Maestría tu Vida con Meditación Podcast

Maestría tu Vida con Meditación

Maria Castro, MAT, RMT
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This bilingual podcast will be offered in English and Spanish. Its goal is to provide wellness information and encourage people to form a healthy habit by meditating. Este podcast bilingüe va a ser ofrecido en Inglés y Español. La meta será proveer información del bien estar y animar a que formen un hábito saludable de meditación Support this podcast:
Mindfulness for Students
Share this meditation with a student you know. Going back to school is a big deal for a lot of kids. Let's help them learn how to manage the stress by becoming mindful of their daily experience. Mindfulness is a skill all students need to manage their emotions. If you know of a student that really needs to take time out and grow stronger in their ability to regulate their emotions, please share.   --- Support this podcast:
Aug 22, 2021
10 min
10 min Meditation
Hello, I did say I was going to take a break but I wanted to share this quick meditation with you. It's dedicated to educators but anyone can use the meditation to create more awareness in your life. Part of managing your stress is becoming aware of what your body, thoughts, and emotions are telling you throughout your day. Hope this is helpful to you!  See you in September. I am preparing a two part course for educators. I will share with you the link next month if you are interested. Send me an email if you want to find out more information about my upcoming course at [email protected]    --- Support this podcast:
Aug 22, 2021
14 min
S2 Ep. 10 Mi Vida es Mi Mensaje con Dr. Dave Segunda Parte
Este es el episodio final de esta segunda temporada sobre el cambio. Mi maestro, el Dr. Dave, explica lo importante que es relacionarse con los demás de una manera auténtica. Reafirma las tres partes necesarias para vivir con autenticidad y equilibrio en todo momento. Las tres partes son Conciencia, Aceptación y Asertividad. Necesitamos practicar estas tres habilidades a diario para que podamos cambiar y convertirnos en las mejores personas que podamos ser para nosotros y los demás. Tener rutinas regulares ayuda a controlar el estrés en su vida. La atención plena se utiliza para gestionar todos los aspectos de su vida: su cuerpo, mente, emociones y espiritualidad. La alegría se puede experimentar cuando somos conscientes de esas cosas simples pero significativas que nos brindan alegría. Como leer durante horas en un kindle. Su mensaje de despedida fue Mi vida es mi mensaje, dicho que le impacto mucho cuando lo escuchó al Sr. Gandhi decirlo cuando le preguntaron sobre su mensaje a las protestas en su país. Lideramos con el ejemplo. El Dr. Dave ciertamente ha predicado con el ejemplo. Soy uno de los muchos estudiantes que siguen su ejemplo de traer luz a la vida de los demás a través del servicio y el amor. Su sitio web está aquí si desea leer más sobre el Dr. Dave. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. Support this podcast:
Aug 15, 2021
17 min
S2 Ep. 10 My Life is My Message with Dr. Dave Part 2
This is the final episode for this second season on Change. My teacher Dr. Dave explains how important it is to relate to others in an authentic way. He restates the three parts needed to live authentically and in balance at all times. The three parts are Awareness, Acceptance, and Assertiveness. We need to practice these three skills daily for us to change and become the best people we can be for ourselves and others. Having regular routines helps to manage stress in your life. Mindfulness is used to manage all aspects of your life: your body, mind, emotions, and spirituality. Joy can be experienced when we are aware of those simple but meaningful things that bring us joy. Like reading for hours on a kindle. His parting message was My Life is My Message this saying he internalized it when he heard M. Gandhi say it when he was asked about his message to protests in his country. We lead by example. Dr. Dave has certainly lead by example. I am one of many students that follow his example of bring light into others lives through service and love. His website is here if you would like to read more about Dr. Dave.  --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. Support this podcast:
Aug 15, 2021
32 min
S2 Ep. 9 Mi Vida es Mi Mensaje con Dr. Dave Primera Parte
