Metal Shredder Showcase Pilot Episode Podcast

Metal Shredder Showcase Pilot Episode

Belgian Metal Shredder
My name is Stijn Daneels and I host a webzine and podcast dedicated to all things hard rock and metal called the Belgian Metal Shredder Come and explore with me the best hard-hitting music from all over the world and from various rock and metal subgenres. Let's get shredded!
Metal Shredder Showcase Episode 1
The first episode of the Metal Shredder Showcase. Come and listen with me to some of the greatest heavy metal the underground has to offer. Be sure to check out YouTube version as well: Do you want to see or hear more stuff? Do you want YOUR band's material on the showcase? Than contact me right now! Website: Email: [email protected] Facebook: Twitter: Twitter: PLAYLIST 1 LEAVE SCARS - FINAL CHANCE 2 POSEYDON - MASTERPIECE 3 WAVES OF DECAY - DESTINY 4 BEYOND THE LABYRINTH - SOMEONE WATCHING OVER YOU 5 CATHUBODUA - GLORIOUS DAYS 6 POKERFACE - THE FATAL SCYTHE 7 THE LOSTS - MY DEVIL'S RISING 8 LOOSE LICENSE - INFERNO 9 SKINWEAVER - BASTION OF BUTCHERS 10 SCUMBLACK - BRAINLESS 11 LEMURIA - A DAY OF RECKONING
Apr 13, 2017
56 min
Metal Shredder Showcase Pilot episode
Metal Shredder Showcase Pilot episode by Belgian Metal Shredder
Mar 17, 2017
1 hr