Making Math Moments That Matter
Making Math Moments That Matter
Kyle Pearce & Jon Orr
#62: Learning Trajectories & Running Records: An Interview with Dr. Nicki Newton
1 hour Posted Feb 3, 2020 at 2:30 am.
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We have a treat for you today. We’re speaking with the great and obviously passionate Dr. Nicki Newton. By the end of this episode you’ll wish Nicki could just keep on going. She shares with us today her passion about learning trajectories and why we all need to learn them for various mathematical ideas. 

She fills us in why we should be using running running records, and she gives you many knowledge bombs and resources during this one hour session. 

You’ll Learn: 

  1. Why you need to understand learning trajectories in math class.
  2. The stages of counting and why you need to know them.  
  3. Should we be departmententalizing our schools or not? 
  4. Why running records are so important for your students learning pathway. 


Mathematizing Your School [Book] 

Levelling Math Workstations Grade K-2 [Book] 

Learning Trajectories

Kathy Richardson Books

Fluency Doesn’t Just Happen [Book]

Math Running Records in Action [Book]

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