![Ep. 142 - [Josh Varghese] Networks of the Future, IT / OT Convergence](https://cdn-images.podbay.fm/eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL2ltYWdlcy50cmFuc2lzdG9yLmZtL2ZpbGUvdHJhbnNpc3Rvci9pbWFnZXMvc2hvdy8xNzIxMy9mdWxsXzE2MDk0MzA1OTgtYXJ0d29yay5qcGciLCJmYWxsYmFjayI6Imh0dHBzOi8vaXMxLXNzbC5tenN0YXRpYy5jb20vaW1hZ2UvdGh1bWIvUG9kY2FzdHMxMTQvdjQvMWYvZTAvNDcvMWZlMDQ3ZGQtNzVjYi0xNDI5LWQzMDYtMjM5OGZiZmQwYjMwL216YV8xMDMwMDEzNDkwMzkxOTg5MDY5My5qcGcvNjAweDYwMGJiLmpwZyJ9.OgxALAaek9S5Eu_7-S8aF6cFYNe0COiy1if-t9MRuww.jpg?width=200&height=200)
Josh is starring on Manufacturing Hub as we continue to dive into the networks of a modern manufacturing organization. We'll try to answer questions about Increased devices, his conversations around IT/OT Convergence, updates on his never-ending search for OT-capable routers, plus #Hatlife.Be sure not to miss Manufacturing Hub in the morning!A special thanks to SIemens for sponsoring this theme. Join Dave and Vlad at SPS_live November 14-16. Can't make it to Germany? Then join us digitally!Connect with UsJosh VargheseVlad RomanovDave GriffithManufacturing HubSolisPLC
Jan 5, 2024
1 hr 13 min
![Ep. 141 - [Benson Hougland] Breaking Through Cybersecurity Noise](https://cdn-images.podbay.fm/eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL2ltYWdlcy50cmFuc2lzdG9yLmZtL2ZpbGUvdHJhbnNpc3Rvci9pbWFnZXMvc2hvdy8xNzIxMy9mdWxsXzE2MDk0MzA1OTgtYXJ0d29yay5qcGciLCJmYWxsYmFjayI6Imh0dHBzOi8vaXMxLXNzbC5tenN0YXRpYy5jb20vaW1hZ2UvdGh1bWIvUG9kY2FzdHMxMTQvdjQvMWYvZTAvNDcvMWZlMDQ3ZGQtNzVjYi0xNDI5LWQzMDYtMjM5OGZiZmQwYjMwL216YV8xMDMwMDEzNDkwMzkxOTg5MDY5My5qcGcvNjAweDYwMGJiLmpwZyJ9.OgxALAaek9S5Eu_7-S8aF6cFYNe0COiy1if-t9MRuww.jpg?width=200&height=200)
Benson rejoins Dave and Vlad to help break through the noise that can be OT Cybersecurity. We'll talk about OT cybersecurity lessons. Cybersecurity on industrial devices.Plus Cybersecurity - Where to start!Don't miss this last episode of cybersecurity month!A special thanks to Phoenix Contact USA for sponsoring this theme and a happy 100th anniversary! Here's to the next 100!Connect with UsBenson HouglandVlad RomanovDave GriffithManufacturing HubSolisPLC#manufacturing #automation #cybersecurity #digitaltransformaiton
Dec 22, 2023
1 hr 18 min
![Ep. 140 - [Clint Bodungen] Hacking Exposed! ChatGPT for Cybersecurity Training, and More!](https://cdn-images.podbay.fm/eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL2ltYWdlcy50cmFuc2lzdG9yLmZtL2ZpbGUvdHJhbnNpc3Rvci9pbWFnZXMvc2hvdy8xNzIxMy9mdWxsXzE2MDk0MzA1OTgtYXJ0d29yay5qcGciLCJmYWxsYmFjayI6Imh0dHBzOi8vaXMxLXNzbC5tenN0YXRpYy5jb20vaW1hZ2UvdGh1bWIvUG9kY2FzdHMxMTQvdjQvMWYvZTAvNDcvMWZlMDQ3ZGQtNzVjYi0xNDI5LWQzMDYtMjM5OGZiZmQwYjMwL216YV8xMDMwMDEzNDkwMzkxOTg5MDY5My5qcGcvNjAweDYwMGJiLmpwZyJ9.OgxALAaek9S5Eu_7-S8aF6cFYNe0COiy1if-t9MRuww.jpg?width=200&height=200)
Clint Bodungen | Co-Founder / CEO @ ThreatGENClint Bodungen is a globally recognized cybersecurity professional and thought leader with over 25 years of experience (of which 20 years have been focused on ICS/OT cybersecurity). His journey in cybersecurity began at the age of eleven when he started programming on a Tandy 1200, and since then, his career has been nothing short of remarkable. A veteran of the United States Air Force, Clint has established himself as a prominent figure in the field, having worked for notable cybersecurity firms like Symantec, Industrial Defender, Booz Allen Hamilton, and Kaspersky Lab. His expertise extends to the impact of AI on cybersecurity, and he has played a pivotal role in addressing the industry's training and education gaps. Clint is