Mises Audio Books Podcast Podcast
Mises Audio Books Podcast
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Incredible absolutely phenomenal
I came here to listen to “democracy the god that failed” by Hoppe but gave some other books a chance and enjoyed them too
The Great Economic, Philosophical, & Historical Works of Mankind
Everything released on this podcast is gold (or Bitcoin if you prefer)! The Mises Institute deserves our attention for so many reasons. These masterful scholars are allowing some of the most important knowledge of all time (save the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ) to be disseminated at the cost of your own minuscule trouble of downloading the many free podcast episodes, books, articles, etc. They are saving the Western Civilization we love, and I praise them for their Herculean efforts. I also suggest becoming a regular donor and following their every move. They are truly one of the greatest organizations in existence today. Lew Rockwell will be remembered for many amazing and great accomplishments, but the creation of this institute is easily the greatest among those.
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Thought provoking
The Austrian School is bringing back a renewed focus on the basic and elementary blocs at the foundation of the modern (or even post-modern) political economy of the globe. With the onslaught of AI, global climate change and the rise of a plethora or schisms which - we do not yet - whether are permanent features or temporary shocks - as yet, the podcast creates a much needed set of angles and scopes through which to view of the architecture of life and living as we know of. I usually do not write long sentences. But the previous one was necessary for delineating the complexity that is actually associated with the conflicted and oft-contradictory theoretical lenses we are forced to deploy to interpret the practical. A must ‘listen’ for anyone seriously thinking of updating his or her understanding of the many views which make us who we are. The only drawback and a serious one is that it completely overlooks the BoP economies and what we call in Oxford, the “institutional voids”. But discussion of these I shall reserve for a future episode.
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Simply wonderful. Great ideas. Thank you, Mises Institute.
Amazing free education
What an incredible find! Listen and learn about true economic thought and history.
Love it
I went to Mises University as a young college student. Still thankful for my time their and all the work the institute has done. Keep fighting for freedom.
Did Milton Friedman graduate with a B in Econ from a community college?
Milton Freidman was a late advocate of Austrian school principles. I don't think he graduated with a B though from a community college. Perhaps if he had, he wouldn't have wasted his earlier career thinking within the elitist "oh so smart" bubble.
Great books
Wow can't believe I just found this, this is an excellent selection of books on economics and liberty. Listen and decide for yourself.
Start reading
Just keep reading until you are not a Statist anymore. This is such an amazing collection of resources !
A former Statist
Big Gulp Econ for Gullible White Guys
The Austrian School has a relationship to economics that is akin to chiropracty's relationship to medicine. Sometimes valid often just nutty. Like chiropractic practice it holds a fascination for a certain type of person, in this case mostly white-guy "I got a B in a community college econ class" types, those whose mommy and daddy put them through undergrad and those below that group. Think Trump supporters. Apparently it sells which of course is all that matters, evidence be damned.
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Amazing Source of Quality Books
What an amazing source of quality books. It would take hours and significant funds to purchase all these books.
Reality, not wishful thinking.
Onavo pretends
Get your learn on
A great group of books on Liberty and history. Highly recommend to Liberty Noobs and those who have already grasped the philosophy. Get smarter, learn Liberty.