Make-Believe Money Podcast

Make-Believe Money

Make-Believe Money
Fake Money- Fake Advice
Episode 97: The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
LISTEN HERE! This week, we double-check Damon’s budgeting math, and envy deeply the tenured Columbia professor in the 1950’s we all wish that we were.
Mar 11, 2020
Episode 96: John Wick 2
LISTEN HERE! We’d give you a spoiler warning, buuuuut… let’s be real, no one’s watching John Wick movies for the plot. You’re watching it for the bonkers money system! OBVIOUSLY.
Feb 25, 2020
Episode 95: The Simpsons
LISTEN HERE! Poor Santos L. Halper, living in a pre-internet age. It’s going to take him a really long time to figure out how badly Bart has ruined his life.
Feb 5, 2020
Episode 94: The Mandalorian
LISTEN HERE! No spoilers! Except for when Liz makes wild, outlandish guesses about what Baby Yoda’s deal is. (She’s since seen the show all the way through.)
Jan 22, 2020
Episode 93: It’s a Wonderful Life!
LISTEN HERE! Well, here’s what happens when cold and flu season hits your co-host and editor. Here’s a Merry Holidays episode to keep you in the holiday spirit even now in the dead grossness of winter. Today, we talk about bank runs, dumb uncles, and growing a small business!   On a more serious note,…
Jan 8, 2020
Episode 92: Schitt’s Creek, Part 3
LISTEN HERE! Yes, that’s right, part three. Today we discuss: Unemployment. It’s like magnets: no one knows how it really works.
Dec 4, 2019
Episode 91: Schitt’s Creek, Part 2
LISTEN HERE! Today we dig deep into video rental stores and daytime television actor salaries to answer that age-old question: How much was the Rose family actually worth, anyway?
Nov 20, 2019
Episode 90: Schitt’s Creek, Part 1
WE’RE BACK, BAYBEE! That’s right, friends! Make-Believe Money has returned, although now on a new, baby-tolerant bi-weekly schedule. (Bi-weekly here meaning, “once every two weeks,” not that other meaning of bi-weekly. Honestly, it’s really dumb that that word means both of those things…) SO! To welcome us back, we begin by dissecting Dan’s paternity-leave show…
Nov 5, 2019
Make Believe MAILBAG!
LISTEN HERE! Oh, HELLO, friends! We’re still on hiatus, but not for much longer! To tide you over, and to whet your appetite for more nonsense from us fools, here’s a quick lil mailbag, where we answer all your drinking game-related questions! Thanks for writing in, friends! If you have a question you’d like answered,…
Sep 24, 2019
Episode 89: Animal House
LISTEN HERE! Hey Friends! We’re on a bit of a late-summer break, as you maybe have noticed, but we’ll be back! In the meantime, please enjoy us getting REAL sad about the cost of college in America. Subscribe in your podcatcher of choice to keep updated on when we’re back in action, and expect some…
Aug 27, 2019
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