renowned for his innovative approaches and has contributed to the field as the author of two books: the best seller, "Hacking Exposed: Industrial Control Systems," and the upcoming "ChatGPT for Cybersecurity Cookbook." He has written an array of articles, technical papers, and training courses, with a primary focus on cybersecurity vulnerability assessment, penetration testing/red teaming, and risk management. Even before the public emergence of generative AI and large language models (LLM), he had already developed a variety of cybersecurity tools and apps that leverage this technology. Over the past decade, Clint has been at the forefront of integrating gamification and AI applications into cybersecurity training. His dedication and innovation culminated in the creation of ThreatGEN® Red vs. Blue, the world's first online multiplayer cybersecurity game crafted to impart real-world cybersecurity skills. This flagship product marks Clint's foray as a pioneer in cybersecurity gamification, a testament to his progressive vision. Clint's enduring passion and goal are to redefine industry standards for cybersecurity education using computer gaming (gamification) and AI technology to present a revolutionary, engaging approach to this essential field, and set new precedents for effective and interactive learning.Clint rejoins Manufacturing Hub to shed some more light on hackers and what groups can do to learn more about cybersecurity.We'll get into Clint's new book: ChatGPT for Cybersecurity Cookbook.Plus, we'll check in on how Red vs. Blue continues to change about how we learn about cybersecurity.Thanks to Phoenix Contact USA for sponsoring this show and 100-year anniversary wishes. Connect with UsClint BodungenVlad RomanovDave GriffithManufacturing HubSolisPLC#manufacturing #automation #cybersecurity
Dec 5, 2023
1 hr 9 min
![Ep. 139 - [Ryan Heartfield] Cyber-Physical Solutions to Securing the OT Networks](https://cdn-images.podbay.fm/eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL2ltYWdlcy50cmFuc2lzdG9yLmZtL2ZpbGUvdHJhbnNpc3Rvci9pbWFnZXMvc2hvdy8xNzIxMy9mdWxsXzE2MDk0MzA1OTgtYXJ0d29yay5qcGciLCJmYWxsYmFjayI6Imh0dHBzOi8vaXMxLXNzbC5tenN0YXRpYy5jb20vaW1hZ2UvdGh1bWIvUG9kY2FzdHMxMTQvdjQvMWYvZTAvNDcvMWZlMDQ3ZGQtNzVjYi0xNDI5LWQzMDYtMjM5OGZiZmQwYjMwL216YV8xMDMwMDEzNDkwMzkxOTg5MDY5My5qcGcvNjAweDYwMGJiLmpwZyJ9.OgxALAaek9S5Eu_7-S8aF6cFYNe0COiy1if-t9MRuww.jpg?width=200&height=200)
Ryan Heartfield | CTO / Chief Scientist, Co-Founder @ ExalensRyan is CTO / Chief Scientist and co-founder of Exalens, a cybersecurity startup enhancing the operational resilience of digitally transforming industries like manufacturing. At Exalens, Ryan leads capability development, cybersecurity research, and platform innovation across Exalens’ cyber-physical threat detection and incident response technologies. He is an expert in AI/ML for cybersecurity threat detection and response, security operations automation and response (SOAR), network security architecture, and enterprise security strategy. He is also a Research Fellow in cybersecurity in the IoT and Security (ISEC) research group at the University of Greenwich, UK, where he has published over 20 articles in top cybersecurity journals and leads research and development in multiple national and international research projects, focusing on artificial intelligence in cybersecurity, cyber-physical intrusion detection, information verification, and social engineering. His research in defining the human-as-a-security-sensor paradigm and Cyber-Physical Detection and Response (CPDR) have gained academic and industrial