MacMinute (SD) - Podcast

MacMinute (SD) -

Mike Myers
Are you a new Mac user? Did you switch from Windows to a new Mac. If are just learning how to get around on the Mac then this is designed just for you.
Smart Albums in iPhoto -
We take a look at one of the new features in the latest version of iPhoto, Smart Albums. Smart Albums will find the pictures that belong in the Smart Album based on the criteria you set. We show you how to create them.
Jun 25, 2014
6 min
Text Shortcuts in OSX Mavericks And On Your iDevice -
You know those text shortcuts that make the small keyboard of your phone tolerable, things like OMW for on my way. You can use those same shortcuts in OSX Mavericks and now they even sync between your phone and OSX Mavericks. Add a new one on your phone and it is also on your desktop. We show you how it works.
Jun 18, 2014
5 min
Sharing Maps from OSX to your iDevice and Friends -
With all these new features in OSX Mavericks, many of them are designed for sharing. This week we are going to go take another look at the new Maps app and see how you can share your directions directly to your iDevice so you can grab it and go. We will also show you how you can share with your friends and social media.
Jun 11, 2014
4 min
Website Notifications -
Continuing from last week we are going to look at another new feature in Safari for Mavericks. This week we are going to look at Website Notifications.
Jun 4, 2014
4 min
Shared Links In Safari -
Continuing from last week we are going to look at another new feature in Safari for Mavericks. This week we are going to look at Shared Links
May 28, 2014
4 min
New Favorites Sidebar in Safari -
There have been a few changes to Safari in the release of Mavericks, this week we are going to look at just one of them, the new Favorites Sidebar.
May 21, 2014
3 min
LinkedIn Integration in OSX Mavericks -
As we continue with some of the new features in Mavericks, this week we are going to look at how LinkedIn is now integrated just like Twitter and Facebook have been integrated.
May 7, 2014
4 min
Preventing App Nap -
Got an App that keeps going to sleep when it is not in focus? We show you on Mac Minute this week how to tell that application that it is not to go to sleep.
Apr 30, 2014
4 min
Social Sharing From The Finder -
We take a look at how you can share via social media any file on your desktop simply by right clicking on it.
Apr 23, 2014
3 min
Do Not Disturb -
We take a look at the do not disturb option in the new Mavericks operating system. Like the name says, you can set the times that you do not want to get notifications.
Apr 16, 2014
3 min
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