Mark Simone
Mark Simone
Mark Simone (WOR)
Mark Simone, weekdays from 10 to Noon on 710 WOR
Hour 2: The two CNN moderators were very fair with both Biden and Trump.
Biden said the January 6th rioters were not Patriots. Mark interviewed Charlie Gasparino from FOX Business: Charlie said Biden is not the nice grandpa he tries to project. He’s an old, angry, man who is lost and confused. Trump needs to polish his act a bit, but he did a good job last night staying on point.
Jun 28
34 min
Hour 1: Biden loses the debate spectacularly.
A CNN poll right after the debate says Trump won easily. Mark interviews Boston Radio Host interview: Mark and Howie discussed the Biden meltdown in debate number 1. He clearly isn’t up to running the country for another 4 days, let alone 4 years. Do the Democrats have anybody on the bench to step in for Joe?
Jun 28
32 min
Mark Interviews Charlie Gasparino From FOX Business
Mark and Charlie talked about the horrific showing President Biden had in the first debate. Biden tries to show himself as a loving grandfather figure, but behind the scenes, he's an old man who has mental lapses and needs to step down
Jun 28
13 min
Mark Takes Your Calls
Joel in Florida talked about how the debate helped Trump and ruined Biden. Vera asked Mark about the 25th Amendment being used against Biden.
Jun 28
1 min
Mark's 11:00 Monologue
The debate last night proved that Biden isn’t up to running the country. The two CNN moderators were very fair with both Biden and Trump.
Jun 28
21 min
Mark Interviews Boston Radio Host Howie Carr
Mark and Howie discussed the Biden meltdown in debate number 1. He clearly isn’t up to running the country for another 4 days, let alone 4 years. Do the Democrats have anybody on the bench to step in for Joe?
Jun 28
13 min
Mark Takes Your Calls
Mark talked with Lee in White Plains about Biden looking and sounding terrible. Joe in CT talked with Mark about the damage the Democrats have done to our country since Biden's been in office.
Jun 28
8 min
Mark's 10:00 am Monologue
The media has been lying to the public about Biden’s health and mental acuity for four years. President Biden lied and Trump pointed them out along with fact checkers.
Jun 28
18 min
Hour 2: Biden’s economy is a disaster.
Look for Trump to keep it light tonight. Mark interviewed legendary sportscaster Warner Wolf: Warner talks with Mark about what should happen tonight right before the debate. He wants there to be several precautions to ensure a fair fight tonight.
Jun 27
33 min
Hour 1: The Biased media has declared Biden the Winner.
Biden has refinanced his Delaware house 35 times. Mark interviews Economist Steve Moore: Mark and Steve discussed tonight’s debate. How will the two candidates act toward each other? Tonight may end up being style over substance. They also hit on the deficit under Biden and Trump.
Jun 27
33 min
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