Mechanical, Biomedical & Manufacturing Engineering Podcast

Mechanical, Biomedical & Manufacturing Engineering
The Department of Mechanical, Biomedical, and Manufacturing Engineering offers courses in Mechanical Engineering. Biomedical Engineering, and Advanced Manufacturing.
Transport Management and Technology BSc - CR046
Motor vehicle technology and the Motor Industry in general have undergone dramatic changes in recent times. Technological advances have made vehicles more efficient, more environmentally friendly and safer, whilst at the same time increasing standards are being enforced by manufacturers, distributors and retailers. The Transport Management and Technology degree programme is designed to take account of these changes. The course provides varied and rewarding career opportunities in many types of enterprise throughout the industry ranging from motor dealerships to vehicle manufacturing and distribution companies.
Mar 10, 2012
Sustainable Energy BEng Hons - CR510
Sustainable Energy involves the understanding and application of the engineering and technological principles of energy conversion and use. Attention is given to component scale and systems design along with efficient management, control and measurement of energy supply systems. The first two years of the course introduce and develop the fundamental components of an engineering discipline. The third and fourth years extend the specialist nature of the course.
Mar 10, 2012
Mechanical Engineering BEng Hons - CR108
Mechanical Engineering involves the design, manufacture and operation of products that have motion or have internal moving parts. This ranges from the design and manufacture of high performance engines, machines with atomic level precision to aircraft, wind turbines, major power plants and process equipment to the maintenance of industrial, chemical, pharmaceutical and food processing plants.
Mar 10, 2012
Mechanical Engineering BEng - CR071
Mechanical engineers play a crucial role in a wide range of industries, among them air, rail, sea and road. They are involved in high precision processes such as the design and manufacture of prosthetic devices and robotic mechanisms. The physical scale of their work ranges from nanoscale motors and pumps through to high speed trains, wind turbines and rockets/vehicles for space exploration.
Mar 10, 2012
Chemical & Biopharmaceutical Engineering BEng Hons - CR105
Chemical Engineering is all about change; creating life-enhancing products and services by applying scientific and mathematical understanding to design and control processes that change raw materials into useful products. In simple terms, Chemical Engineers create and develop processes to make useful products from raw materials, in a cost effective and safe manner. Chemical Engineering is ideally suited to students with ability in mathematics and chemistry, who enjoy problem solving and aspire to be successful.
Mar 10, 2012