recognition.Ryan Heartfield joins Dave and Vlad to discuss practical ways to secure your manufacturing facility!What are Cyber-Physical solutions? Why has it taken ten years to go from academia to the real world?Can we use process data to secure the plant floor from cybersecurity attacks? A special thanks to Phoenix Contact USA for sponsoring the Cybersecurity theme and for your continued support of the community.Connect with UsRyan HeartfieldVlad RomanovDave GriffithManufacturing HubSolisPLC#manufacturing #automation #cybersecutiry #digital transformation
Nov 2, 2023
1 hr 5 min
![Ep. 138 - [Grant Vandebrake] Protecting the PowerGrid: Tales of Cyber Resilience](https://cdn-images.podbay.fm/eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL2ltYWdlcy50cmFuc2lzdG9yLmZtL2ZpbGUvdHJhbnNpc3Rvci9pbWFnZXMvc2hvdy8xNzIxMy9mdWxsXzE2MDk0MzA1OTgtYXJ0d29yay5qcGciLCJmYWxsYmFjayI6Imh0dHBzOi8vaXMxLXNzbC5tenN0YXRpYy5jb20vaW1hZ2UvdGh1bWIvUG9kY2FzdHMxMTQvdjQvMWYvZTAvNDcvMWZlMDQ3ZGQtNzVjYi0xNDI5LWQzMDYtMjM5OGZiZmQwYjMwL216YV8xMDMwMDEzNDkwMzkxOTg5MDY5My5qcGcvNjAweDYwMGJiLmpwZyJ9.OgxALAaek9S5Eu_7-S8aF6cFYNe0COiy1if-t9MRuww.jpg?width=200&height=200)
Grant Vandebrake | Senior Global Systems Engineer - Network and Cybersecurity @ Phoenix ContactGrant began his career at Phoenix Contact in 2013 after completing a bachelor's in Electrical Engineering. As he gained experience within industrial automation and one of the leading companies that supply automation equipment, he developed an interest in networks and security. Within a few years, Grant landed a key role within Phoenix Contact and is now responsible for the company's global network and cybersecurity initiatives.Grant joins Manufacturing Hub again this year as we dive into the Energy Sector. How are we hardening some of the most critical assets?What does the difference between the Manufacturing and Energy industries look like?How about some attacks that have been extremely publicized? Don't miss this first episode of Cybersecurity Month!A special thanks to Phoenix Contact USA for sponsoring this theme and your continued support of the community.Connect with UsGrant VandebrakeVlad RomanovDave GriffithManufacturing HubSolisPLC#manufacturing #automation #cybersecurity #industry40
Oct 26, 2023
1 hr 8 min
![Ep. 136 - [Ryan Lillibridge] Industrial Robotics Integration, Innovation in the Automation Space](https://cdn-images.podbay.fm/eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL2ltYWdlcy50cmFuc2lzdG9yLmZtL2ZpbGUvdHJhbnNpc3Rvci9pbWFnZXMvc2hvdy8xNzIxMy9mdWxsXzE2MDk0MzA1OTgtYXJ0d29yay5qcGciLCJmYWxsYmFjayI6Imh0dHBzOi8vaXMxLXNzbC5tenN0YXRpYy5jb20vaW1hZ2UvdGh1bWIvUG9kY2FzdHMxMTQvdjQvMWYvZTAvNDcvMWZlMDQ3ZGQtNzVjYi0xNDI5LWQzMDYtMjM5OGZiZmQwYjMwL216YV8xMDMwMDEzNDkwMzkxOTg5MDY5My5qcGcvNjAweDYwMGJiLmpwZyJ9.OgxALAaek9S5Eu_7-S8aF6cFYNe0COiy1if-t9MRuww.jpg?width=200&height=200)
Ryan Lillibridge | Vice President @ Mission Design & AutomationWith over 19 years of experience in the automation industry, I am a Vice President at Mission Design & Automation, which provides custom automation solutions for various sectors. In this role, I oversee the business development, sales, and engineering teams and ensure that we deliver high-quality and innovative products that meet our clients' needs and expectations. I have a strong background in concept and cost development, having managed multiple projects and contracts for a leading provider of automation systems for 14.5 years. I have developed skills in problem-solving, customer relationship management, product design, and communication, which have enabled me to build