Making Math Moments That Matter
Making Math Moments That Matter
Kyle Pearce & Jon Orr
#61 How to Transform Your Textbook Into A Curiosity Machine
1 hour 10 minutes Posted Jan 27, 2020 at 2:30 am.
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Ever felt like you were blindly teaching through the textbook to "cover" the curriculum?

We have too!

Teaching math exclusively from your textbook is like teaching with a bag over your head.

The textbook doesn’t allow you to SEE your students. It doesn’t take into account who your students are and where they are on their learning path.

The textbook doesn’t allow you to HEAR your students. It struggles to provide meaningful opportunities for your students to discuss, collaborate, and reason with peers.

The textbook doesn’t provide resources that spark curiosity and ENGAGE your students.

BUT ...

Throwing out the textbook is NOT the answer either.

Why spend hours of your limited planning time searching the internet for better resources just to find that you have to PAY for those resources out of your own pocket?

Instead, learn how to use the resources you already have access to so that you can Make Math Moments That Matter!

You’ll Learn: 

  • Engage your students using resources you already have;
  • Modify textbook problems and exercises so that they spark curiosity in your students;
  • Use the Make Math Moments Curiosity Path so that your students will not only love math class but also learn to think deeply;
  • Formative assessment techniques that enhance your existing curriculum / or pacing guide; and,
  • Transform your resources into tools that promote resilience in your students.


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