Ambient sound to play during our Alien RPG. Created by me for our game
Aug 31, 2021
3 min

Original Flute music by my Dwarf Bard Berunli Woodcutter.
The Soot Princess - a fairy tale about a Dwarven princess stolen away by a dragon. She becomes friends with the dragon and they share many wonderful adventures.
Jul 21, 2021
1 min

Join Austin (Kevin Clarkson), Brett (Dr. Mister McHealy), Jacob (Chopper Stoneheart), Jillian (Saprys), and Maureen (Imryll), as they set out to check on the Keep on the Borderlands to see why they have not paid their taxes to the Kingdom.
Part 3 - The Ranger/Druid finds tracks that lead deep into the forest and our heroes discover the Caves of Chaos.
This is a Live Play of our Dungeons & Dragons 1st Ed. game.
Feb 14, 2021
1 hr 4 min

Join Austin (Kevin Clarkson), Brett (Dr. Mister McHealy), Jacob (Chopper Stoneheart), Jillian (Saprys), and Maureen (Imryll), as they set out to check on the Keep on the Borderlands to see why they have not paid their taxes to the Kingdom.
Part 2 - The players accept to help the Keep but will an ambush of goblins on the road end our troop?
This is a Live Play of our Dungeons & Dragons 1st Ed. game.
Dec 5, 2020
1 hr 13 min

Join Austin (Kevin Clarkson), Brett (Dr. Mister McHealy), Jacob (Chopper Stoneheart), Jillian (Saprys), and Maureen (Imryll), as they set out to check on the Keep on the Borderlands to see why they have not paid their taxes to the Kingdom.
This is a Live Play of our Dungeons & Dragons 1st Ed. game.
Nov 9, 2020
1 hr 18 min

Gragle, Harper, Virgil, and Madame Elaine learn about the art exhibit for Aramastus at the Cube in Seattle. After breaking in, they meet the artist and confront him about the Librum de Carne Viventem - The Book of the Living Flesh.
Aug 8, 2020
57 min

Our heroes Harper, Madame Elaine, Gragle, and Virgil explore the house hidden deep in the woods near Seattle. Discovering the deadly art of Aramastus.
May 18, 2019
58 min

Harper, Madame Elaine, Gragle, and Virgil track the marble back to a house deep in the woods. As they begin to explore, they uncover more than they bargained for.
Mar 25, 2019
52 min

The group follows their nose to a crypt and discover a secret about their employer Litha Grimm. But before they can decide on their next move, they are interrupted by a guest to the graveyard.
Feb 28, 2019
25 min
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