Mind On The Job Podcast
Mind On The Job
Dr Ben Searle
Terrific #teamwork: Designing, coaching & assessing teams. #06 - episode of Mind On The Job podcast

Terrific #teamwork: Designing, coaching & assessing teams. #06

19 minutes Posted Nov 19, 2017 at 11:07 pm.
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Mind on the Job episode 06 is about Designing & coaching terrific teams!

When a group of people get together under the right conditions, they can make a successful team -- one whose collective capability is greater than the sum of its parts. But not all teams are effective, and some are downright dysfunctional.

So why aren't all teams effective? What conditions are necessary for a team to work well? How would we know whether those conditions are in place? And what else can we provide or do to maximise team effectiveness?

To answer these questions, Ben chats to organisational psychology experts Professor Ruth Wageman (Team Diagnostics) and Ms Pauline Willis (Lauriate).

Go to MindOnTheJob.com for more resources on this topic.

update: This episode vanished for some reason -- if you can read this, the missing episode has been republished. 


Mind on the Job (@mindonthejob)

Created, presented & produced by Dr Ben Searle (@drbensearle)

Episode 06: Terrific #teamwork: Designing, coaching & assessing teams.

Guests: Professor Ruth Wageman and Ms Pauline Willis

Music is Cypher by Kevin Macleod

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