Lou Reads the Internet for YOU!
Lou Reads the Internet for YOU!
Lou Reads the Internet for YOU!
via Podcasts
Funny, Interesting Content
That makes you side-eye the people next to you on the bus. The people Lou finds on the forums, well, they have a perfect home right there. Thanks Lou!
Oops, Something's Gone Wrong
The best
Soothing to my ears
I’m sorry to all my co-workers,,,
This podcast is the most entertaining thing I’ve ever listened to. My brother recommended it to me and I’ve been listening to it since. Unfortunately for my co-workers, I usually listen to it while filing documents. I wear earbuds when in public areas of the office, but I don’t know if they can hear it through the walls of my office, if so, I am very sorry.
Awesome podcast
It is the best thing ever. Listen to it every morning on the way go work.
Awesome Podcast
Lou is a such a great orator. I wonder where the podcast went though? Oh well, 5/5 stars, this is a hidden gem, and I am one happy miner.
Lou is hilarious and this podcast is a treasure! I wish I could give 100 stars! Thanks so much for creating this and please don’t ever stop!
Now THIS is entertainment
There are only a few podcasts I have been able to find that will hold my attention, but I can’t get enough of this podcast. I don’t know how he finds his stuff, but it is almost always hilarious, and when I’m not laughing because of the humor, it is because I am stunned into silence by the sheer craziness of the people that are out there and what they post. I have learned about things that I never even knew existed, and laughed all the while. Give it a try, find a couple episodes that look like topics you will find interesting, and after a few of those, you will want to hear them all!!!
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So great!
Love this podcast! Lou is such a likable guy and this podcast is great. The very best parts is when he gets really grossed out by reading or gets tickled and can’t stop laughing. So great. Keep up the good work!
Best podcast out there
Lou reads is the greatest. Dead pan delivery of some of the most disgusting things you have ever heard. I could listen to this all day.
Sometimes it makes me cringe. But I love this podcast and always revisit it.
Lou is King!
Lou will guide you throughout the wonderful wacky world of the web with the highest of prose and elegance. Recommended!!
Discovered this podcast awhile ago, and have been a big fan ever since. The topics Lou reads range from absurdly entertaining to downright horrifying. Sometimes I wish Lou would interject with his own commentary more often (because he clearly has a great sense of humor), but I understand why he sticks to the script. Either way, thank you for the laughs!
Longtime fan
I re-listen to certain episodes all the time, the drug episodes are hilarious.
Everything I never knew I needed! I love weird stuff on the internet and I love podcasts.
Thank you for your service
I had no idea how desperately I needed Lou to read the internet to me. Thank you forever.
Come for the free magnet, stay for the hilarity
This podcast will make your life complete.
Lou is awesome
Not sure how he finds the stuff he reads, but it’s amazing.
My favorite podcast
Lou has quite the show here. I pretty much listen to this while doing anything other than eating or making food to eat. Theres is a wide variety of comedy here based on what you choose to listen too. I'd especially recomend any of the drug forum episodes or for the more brave the episodes on fetish forums. And at the end you are left with profound questions like, am I into adult nursing? Or should I try smoking crack? Anyways do everything you can to promote this guy if you like the podcast he's really nice. replies to emails and sends magnets for free!
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Always a fun listen!
I’ve been listening to Lou Reads for years now and every episode of always a good time. His ability to read the weird things that people on the Internet love to post is spectacular and it’s though him I learnt about a lot of the Internet’s oddities.
Best Podcast
If you like listening to stupid, heinous, and occasionally shocking things read in a pleasant, deep voice, this is certainly something you ought to listen to! I know it's one of my favorites.
A hilarious podcast you can listen to with someone you love lol
My fiancé introduced me to this podcast for about a year now and we’ve been listening to it since then. We always listen to it when we’re on the road and burst out laughing together lol P.S. You have such an amazing voice and thank you for taking the time to read and record these outrageous forums! :)
Possibly Funniest Podcast Ever
Lou Reads is the hero of all podcasts. This podcast goes where all others don’t dare. I am constantly sending links to the podcast to validate sanity of friends/acquaintances.
And today’s WHAT
Love your work, it’s incredibly entertaining and your voice is great. I’m impressed with how long you’ve been doing it, please keep it up!
I am only mad that I didn't find this sooner.
I have to admit that I love the seedy underbelly of the internet. That said, I am not a huge fan of having said underbelly in my browser history. This podcast allows me to play digital anthropologist without ending up on some watch list. Lou's voice is fantastic and his love for his listeners is so admirable. Consider me a perma-subscriber.
Thank you
Best podcast ever!!! My brother showed me Lou and my work has been almost t better
So so good
Lou reads the most hilarious, weirdest, funniest stuff on the Internet for you. Prepare to have your mind expanded in so many strange directions.
Hilarious and fascinating
Love this podcast. I only wish there was more! I tried F-plus, but I’m not crazy about several people laughing, doing weird voices and mocking easy targets. The beauty of Lou’s presentation is that he reads this insane stuff with a (mostly) straight face.
The Last Mole
The best of the worst of the internet
it's the best of the best too, but usually it's the best of the worst the internet has to offer.
Legitimately Hilarious.
