Deepfakes - 00:31 | Stoic characters in cinema - 11:57 | You are not your character - 26:49 | Solution to all pandemics - 49:04
Aug 21, 2020
56 min

Why do a podcast? - 00:00 | Meditation - 17:20 | Moral Relativism - 32:47.
Featuring performances from a special guest.
Jul 29, 2020
1 hr

Hopes, Dreams, and Bucket Lists - 00:00 | LinkedIn Sucks - 05:28 | Jobs - 15:03 | The Art of Argument - 21:28 | Nothing to Hide Argument - 43:00 | I wish my country was run by - 50:30
Jul 2, 2020
1 hr 12 min

Bollywood, academia, radical media, identity politics, deleting history, ridiculous improv bits, and a very special guest.
Jun 17, 2020
1 hr 56 min

Psychedelics, religion, social media, dopamine detox, aliens, and a fair bit more.
Jun 10, 2020
49 min