Mindset Mastery Moment
Mindset Mastery Moment
Paul Desmond Adams | Life Transformation Coach
via Podcasts
Oh man, I recently found this podcast and I love, love, love it! It has such great content and literally is my go to podcast right now. There hasn’t been a new episode since 2016. I don’t know why he stopped, but I wish he would start up again!
Very Professional & Good Information
Good information & good speaker. Very professional!!!
What a nice guy!!!!!!!
Talk about a genuine, caring and unselfish man. In his podcasts he talks about how he loves to help people and that if there is ever anything he can do to help one of his listeners to let him know. (I extend the same offer to you Desmond.) Despite his personal life not always going according to plan, he still is able to motivate, encourage and upbuild his audience, myself included. I look forward to each and every episode with great anticipation. Keep up the good work. You are an inspiration to many!!!
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Alcides in SC
Love this
This show does matters and it does help Desmond thank you and your episode on Storms help me a lot.
Simple, direct, pleasant
Very conversational. Listened to the Workflowy episode and was inspired.
Shawn G Madison
So Positive!
Everything I needed to hear without trying to hard to understand what Desmond was explaining.
I'm hooked
Started listening to Desmond Adams' podcasts on I-heart. Can't get enough. Very motivational and inspiring.
Life Changing!
So many emotions and paragraphs I could write about how these episodes impacted my life in such a positive way! But, I will simply leave it at - This station is for everyone. Everyone can get something and receive some sort of healing from connecting with this channel. Love and light!
This guy Desmond is the man. His podcasts are awesome and well thought out. I started listening to him a few weeks ago. I wait every week for his next one. I love the format of him choosing a topic and talking about it. It is just him and no guests with a great message. Thanks Desmond
Extremely helpful!
Really sets me on the right track. Hammers home what I've read in many self-help books. Thank you!!!
Simple and easy yet powerful!!
I came across this podcast looking for ways to help develop my focus and discipline. Well glad I came across this podcast and found what I needed. In starting my business I'm totally in need of this with juggling so many hats as a full time working mom with a side hustle I'm trying to grow. I love the simple and easy yet powerful pointers.
New to news
Great way to start the day!
I love this show! It's a great balance of daily devotional, ooky spooky spiritualism, and real practical advice. I have it timed on my daily podcast playlist so it plays just as I'm getting to the tail end of my commute and I can face the workday refreshed. Keep it up! 😊
James J!
Bite Size Wisdom
Life always circles back to the basics. Desmond's podcast has reminded and inspired me to reexamine where my priorities and commitment lie. More importantly, none of the above matter without the self discipline to change and stay the course. This podcast lights the spark and provides me with another way of viewing current challenges.
lunch in a can
Thank you
I was introduced to this podcast by my boyfriend. He knew I had a self improvement blog. It's taken a month but I'm finally caught up. I saw that the podcast had stopped and I was disappointed. Now that it's back up again I'm thrilled. Your podcast has inspired me to start up a Self Improvement Club. My friends and I are working hard to improve ourselves, and we use your podcast as a tool. Thank you so much for your passion, research, and inspiration. I wish I could be on social media to be more involved, but I'm grateful.
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Thorn Sidhe
Thank you
I am so happy that you are back!!!! I love the pod cast and look forward to the messages everyday. They not only help me get through my workday they also have helped in my everyday life on my journey to being a person. Thank you Desmond!!!
Catching up so I can be realtime
I have just found this one. I am really loving it. Trying hard to catchup the old catalogue so I can get the experience of regular episodes to keep on the rails each day.
Mark Hutch
Absolutely love it!
I found this amazing podcast through a recommendation by listening to the "5 AM miracle" podcast. I usually like to listen to the entire episode of podcasts instead of having to stop in the middle. 10 minutes is an excellent time for me to absorb some wise words from Desmond. Just recommended to a coworker and she loves it as well! keep it up and please continue making it short! thank you
So glad I found this
I am what you might call a self-described scatterbrain. This podcast has help me immensely and I'm only on episode six. I look forward to listening to it every morning and I am taking each step one day at a time. Thank you to P. Desmond Adams for your work and dedication to helping others.
Perfect Morning Starter
Here are the reasons why Desmond's Mental Master Moment is worth being your first podcast you listen to each day. 1. Length - coming in around 10-15 minutes, this podcast is perfect for your morning commute and just enough to get you some good content before you start work but not too much to disprupt your morning. 2. Content - In that short time, Desmond gives you a solid nugget of info to take with you for the day and something to try out in your life. 3. Variety - I love how each day of the week is a different topic so that you get a breadth of information but you know that Friday is resource day so you can be excited to hear what new tool Desmond can give you for the day. 4. No guilt - After listening to over a dozen podcasts on self improvement or job productivity, I often feel guilty for not being at the place the podcaster is talking about. With Desmond, he encourages you but you never feel like you aren't doing enough. You just take each day and hope for small improvements that will build over time. Thanks for a great podcast!
