Mind On The Job Podcast
Mind On The Job
Dr Ben Searle
Culture & climate @ work: Why they matter & how to change them. #05 - episode of Mind On The Job podcast

Culture & climate @ work: Why they matter & how to change them. #05

24 minutes Posted May 31, 2017 at 9:19 am.
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Mind on the Job episode 05: Organisational Culture & Climate!

When people work in social groupings, like organisations, they tend to develop a shared set of perceptions, attitudes, and values. These can be reinforced through systems, behaviours, and personnel selection until you have measurable phenomena that we call organisational culture (and its more easily measured attitudinal cousin, organisational climate).

But what exactly are they, and what is the difference between them? Why do we care about them at all? And if they matter, what can we do to improve them?

To answer these questions, Ben chats to organisational psychology experts Associate Professor Ian Glendon (Griffith University) and Dr Louise Parkes (Voice Project).

Go to MindOnTheJob.com for more resources on this topic.

update: This episode vanished for some reason -- if you can read this, the missing episode has been republished. 


Mind on the Job (@mindonthejob)

Created, presented & produced by Dr Ben Searle (@drbensearle)

Episode 05: Culture & climate @ work: Why they matter & how to change them.

Guests: Associate Professor Ian Glendon and Dr Louise Parkes

Music is Cypher by Kevin Macleod


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