Jim Mundorf speaking at the Black Hills Stock Show Cattlemens Seminar. Here he breaks down the lie of cattle destroying the planet. He explains how the cattle industry has agreed to this lie and how the independent farmers and ranchers are the last link in the supply chain left to stand up for the truth. Support Lonesome Lands:https://www.lonesomelands.com/subscribe https://www.facebook.com/lonesomelands Twitter Instagram
Feb 8
35 min
The New York Stock Exchange and the SEC are trying to creart a new market for a whole new type of company called a Natural Asset Company, or NAC. Margaret Byfield of American Stewards of Liberty explains how investors in these companies would be able to control both public and privately owned land. She explains how the value of the company comes from how, "sustainably" the land is managed, giving investors the ability to stop agricultural production. She also talks about how this could allow foriegn investors to control American land, including our National Parks. Submit a comment on the NAC rule: https://www.sec.gov/rules/sro/sr-nyse-2023-09 American Stewards of Liberty's NAC information: https://americanstewards.us/natural-asset-companies/ Support Lonesome Lands: https://www.lonesomelands.com/subscribe
Jan 12
54 min
Everytime cattle are sold $1 per head is taken out of the cattle producers check. This money is supposed to fund a program that develops markets for cattle and beef, but the money has been hijacked by lobbiest groups. These groups use the money to advance the interests of their corporate clients while working against the cattle producers who are forced to fund the program. In this episode Jim explains how the program works and what can be done to fix it.
Jul 13, 2023
51 min
Jim Mundorf indtroduces the Lonesome Lands podcast. He talks about the last 6 years of Lonesome Lands, and what he hopes for this podcast to be. He also talks about his life in agriculture, the words that inspred him, the current threats to small farms and ranches, and if we are living through the tragic end of American Agriculture as we know it. For more go to https://www.lonesomelands.com
Jun 14, 2023
41 min