Today, your host Marcus Taylor describes his experiences inside some of the largest Favelas in South America. Behind the guns and the drugs lies a complex society, woven into a maze of narrow alleys, stacked houses, and endless stairs that wind up Brazil's most iconic mountain valleys. Intergang violence, shootouts with police, and human trafficking are just some of the challenges the people living in these communities face on a daily basis.
Shores of Grace -
Iris Jardim Gramacho -
May 10, 2022
34 min
Today, your host Marcus Taylor describes his recent trip to Ukraine to help with the refugee crisis. Could this war have been prevented? Since the recording of this podcast on March 30th, more evidence of Russia's war crimes has come to light. Russia has abandoned its original objective of capturing Kyiv and has moved its forces to Eastern Ukraine. In Mauripol, just 2500 Ukrainian soldiers remain, fighting for their lives from a steelworks and network of underground tunnels.
Apr 19, 2022
33 min