and maintain long-term relationships with our customers and partners. I am passionate about creating solutions that improve efficiency, productivity, and quality in different industries, and I am always eager to learn new technologies and trends. I value teamwork, collaboration, and diversity, and I strive to create a positive and inclusive work environment for our staff and stakeholders.Robots on their own are extremely exciting.Add in some vision systems or an AMR for them to ride on, and they get better.What happens when we need to throw multiple robots in the same cell?Come join Vlad and I as we talk to Ryan about some of the interesting applications that Mission Design and Automation find themselves working on. A special thanks to SolisPLC for sponsoring this Robotics theme! Connect with UsRyan LillibridgeVlad RomanovDave GriffithManufacturing HubSolisPLC#robotics #manufacturing #automation #industry40
Oct 19, 2023
1 hr 15 min
![Ep. 135 - [Dave Neville] Robotics As A Service, Innovation in Industrial Robotics, Fleets, & More.](https://cdn-images.podbay.fm/eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL2ltYWdlcy50cmFuc2lzdG9yLmZtL2ZpbGUvdHJhbnNpc3Rvci9pbWFnZXMvc2hvdy8xNzIxMy9mdWxsXzE2MDk0MzA1OTgtYXJ0d29yay5qcGciLCJmYWxsYmFjayI6Imh0dHBzOi8vaXMxLXNzbC5tenN0YXRpYy5jb20vaW1hZ2UvdGh1bWIvUG9kY2FzdHMxMTQvdjQvMWYvZTAvNDcvMWZlMDQ3ZGQtNzVjYi0xNDI5LWQzMDYtMjM5OGZiZmQwYjMwL216YV8xMDMwMDEzNDkwMzkxOTg5MDY5My5qcGcvNjAweDYwMGJiLmpwZyJ9.OgxALAaek9S5Eu_7-S8aF6cFYNe0COiy1if-t9MRuww.jpg?width=200&height=200)
Dave Neville | President & Co-Founder @ Infinity RoboticsI have a strong sales and management background with a passion for technology and robotics. We are looking for customers and team members dedicated to automation and the application of Vision and IoT to Robotics. Collaborative, Mobile and Industrial Robots.Dave started Infinity Robotics much differently than most robotics groups. Instead of picking on vertical, they got an expert from all the major verticals. Today we're going to introduce Robotics as a Service and discuss where those applications make the most sense. We'll continue to dive into AGV's and figure out what the future of robotics in the industrial ecosystem will become.Connect with UsDave NevilleVlad RomanovDave GriffithManufacturing HubSolisPLC#manufacturing #automation #robotics #digitaltransformation
Oct 12, 2023
1 hr 23 min
![Ep. 134 - [Courtney Fernandez] Industrial Robotics, Mobile Robots, Arms, Vision Systems, and More](https://cdn-images.podbay.fm/eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL2ltYWdlcy50cmFuc2lzdG9yLmZtL2ZpbGUvdHJhbnNpc3Rvci9pbWFnZXMvc2hvdy8xNzIxMy9mdWxsXzE2MDk0MzA1OTgtYXJ0d29yay5qcGciLCJmYWxsYmFjayI6Imh0dHBzOi8vaXMxLXNzbC5tenN0YXRpYy5jb20vaW1hZ2UvdGh1bWIvUG9kY2FzdHMxMTQvdjQvMWYvZTAvNDcvMWZlMDQ3ZGQtNzVjYi0xNDI5LWQzMDYtMjM5OGZiZmQwYjMwL216YV8xMDMwMDEzNDkwMzkxOTg5MDY5My5qcGcvNjAweDYwMGJiLmpwZyJ9.OgxALAaek9S5Eu_7-S8aF6cFYNe0COiy1if-t9MRuww.jpg?width=200&height=200)
Courtney Fernandez | Senior Automation Engineer @ United Robotics Group I currently work in industrial automation utilizing machine vision/smart cameras, programming a large variety of PLCs, robots, motion controllers, etc, designing electrical cabinets, and modifying existing machinery. More details below and in my work experience. My masters degree work focused on controls, systems design/optimization, digital image processing, robot kinematics/modeling, and autonomous and adaptive systems.PLCs: Siemens SIMATIC S7s, Omron CJ/NX/NJ, Koyo DL05/6, Automation Direct PLC's, some Rockwell, (anything given 1 week to learn the IDE. Control logic is control logic)Courtney is always pushing the limits (and Dave's comfort level) with robotics. Now part of Universal Robotics Group, they are pushing the limits on industrial robotic arms, AGV's, and even those robotics with faces.Join us on our special first of two Manufacturing Hub this week.A special thanks to SolisPLC for sponsoring this Robotics theme!Connect with UsCourtney FernandezVlad RomanovDave GriffithManufacturing HubSolisPLC#manufacturing #automation #robotics #digitaltransformation