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Adams is a great positive voice to hear in the day. Encouraging, calming, and thought provoking. Thank you for your hard work.
Great Podcast
I just found your podcast about a week ago. I started from episode 1 and am working my way through them. Great content about the mental side of ourselves and how to improve and change to better ourselves. I like the shorter episodes that get straight to the point and deliver the "goods". Keep up the great job.
You bring a fresh take on new as well old schools of thought , and you respect both and speak about the good. I have been listening about a week, I have already listened to 25 episodes .
Extraordinary Podcast
This is a great podcast. I love the perspective on mental mastery and overall improvement for you mindset. Just subscribed and looking forward to catching up with all the shows.
This podcast is a perfect "mindset reset" every morning. It pulls me out of non-productive thoughts and gets me on the right track to work towards a happier and more fulfilling life. The results are very noticeable. So grateful for the work put into this.
Short, powerful, and inspirational!
Desmond dives into what you NEED to do to take your productivity, discipline and creativity to the next level. Success with any endeavor all starts with your MINDSET and that's what Desmond covers in the Mental Mastery Moment!
So Positive and So Inspiring!
As a personal development junky I am always on the lookout for motivating content where I can learn something too. Desmond is killin’ it with this podcast and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a recurring boost of enthusiasm!
Great Audio | Excellent Content
Just found Desmond Adams and started listening to the Podcast. GR8 production. I’m looking forward to listening to more and connecting online. Thanks for all you do, Desmond!
Daily Positivity & Motivation
I never miss an episode!
I feel wonderful
Just started to listen to this podcast, I’m going make this podcast my daily routine. Makes me feel wonderful of the person that I am.
Short, sweet and very useful!
Thank you so much for putting it together!
Thank you!
Short burst of mental tips and pearls every time I listen. Thank you!
An awesome podcast!!
Was always looking for something like this and now we all can succeed by listening to this!! A daily podcast to get me going when I feel that society has lost its grip on reality. I love it!! Steve T.
Steve Tessler
Very well done
This guy gives great advice. Love listening to him in car and late at nights when i can’t sleep
A New Favorite!
Just stumbled ontot he MMM from Desmond Adams - and I am going back to catch up! Bite size, super helpful and practical tips. Sometimes it seems like 'gurus' aren't living in the real world with the advice they give. Not so here...I love the relatable - real factor of the advice in this podcast!
Scince+spirituality= awesome
Open minded and thought provoking, and sound advice from a sound mind.
What we need to hear
I was so happy to find this pocast just the thing to start your day.THANKYOU
Great show!
Loving this show. There's so much good info packed in not a lot of time! That's hard to do. The humor helps spice up these topics too! -Clark Danger Host of the "What Makes a Man" Podcast
I’m the host
I obviously love my podcast or I wouldn’t be doing it. I wanted to encourage you to reach out and let me know what you like and even where you think I can improve. I love 5 star ratings, of course, but I love being worthy of them even more. Let’s make this the best life possible for both of us. Thanks again!
The Key Podcast
Living the Inner Life
Great podcasts - clear, concise and to the point! With so many 'success' podcasts & speakers out there, Desmond is a fresh voice that stands out from the crowd. Nice integration with the website, too. A+
Chris S7000
Great to get a day started on the right mind set
I like it a lot, it's short enough so it's possible to get it in in the morning, and I listen to it on my way to work. It allows me to reset to a good mind set daily ... and get the day going. Very nicely done.
007 Mr Normal
This is an awesome podcast...uplifting, informative and thought provoking. I listen every morning at the beginning of my work day...very enjoyable.👍👍👍👏👏
Ricks girl
What we all need.
These are the item I need to be reminded of. Being reminded that I am worthy and am able to achieve. I consider Desmond my partner in potential.
Excellent tips!
Really enjoying all of these, especially the self-discipline one. Looking forward to hearing and learning more!
Desmond cares about your success!
I am grateful for Desmond & his desire to bring value to the lives of other people. WARNING - avoid this show if you are disinterested in achieving your maximum potential!!
Jared Easley
The perfect start to my day!
Adams has charged out of the gate with this one. I enjoy my share of podcasts and was pleased to see he has opted for a quick and easy-to-consume format. The perfect way to get my day started in the best and most productive frame of mind. Jeff Brown Read to Lead Podcast
Jeff @ Read to Lead Podcast
Refreshing, Inspiring and Actionable
I listened to every one of the first 5 episodes with my wife in the car - we both LOVED this podcast! It's so refreshing and the short form makes for such easy consumption of all the mental mastery goodies! We can't wait to hear more!!
John Dennis | Smart Time Onlin
Mental Mastery Moment
I found it to be interesting and thought provoking…I am curious to see what future topics are going to be covered!!!
Bronco Bobby
Life Coach
Great reminders and examples to creating awareness around your perception.
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