Living Full Out Show
Living Full Out Show
Nancy Solari - Living Full Out
Learn How Being Resilient In Life Can Guide You In Living Full Out
52 minutes Posted Nov 19, 2022 at 10:00 am.
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Episode: 2022.8.43

The Living Full Out show with Nancy Solari encourages you to overcome hurdles in your life by remaining resilient. Have you been going through difficult moments and lack the motivation to push past them? Looking forward to where you want to be in life can assist you in staying determined.

Our first caller, Lewis wonders how he can eliminate some of his daily stress as he balances time as a college student. Nancy advised him to prioritize his tasks and seek out assistance from those around him. Constantly feeling like you’re on a time crunch and stretched in multiple directions can take a toll on your well-being, both physically and mentally. Listen in to discover how you can remain resilient by having the courage to lean on others and being honest when you feel overwhelmed.

Our inspirational guest Shayla Logan remained resilient as she faced various hard times in life. Shayla was adopted at the age of four after being given up at birth. As early as seven years old her abusive mom tasked her with the overwhelming responsibility of caring for her father who was dying from prostate cancer. Being forced into therapy by her mother would eventually lead to Shayla being rescued by a social worker. Slipping into a two-week coma at nineteen, after attempting to take her life by overdosing on pills, Shayla awoke with a new lease on life. After marrying her partner and getting into a career she loved, life took a turn for the worse. Enduring a motorcycle accident that left her unable to walk and heavily dependent on others led her to be hospitalized for suicidal idealization. It was during a conversation with a fellow patient that she began to accept her new reality. Despite her challenging circumstances, she found innovative ways to continue her passions. Tune in to hear how Shayla has been resilient in overcoming the obstacles that she’s faced.

Perhaps you’ve experienced barriers in your life that seemed overpowering. When you feel like the obstacles in your path are too much to handle, remember that life is constantly developing. The situation you’re in now will change and being resilient in the face of challenges can push you forward to living full out.