id’s brain sensation. I’m also inspired by things that involve sexuality such as masculine and feminine, transformation, meltability, and compatibility. Also, the sorcerous elements and attachments in fetishism are like stretching the desires of the body. Sometimes things become a substitute for the body. Also life and death come and go on the side of that fetishism / eroticism. For example, the mind and the body move between the membranes, or the body escapes from the body and materializes. Under the pandemic, all human relationships are now concentrated in the virtual world through the Internet. People’s thoughts, remarks, and lives appear in our vision which forms into photographs, movies, letters, and become a huge timeline. My work evokes and awakens the oblivion of the physical body in the current virtual world.
May 4, 2021
40 min
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