I had the honor of interviewing New Jersey Green Party District 11 General Assembly Candidate Dominique Faison.
To volunteer for and/or to donate to Dominique's campaign, kindly visit her Facebook page @Faison4NJ11.
Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/longlivethirdparties/support
Jul 15, 2021
16 min

I had the honor of interviewing the New Jersey Libertarian Party's Gubernatorial Candidate Gregg Mele.
Gregg recommends the following podcasts:
The Sharpe Way Show with Larry Sharpe: https://anchor.fm/sharpe-way
Radical with Shane Hazel: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/radical/id1508768080
Gregg recommends the book Anatomy of the State by Murray Rothbard: https://mises.org/library/anatomy-state
To volunteer for or donate to Gregg's campaign, kindly visit his campaign website: https://www.meleforgovernor.com.
Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/longlivethirdparties/support
Jul 13, 2021
27 min

I had the honor of interviewing Nickolas Wildstar, California Gubernatorial Candidate. Nickolas Wildstar has run as a Write In Independent, as a Libertarian Party Candidate, and now as a Ron Paul Republican.
Kindly watch Nickolas Wildstar's YouTube show "The Black Side of Liberty" at https://www.youtube.com/user/qbigga
Kindly visit his campaign's site https://wildstar2022.com to volunteer and/or donate.
Kindly check his social media accounts out:
Facebook: @wildstar2022
Instagram: @governorwildstar
Twitter: @therealqball
Tiktok: @governorwildstar
Clubhouse: @nickolaswildstar
Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/longlivethirdparties/support
Jul 8, 2021
40 min

I had the honor of interviewing the Michigan Green Party's Jean-Michel Creviere, who is running for U.S. Congress, 2nd District.
He recommends the Bryan Ferry album Live at Royal Albert Hall: https://store.bryanferry.com/product/74451
To help his campaign, visit his website at https://creviere4congress.mobirisesite.com/ and send him an email and/or promote his campaign via word of mouth.
Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/longlivethirdparties/support
Jul 6, 2021
12 min

I had the honor of interviewing New Jersey Green Party's Hawthorne, New Jersey Town Council Candidate Craig Cayetano. To support Craig's campaign, kindly visit: Website: https://www.cayetano4council.com/ Instagram: @cayetano4council Twitter: @Green4Hawthorne Facebook: @cayetano4council Kindly visit the organization of which he is one of the co-founding members, Voter Choice, "a non-partisan advocacy group": https://www.voterchoicenj.org
Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/longlivethirdparties/support
Jul 1, 2021
33 min

I had the honor of interviewing the Indiana Green Party's Jacob Bailey, who is running for U.S. Congress, 9th District.
To support his campaign:
Kindly visit his YouTube JacobBailey4Congress at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLUj7geNeWcImwca-4D69Sg
Kindly visit his Indiana Green Party page at https://www.greenpartyin.com/run-for-office/our-candidates/jacob-bailey
Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/longlivethirdparties/support
Jun 29, 2021
15 min

I had the honor of interviewing the Pennsylvania Green Party's Connor Mulvaney, who is running for Pittsburgh City Council District 4.
Connor recommends the following books:
James Connolly. Collected Works (Two Volumes) by James Connolly
The Complete History of Cross-Country Running: From the Nineteenth Century to the Present Day by Andrew Boyd Hutchinson
Raceball: How the Major Leagues Colonized the Black and Latin Game by Rob Ruck
Connor recommends the following podcast:
The Edge of Sports: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/edge-of-sports/id280938935
To donate to Connor's campaign, kindly visit: https://www.connor4pgh.com/donate
To volunteer for Connor's campaign, kindly visit: https://www.connor4pgh.com/get-involved
Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/longlivethirdparties/support
Jun 24, 2021
36 min

I read this case on https://scholar.google.com and discuss its ramifications here.
Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/longlivethirdparties/support
Jun 22, 2021
5 min

I read this case on https://scholar.google.com and discuss its ramifications here.
Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/longlivethirdparties/support
Jun 17, 2021
9 min

I had the honor of interviewing the Libertarian Party of Virginia's Charles West, who is running for the 91st District.
of the Virginia House of Delegates.
Charles recommends reading books by
Ayn Rand
Milton Friedman
Kindly visit https://west2021.org/contact-us-and-volunteer/ to volunteer for his campaign.
Kindly visit https://west2021.org/donate-to-our-cause/ to donate to his campaign.
Charles recommends visiting https://lpvirginia.org to find a Libertarian Party of Virginia affiliate in your area or
to start your own affiliate if one isn't already in your area.
Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/longlivethirdparties/support
Jun 15, 2021
13 min
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