Method: A Parkour Podcast Podcast

Method: A Parkour Podcast

Kent Johns & co chat parkour culture.
Episode 13 - Parkour Family Crossover Episode!
Method / Height Drop crossover episode!Kent, Brandon Douglass (@brandondouglass), Max Henry (@maxhenryparkour), and Kristine Dietrich (@kristine_dietrich) all squad up in Brandon's apartment and chat about Ultimate Tag, and more in the parkour world as of late.Listen to Height Drop:
Jun 23, 2020
1 hr 20 min
Using Parkour to Bring Awareness to Racial Inequality w/ Darryl Stingley
In this episode, Kent talks with Darryl Stingley about his viewpoints and frustrations as a black athlete in a white dominated sport and society & how Darryl wants to use parkour to inspire the next generation of youth in this country.Find Darryl here: Sqvadron: Method on YouTube:
Jun 9, 2020
45 min
Episode 11 - RIP Unparalleled
As many of you now know, Unparalleled will be shutting down due to prolonged closures caused by Covid-19. Kent and Micah chat about how the past few months have been, what brought them to the decision to close, and what's on the horizon.Want to learn parkour? Check out Unparalleled Online:
May 15, 2020
59 min
Episode 10 - Get Parkour on Twitter w/ Lincoln Powell
Hey! Hope you're staying safe and away from people! Lincoln and Kent chat about pk on twitter and a bunch more. Enjoy!LOOK I'm sorry I'm bad at audio.Jimmythegiant: Party: Version:
Mar 20, 2020
56 min
Episode 09 - How Covid-19 Will Affect Parkour & What's Next
In this quick episode, Kent talks about the rapid changes in the world due to Covid-19 & how that will affect the parkour industry as well as all of us as humans. Episodes will have a faster release schedule during the next few weeks. Video Version:
Mar 17, 2020
14 min
Episode 06 - USA Parkour Cup part 1 - Joey Adrian, Jarrod Luty, and AJ Aljaafreh Discuss
In this episode, Kent gives the reigns over to Joey Adrian, Jarrod Luty, and AJ Aljaafreh to explain their experiences, concerns, and ideas about the recent USA Parkour Cup held by WFPF in Tampa, FL. This is the first in a two part series about the event; please also listen to the companion episode with Robbie Corbett, where he discusses his viewpoint of the event, reasoning behind creative formatting decisions, and more. Follow Joey: Follow Jarrod: Follow AJ:
Feb 8, 2020
1 hr 15 min