Lou isn't here to judge, mock, or insert his opinion - he just reads the internet. He does so very well, as the audio is great and he keeps things moving quickly. I originally listened thinking it would be a nice, drab podcast to fall asleep to, but I've lost sleep laughing at some of these episodes.
Good fun
The calm steady way things are read makes them even more disturbing than the mocking way F-Plus treats similar material. Glad I checked this out, a very different experience.
# Betrayer #
Oh My God
The only podcast that was so gross that I actually had to turn it off. 7/5
Exceptional Podcast
Lou's soothing voice will get you through those long hours at work as he takes you on an adventure through the dark depths of the internet.
SrA Dave Grace US Air Force
Lou Reads the Internet so we don't have to
Let Lou be your tour guide through the worst of humanity.
LJ Romanoff
Close to Being Good
The thing about Lour Reads is that there really isn't anything like it that I'm aware of. It's a valuable(?) source of information and entertainment in that Lou brings you into the darkest corners of the internet while you sit back and drive on the interstate. His voice/readings are genuinely pleasant and entertaining and while there is almost always some element of mockery, he can also add in, particularly at the end, a near-endorsement (any drug user forums) or tacit endorsement/surprising indifference (Red Pill) of the content. Although Lou calls out obvious toxic content such as racist forums, he is surprisingly silent on some of the more outrageous things he reads, such as seeming sexual assault (ManWhore.org) and misogyny (again, RedPill), and occasionally targets forums that don't seem to deserve the "treatment" (Skin Pick, which is for people with a psychological condition). It kind of makes sense for a podcast built out of the mid-aughts devil-may-care meanness of the Something Awful forums, but it's disappointing the show hasn't changed with the rest of the internet.
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Something worth listening to any time, and worth listening to again and again
Whether you want to hear something weird, something interesting, something disgusting, or something rather normal, he has an episode for you. For a laugh or a chuckle, background noise or an interesting story, you'll find yourself listening to almost every episode released, and then maybe a few again, as hearing about some random forum or another is just fun.
Highly Enjoy the strange fun
Lou Reads is a podcast that is special in its presentation. I was originally introduced to it via listening to the F-Plus as they cover the same ground. The ground in question are the highs and lows of the internet. The dichotomy of Lou's reading voice with the sometimes awful subject matter is great. I recommend this to anyone who wants a few laughs and the reminder that odds are, some people are worse than you. Thanks Lou, keep up the good work.
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So funny
I love this podcast. Lou is hilarious. Read on, Lou! Tell me more about this "Internet" thing. 😂
Still listening in 2017
And still stunned by what this man finds. I couldn't ask for a smoother voice to read the most alarming depravity on the internet to me.
Hop down that rabbit hole
Great for people who're morbidly fascinated with the darkest corners of the internet, but don't want to go digging there themselves. My favorite episodes tend to be the ones that are harmlessly weird or sexual, not the ones that go into racist sites, but I don't blame Lou for wanting to add a little variety in there.
If you enjoy pooping you pants at work during a laughing fit, this podcast is for you
Bring a fresh pair of pants with you while listening at work or driving somewhere.
I thought I was weird, I guess not!
Keep up the good work Lou. Well read and I love how Lou reads exactly what was said, mispellings and garbled sentence construction included. I walk away from every podcast knowing something new and somehow worse off by knowing it.
Zeta Taskforce
Best Podcast Ever. Hands Down.
I love this podcast. It not only is funny and original (well maybe not the content). It's engaging and hilarious. Lou's voice is delightful and captivating. I only wish he posted more!!
Excellent Listen
Well-curated insanity read aloud by an excellent speaker who seems like a genuinely pleasant guy. Everybody who is aware of the craziness on the fringes of the internet should be listening to this show. I also recommend The F Plus, another similar podcast on which Lou is occasionally featured. Keep up the good work Lou!
I am obsessed!
I just found this podcast and I am IN LOVE! I've listened to like 20 episodes already. Really amazing!!! I want a magnet! Ha!
Lou is great!
Sure, this show can occasionally be gross or disgusting, but that is greatly outweighed by the humor and generally wonderful content. Lou has the voice of a consummate professional ad-man, except he's reading the most bizarre crap the internet has to offer. Let him into your life, and you'll realize you won't know how you lived without him. In all seriousness, great, funny show by a guy with his tongue firmly planted in his cheek. If you need something to kill time at work, Lou is an easy and wonderful fix!
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Dave The Ox
Best podcast around
One of the best podcast I have ever listened to, it also so happens that the host is extremely not annoying which very rarely occurs in my podcasting experience. Well done!
Hilarious and occasionally disgusting
Truly hilarious podcast that can leave you speechless. I'm really glad Lou is willing to read from these sites so I don't have to actually go to them. I don't want to be on any lists. Also, If you listen to it during your daily commute like I do, just be sure to keep your windows rolled up during episodes featuring some of the more colorful topics…lest you get any angry looks from passing pedestrians.
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The Kid in Harambe's Pit
One of the best podcasts out there
New Favorite
This podcast helps me get through the day. Theres nothing better than knowing that so many people are infinitely weirder than you. Having those peoples thoughts read to you in a pleasing manner... even better!
Avid online banker
Restores Faith in Humanity
Just in case you feel like you've desensitized yourself to everything, give this podcast a spin! It's the wonders of the Internet hive mind blasted into your earballs!
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