El Dr. Dave es mi maestro. Él es quien me enseñó a hacer meditación de atención plena en Governor State University. Mientras trabajaba en mis cursos de Certificación de Manejo del Estrés, el Dr. Dave y yo nos conocimos. Él es mi inspiración y mi modelo a seguir. Me di cuenta de que era una persona muy especial. Mi objetivo es ser cada día más como él para vivir una vida con más propósito. En este episodio le hice preguntas sobre el cambio y el amor incondicional. Escuche su consejo. Realmente aprecio su sabiduría. Incluso con las dificultades de audio, quería que escucharas las respuestas de su boca. Creo que son más impactantes que yo resumiéndolos solo para obtener una mejor calidad de audio. Todavía estoy en las primeras etapas del podcasting, así que por favor, cuéntame mientras aprendo. ¡Muchas gracias por escuchar! --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. Support this podcast:
Aug 15, 2021
20 min
S2 Ep. 9 My Life is My Message with Dr. Dave Part 1
Dr. Dave is my teacher. He is the one that taught me how to do Mindfulness Meditation at Governor State University. While working towards my Stress Management Certification courses, Dr. Dave and I got to know each other. He is my inspiration and role model. I realized that he was a very special person. I aim to be more like him every day in living a more purposeful life. In this episode I asked him questions about change and unconditional love. Please listen to his advice. I truly appreciate his wisdom. Even with the audio difficulties I wanted you to hear the responses from his mouth. I believe they are more impactful than me summarizing it just to get better audio quality. I am still in the early stages of podcasting so please bare with me as I learn. Thank you so much for listening! --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. Support this podcast:
Aug 9, 2021
23 min
S2 Ep. 8 Trauma Ancestral
El trauma ancestral está en nuestras vidas porque reflejamos lo que han vivido nuestros padres y necesitamos descubrir cuáles son esos traumas para poder ayudarlos. Si tienes a tus padres, pregúntales cómo fue su infancia. Descubrirá muchas razones por las que lo hicieron y continuará creyendo de la forma en que lo hacen. El racismo sigue vivo y debemos hacer un esfuerzo consciente para eliminarlo de nuestras vidas. Espiritualmente todos somos UNO. Necesitamos aprender a vivir como un grupo de personas en este planeta. Te animo a que uses la meditación para hacerte más consciente de tus hábitos y cuestionar las cosas con las que no estás de acuerdo en ti mismo y en los demás. --- Support this podcast:
Aug 1, 2021
26 min
S2 Ep. 8 Ancestral Trauma
Ancestral Trauma is in our lives because we mirror what our parents have lived and we need to discover what are those traumas so we can help them. If you have your parents, ask them how their childhood was. You will discover a lot of reasons why they did and continue to believe the way they do. Racism is still alive and we need to make a conscious effort to eliminate it from our lives. Spiritually we are all ONE. We need to learn how to live as one group of people on this planet. I encourage you to use meditation to make yourself more conscious of your habits and question things that you don't agree with in yourself and others.  --- Support this podcast:
Aug 1, 2021
22 min
S2 Ep. 7 Family Meetings
Family meetings is not something people are used to experiencing but in this episode listen to how our family has incorporated it into our regular way of communicating as a family. We do monthly Google Meet chats to discuss a poem, podcast, or movie. Everyday, we communicate through texts. Recently we opened a Facebook private group for us to share pictures and videos with each other. It's a virtual family album. I want to encourage you to begin talking with your siblings on a regular basis. You will find that it's very healing. My nephew transitioned into the spirit world during this recording and it's dedicated to his memory. Let's get together and connect before it's too late. Cherish the time you have to express your love to each other.  --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. Support this podcast:
Jul 25, 2021
22 min
S2 Ep. 7 Reuniones Familiares
Las reuniones familiares no son algo a lo que la gente esté acostumbrada, pero en este episodio escuche cómo nuestra familia las ha incorporado a nuestra forma habitual de comunicarnos como familia. Hacemos chats mensuales de Google Meet para discutir un poema, un podcast o una película. Todos los días nos comunicamos a través de mensajes de texto. Recientemente, abrimos un grupo privado en Facebook para compartir fotos y videos entre nosotros. Es un álbum familiar virtual. Quiero animarte a que empieces a hablar con tus hermanos de forma regular. Descubrirás que es muy curativo. Mi sobrino hizo la transición al mundo de los espíritus durante esta grabación y está dedicada a su memoria. Reunámonos y conectemos antes de que sea demasiado tarde. Aprecie el tiempo que tiene para expresar su amor el uno al otro. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. Support this podcast:
Jul 25, 2021
22 min
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