Oct 5, 2023
1 hr 7 min
![Ep. 133 - [Pawel Krupa] What Really Matters in Industrial Robotics, Challenges, Opportunities & More](https://cdn-images.podbay.fm/eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL2ltYWdlcy50cmFuc2lzdG9yLmZtL2ZpbGUvdHJhbnNpc3Rvci9pbWFnZXMvc2hvdy8xNzIxMy9mdWxsXzE2MDk0MzA1OTgtYXJ0d29yay5qcGciLCJmYWxsYmFjayI6Imh0dHBzOi8vaXMxLXNzbC5tenN0YXRpYy5jb20vaW1hZ2UvdGh1bWIvUG9kY2FzdHMxMTQvdjQvMWYvZTAvNDcvMWZlMDQ3ZGQtNzVjYi0xNDI5LWQzMDYtMjM5OGZiZmQwYjMwL216YV8xMDMwMDEzNDkwMzkxOTg5MDY5My5qcGcvNjAweDYwMGJiLmpwZyJ9.OgxALAaek9S5Eu_7-S8aF6cFYNe0COiy1if-t9MRuww.jpg?width=200&height=200)
Ep. 133 - [Pawel Krupa] What Really Matters in Industrial Robotics, Challenges, Opportunities & More
Pawel Krupa | Sr. Controls Engineer @ TeslaExperienced robot programmer working in the automotive industry is looking for new opportunities to develop his passion. Robot programming is a field that I feel like a duck in water. In my four-year career, I worked with VW and Opel standards on FANUC and KUKA. I did integrations, new lines, cycle-time optimization, production support, and quality adjustments. Known applications: spot welding, handling, clinching, riveting, arc welding, gluing, stud welding, roller hemming, laser brazing, laser welding. If you think that hiring me could increase the effectiveness of your company, you are most likely right. For some, Robot programming is just a regular job ...... To me is an art form that I want to create with passion.Pawel Krupa kicks off Manufacturing Hub's Robotics Month to share his experiences over the last 7+ years working in robotics integration.🔵 What are the differences between Fanuc and Kuka?🔵 Can we easily decrease cycle time of a robotic cell?🔵 What are critical skills missing from the robotic programmer's tool kit?A special thank you to SolisPLC for sponsoring this theme. Check out the new robotics programming course available now!Connect with UsPawel KrupaVlad RomanovDave GriffithManufacturing HubSolisPLC#robotics #manufacturing #automation
Sep 28, 2023
1 hr 13 min
![Ep. 132 - [Dave & Vlad] Hardware Reinvented, IIoT, Manufacturing Implications & Innovation](https://cdn-images.podbay.fm/eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL2ltYWdlcy50cmFuc2lzdG9yLmZtL2ZpbGUvdHJhbnNpc3Rvci9pbWFnZXMvc2hvdy8xNzIxMy9mdWxsXzE2MDk0MzA1OTgtYXJ0d29yay5qcGciLCJmYWxsYmFjayI6Imh0dHBzOi8vaXMxLXNzbC5tenN0YXRpYy5jb20vaW1hZ2UvdGh1bWIvUG9kY2FzdHMxMTQvdjQvMWYvZTAvNDcvMWZlMDQ3ZGQtNzVjYi0xNDI5LWQzMDYtMjM5OGZiZmQwYjMwL216YV8xMDMwMDEzNDkwMzkxOTg5MDY5My5qcGcvNjAweDYwMGJiLmpwZyJ9.OgxALAaek9S5Eu_7-S8aF6cFYNe0COiy1if-t9MRuww.jpg?width=200&height=200)
Now that we've talked about ways to reinvent factory hardware.What are Dave and Vlad's opinions on the next generation of hardware and how we will use it?A special thanks to Horner Automation for sponsoring this episode and your continued support of the show.Connect with UsVlad RomanovDave GriffithManufacturing HubSolisPLC#manufacturing #automation #industry40 #digitaltransforation
Sep 21, 2023
53 min
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