Manifestation Babe Podcast
Manifestation Babe
Kathrin Zenkina
(#318) The keys to awakening your spiritual gifts (a rare BTS conversation with my closest friends from our recent shamanic Sedona retreat) - episode of Manifestation Babe podcast

(#318) The keys to awakening your spiritual gifts (a rare BTS conversation with my closest friends from our recent shamanic Sedona retreat)

1 hour 9 minutes Posted Jul 15, 2024 at 6:30 am.
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How do I know what my spiritual gift is? We all have them and in this episode some of my closest friends and I are sharing how to tap into yours! On the last day of our retreat together James Wedmore, Jennifer Finley, Jill Foubister and I decided to literally set up a bunch of microphones around a table and do a deep dive into some of our favorite topics around spirituality. We share what it's like to go through a spiritual awakening, how far ahead you can actually see when you become highly intuitive, and how to become more aware of life outside of the 3D in a way that's beneficial to growth in the 3D. As you can imagine, with us talking about spiritual awakenings they often happen when the universe takes us on a detour and major life changes happen - so get ready for some of our personal changes in relationships, careers, and more along the way.



  • How to recognize, tap into, and trust your intuition for decisions in life and business.

  • The turning point when I realized I was living for everyone else but me.

  • Why kids are still so connected to their intuition and spiritual gifts (and how to regain that connection.)

  • Different ways we receive divine messages.

  • How many steps ahead you actually can see when you’re extremely intuitive.

  • Ways to not let your 3D brain get in the way of the path the universe is trying to take you on.



Kathrin: @manifestationbabe

James: @jameswedmore

Jennifer: @jeunejenni

Jill: @jillfoubister