Masculine Birth Ritual
Masculine Birth Ritual
Grover Wehman-Brown
via Podcasts
thank you!
As a midwife and a queer, non-binary person who hopes to grow a baby someday, I find this podcast so relevant and important! I hope there are many episodes to come.
So great!
This podcast is providing much needed perspectives and resources for the community. Thank you to Grover and the guests featured for being vulnerable, honest, and open while sharing their unique experiences, feelings, and advice for those of us on this journey.
Much needed!
This podcast is providing excellent resources and conversations to those who are queer and building families, and also others who want to compassionately understand the galaxy of experiences people can have as they journey through pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and parenthood.
Jenna M.B.
This podcast is so beautiful.
Honestly. I didn’t even realize how much I needed this to exist in the world. Thank you, Grover. As a non-binary person, attempting to conceive has been extremely challenging. This podcast has helped me feel more connected in so many directions.
Super interesting and well done!
Grover is a really skilled moderator and I find this to be a fascinating topic - even as a white, cis-gendered straight woman who has not given birth. I’m learning so much and feel incredibly grateful for the vulnerability expressed in the episodes I’ve listened to so far. I highly recommend it and I’m excited to keep listening!
There is such a need for these stories. Such important perspectives.
burts pit
Highly recommended!
A deeply thoughtful, intentional, progressive, and honest podcast.
Poignant and beautiful space!!
This conversation is so very needed for birthworkers!! Thank you for creating this beautiful space and wonderful conversations!
So important and so life-giving
The existence of this podcast is nothing short of magical. Everyone should listen and learn from this!
So happy this exists!
As a birth doula and queer person, I’m so happy this podcast exists. Queer and trans people deserve to have their stories told, and deserve all the knowledge, respect and dignity as they go through pregnancy, birth, parenting and family building.
Looking forward to more episodes!
I'm so excited for this podcast! It's such an important topic and resource, and Grover is a passionate story teller. Can't wait for more episodes, and the necessary expansion of archives where the stories of gender queer, non-binary, masculine of center, GNC parents are centered!